
please reset the booktitle Anta_Esterlin 20231218092329 50

A 21st-century queen of mercenaries found herself thrust into the forsaken body of a tragically betrayed individual. But she refused to conform to their expectations of worthlessness. Armed with the Ancient Manual, she would defy all the contemptible men and deceitful women, leaving them astounded in her wake. However, there was a perplexing twist. Despite being labeled as a feared and wicked woman, why did the enigmatic and captivating Third Highness show such keen interest in her?

Anta_Esterlin · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Poison scheme

Helian Jiao'er, seated beside Helian Mei, sensed that something was amiss and urgently called out, "Sister, what are you doing? Move quickly!"

Helian Mei tried to react, but she found herself unable to raise her hand, immobilized by an oppressive force surrounding her from all directions.

The winds seemed to press down on her, an inexplicable sensation she couldn't comprehend.

Meanwhile, Helian Weiwei wore a slight smile, raising her collar and projecting a coldness from her eyes. Her clothes billowed in the wind, failing to hide her confidence. She declared, "I, Helian Weiwei, have never been a useless individual, and the Helian family has never raised a waste like you. And now, you have lost!"

With a snap, Helian Mei fell to her knees, her once-neat black hair now a disheveled mess, thoroughly embarrassed.

In just one move, Helian Weiwei defeated a Water Step master at the fourth stage, leaving the audience shocked and the atmosphere silent. Everyone, except for Baili Jia Jue, was left speechless.

Helian Weiwei stood tall on the stone platform, her face calm and composed. There was no hint of pride or arrogance after her victory. Golden sunlight bathed the courtyard as the wind tousled her white clothes and her black hair fluttered in the breeze. At that moment, no one dared to call her "rubbish" anymore.

It was the first time Helian Weiwei had mentioned the Helian family in front of everyone, asserting that both she and the Helian family were still standing strong.

Little did they know that in the near future, Helian Weiwei would demonstrate even more astonishing feats, proving that the Helian family not only endured but could also make a remarkable comeback.

Murong Changfeng, the closest to Helian Weiwei, experienced a range of emotions, transitioning from disdain and disgust to shock. His gaze remained fixed on Helian Weiwei throughout.

In that moment, it felt as if something struck Murong Changfeng's heart. As the referee, he was momentarily stunned by the unfolding scene.

Baili Jia Jue observed the events, toying with his fur cloak, his gaze lowered. The surrounding trees rustled, seemingly responding to his thoughts.

Helian Mei, lying on the ground, stared at Helian Weiwei, who stood tall like the moon and stars. Her face twisted with a mix of malice and unwillingness. She couldn't believe that she had truly lost, yet she couldn't fathom what had transpired either.

In her mind, it must have been some underhanded trick employed by that wicked woman!

"Tricks?" Helian Weiwei sneered, bending down to pick up some leaves at her feet. She played with them in her hand for a moment.

Suddenly, Helian Mei's cheek bore a fresh bloodstain. She stared at Helian Weiwei, her eyes filled with violent agitation.

With a chuckle, Helian Weiwei slapped Helian Mei's face, anger evident in her eyes. Her words shocked the audience, saying, "Remember, it's not that I can't kill you. I just think your blood is too tainted!"

Upon hearing this, Tu Sufeng playfully curled his lips, reminiscing about someone who gained fame with just one move during a battle. That person wasn't even a Water Step martial artist but a Dharma Protector Master from Taibai Academy.

Tu Sufeng's mind wandered, pondering what kind of impact that person would create upon arriving at Taibai Academy this time.

Lost in his thoughts, Tu Sufeng tilted his head slightly and cast a meaningful glance at the cold and peerless figure in the crowd.

Unfazed, Baili Jia Jue remained fixated on his white jade tea cup, playing with it in his hands. Tu Sufeng's lips twitched at the sight. In his eyes, nothing and no one in the world could compare to his coat.

Ten years had passed, and Xiaoice's beloved person had become an icy iceberg, rendering everything quite dull.

Yet, it seemed that the so-called "waste" from the Helian family was not as simple as she appeared.

Helian Mei, sprawled on the ground, glared at Helian Weiwei, whose presence shone brightly like the moon among the stars. Rage brewed within Helian Mei's heart as she contemplated the means this devious woman used to frame her sister, all for the sake of a man.

Disgusted gazes multiplied, as if the girl standing before them was not human but a malevolent being.
