
Stay awake

" Try harder... Try to open Your eyes... Even the smallest movement will be enough..." - Joona was thinking this every moment of her life. But nothing happened... She couldn't do it. Even if she tried million times, her body wasn't listening.

Three months ago, she was happy and lively like never before in her life. She had everything - good health, great career, lot of friends and love of amazing guy. But it changed in a few seconds.

That day, she was walking in the park with her dog North. It was winter, and there was a lot of snow. North was playing in the snowdrifts, and she sat on the bench across the frozen pond. She liked to watch, how winter is changing everything around.

Suddenly her phone rang. The news she heard from her older brother were unpleasant. He said, that her boyfriend is cheating on her. This news were unreal for Joona, but her brother has never lied to her before. She had to now the truth, and only way she thought, to know it for sure, was asking her boyfriend Dan directly.

She called North, took him with her to the parking lot, where she left her car, and drove directly to Dan's house.

Joona couldn't predict, that she won't even have a chance to ask him about his affair. She just saw right away, what is going on... Dan was kissing passionately another girl at the front gate of his house.

Joona was so mad, that she got out from the car immediately, pushed them away from each other, and slapped Dan with all her strenght.

She didn't say a word. She just turned around, got into the car, and drove ahead. She was speeding through the highway, and didn't even realize where she was going. The last thing she remembered was that she was going through the tunnel and lost control of the weel. She smashed her car on the tunnels barrier. She heard her own scream and fell into darkness.

Now she is lying in the hospital, not able to move or talk. She do not know, how long she is here. She hears everything what is happening around, but can't respond. All she sees is darkness...

"Try harder... Open Your eyes... " - she repeat to herself every day.