
Time goes on

Hesperus sits there gobsmacked at what his brother just said.

"How are you even alive if you can turn a blind eye to all the beauty around you every day?" He says teasingly to Helios.

"It's simple I have a brain unlike you" is his reply joking with his twin like always. Helios gets up and leaves the table heading out to his waiting carriage. Once he is in the carriage the coachman heads to the next kingdom over. Being told beforehand where they would be going there was no need to repeat it.

Helios sits at the table and as he eats his breakfast starts to think about the lady he wishes to court. I want to bed here but is that all I want from her? She is the first woman to make me work for it, its exciting. Is that all this is, the thrill of the chase? I haven't had this thrill in so long. Do I really want one woman for the rest of my life? I am sure she will be mad if I keep sleeping around while trying to court her. He thinks to himself while sitting and eating in a daze.

Meanwhile Oneiroi keeps working on strengthening his magic to hold complex spells longer. The more magic he uses the more blood and flesh he must consume. His stock is running low so he sends his scouts to find more people for his food source. He only wanted people from the streets they wouldn't be missed or noticed so he could live under the radar. After they are sent out he goes and picks his next meal from the stock. Once he drinks the blood he takes to body to the kitchen to have the body cooked to eat. As he sits at the table waiting to be served he thinks on things to come. What is she going to think when she sees what I am and what I have to eat to survive? Will she love me for me or the human face she has seen? How will I break the news to her? What is the best way to tell her the truth? I love her so much and she needs to be loved and worshiped. How can people treat her so poorly? She is so lovely all other beauty pales in comparison. I wonder if they forget her and treat her poorly because they are envious of her beauty. He sits and thinks to himself in his own world he almost doesn't notice when his meal is placed in front of him. The smell of the food pulls him from his thoughts and he eats as the thoughts keep going round and round in his head.

Amora finishes brushing her hair and put braids on either side of her head starting at her temples, then pulled to the back of her head and clasped with a golden hair clip that looks like an emerald flower. She gets up and heads down to eat a light breakfast, that is if the staff will even notice her to serve her. Most days she has to sneak into the kitchen and grab some bread and butter to eat without getting caught in the kitchen. Entering the dining room she sees that her brother Hesperus is still here eating. It looks as if he is in deep thought and may not even notice her entering the room. Amora is surprised when a plate of eggs and sausage with some bread is placed in front of her. She looks up to see the maid that had slept with her brother the night before. She must feel sorry for me because she now knows that she too will be forgotten by him as well. Amora smiles at her sweetly knowing that this maids time here will now be lonely if she can even handle staying as Hesperus will now not even give her a second look. He almost never sees the same maid twice and most quiet if they don't kill themselves. Being forgotten and treated as if you do not exist is not an easy thing to live with. Amora has been living it for years now so she has just gotten used to doing things alone. She finishes her food in silence and once she is done she leaves and heads to where the woods meet the edge of the castle grounds. For the first time she chooses to venture into the woods.

Hesperus slowly eats his food as he is lost in thought. Does he really want to change his ways or not? He can't seem to make up his mind on whether he wants to be with one and only one for the rest of his life. He thinks it must just be the fact that she rejects him that makes him want her so. He finishes his food and leaves the dining room he heads out and gets a coachman and a carriage ready to go and see the woman he wants to court. He feels he needs to talk to her to get to know her and understand why she rejects him so. He tells the coachman where he is headed and they head out. He is almost worried of the answer he will get as he is really not sure he wants to change who he is if that is what she hopes to gain from this. But for the first time he truly wants to get to know someone.

King Phosphorus and queen Achelios where planning the upcoming wedding of their son Helios. Knowing Helios personality they wanted to keep it simple but elegant. The queen was planing color scheme and flowers. While the king was thinking of guests and location.

"My dearest husband do you truly think Hesperus will change his ways and be with the lady from the ball?" The queen asks her husband

"My dear I am unsure, he has always been a bit of a free spirit. I think right now it is the thrill of a challenge because most of the ladies just throw themselves at him he has never had someone tell him no." Is his reply even though his face is stern you can hear his concern in his voice.

"I hope she can change him for the better he needs to understand love not just lust. Now if we could just get Amora to come out of her shell a little bit" the queen says her voice filled with worry for her daughter.