
The Ball

Amora looks up at Oneiroi she wonders what is going through his head. Why has he chosen me out of all the other lovely ladies to dance with not that I am complaining. She thinks as she looks up into his blue eyes.

"Oneiroi how come I have never seen at one of these balls before? I mean this isn't the first one we have ever had" Amora says, quickly realizing how rude she sounded and rambling off a random fact to cover her embarrassment.

"I live in an old kingdom and they tend to forget we even exist as its been a long time since anyone has left the kingdom" he answers with a polite smile. He doesn't want to tell her it is because of her that he has chosen to venture away from his home. Or that she is the reason he took on human form after years of living in his true form. Will she be accepting of my form once she knows what I am or will run away screaming. Amora's smile warms his heart and he wants to believe she will stay by his side.

"I know what it is like to be forgotten myself" she says as looks down with a sad smile on her face. How could anyone forget such a beauty.

"That can not be true, you are so beautiful how could anyone not be captivated by it?" Oneiroi says with conviction in his voice as he only speaks what's in his heart. Shocked by what he just said Amora was speechless. They danced for what seemed like forever even though it was effortless with Oneiroi.

"Shall we take a break there is a balcony right there we can look out over the kingdom" she says as she points to the balcony just the left of them.

"Sure that sounds wonderful" he replies and let's her lead the way. He noticed that she is in fact right no one even noticed she was dancing or that she now heads out on the balcony. Helios is dancing away with a lovely woman and all eyes are on him until Hesperus finally finds a woman who challenges him. She doesn't buy his cheap words of flattery but agrees to dance anyways. Oneiroi watches as everyone is drawn to watching the twins dance not once thinking of the princess. Is it truly possible that she really does understand the loneliness of being forgotten. I have been forgotten for centuries until I felt her presence. Turning and watching her walk to the edge of the balcony vowing to never forget her ever. He follows her to the edge to overlook the kingdom.

"What a view this is thank you for sharing it with me" He says walking up beside her and looking out over the kingdom.

"It really is a nice view thank you for joining me, I never really get to share it with anyone" Amora says smiling. Looking out over the kingdom she can't help but wonder what it is he sees in her that everyone else ignores. They stand there in silence perfectly at ease with each other never feeling like they have to fill the silence. I think she is my soulmate, I have never felt so at ease with any other human in my long life Oneiroi thinks to himself as he glances at the princess out of the corner of his eye.

"So you said you came from an old kingdom that is often forgotten do you mind telling me about it?" Amora asks as she wants to learn more about this mysterious stranger that seems so familiar somehow.

"It is the kingdom of Argos many have forgotten it over time as it is small but one of the oldest kingdoms in the land. It is surrounded by rolling hills of green it is just on the southern side of the fairy realm." Oneiroi says a bit shocked the remembered what he said over an hour ago. She did not ask when I first said anything most people would have wanted a more indepth answer then what I gave her then.

"It sounds lovely, do you think I could see it one day?" Amora asks with an ear to ear smile on her face so hopeful that he will show her. She holds her breath waiting for his answer she is afraid he is simply just being nice as she is the princess.

"It would be my pleasure to show you my kingdom some day, if you should ever make your way there I will show you around myself" He says smiling sweetly at her. Why does she pull such emotions out of me? He thinks to himself, he has been asleep for so long he has almost forgotten what emotion is. The clock tower chimes midnight, the ball is coming to a close Amora and Oneiroi head back inside. Helios and Hesperus are standing in the middle of the room making an announcement to everyone.

"I would like to say thank you to everyone who showed up tonight, I also would like to say this lovely lady next to me has agreed to become my bride." Helios is the first of the brothers to address the ballroom full of guest.

"I as well would like to say thanks to all of you for joining us this evening." Hesperus says as he gets down on one knee and looks up at the lady he had been dancing with. "My fair maiden I have fallen head over heels in love with you, as you present me with a challenge you do not buy into my flattery and it intrigues me greatly. Will you do me the honor of letting me court you so that one day you may do me the honor of being my bride."

"Oh, this is so unexpected but if you are truly in love with me then yes" the maiden says to Hesperus, smiling and tears falling down her cheeks. The ballroom cheered for the couples and then started to say their goodbyes. The families of the ladies stayed to talk things over with the king and queen.