
please reset the booktitle Anta_Esterlin 20231218092329 50

A 21st-century queen of mercenaries found herself thrust into the forsaken body of a tragically betrayed individual. But she refused to conform to their expectations of worthlessness. Armed with the Ancient Manual, she would defy all the contemptible men and deceitful women, leaving them astounded in her wake. However, there was a perplexing twist. Despite being labeled as a feared and wicked woman, why did the enigmatic and captivating Third Highness show such keen interest in her?

Anta_Esterlin · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Bought the ghost temple

Helian Weiwei took advantage of the man's momentary distraction, swiftly twisting her arm like a loach, using the force to try to free herself from his grip. However, the man remained unfazed by her actions and firmly caught her slender waist with his large hand.

Undeterred, Helian Weiwei smiled, anticipating his counterattack. She bent her knee, maintaining her leg's strength and readiness for a swift kick.

Baili Jiajue made a move, his handsome face suddenly turning grave, and his deep, narrow eyes filled with gloom. "You have poison on your hands?" he questioned.

"I wouldn't resort to such a low tactic," Helian Weiwei replied, slightly wavering. The key issue was that she had just kissed him, and now he was going to take her to bed. It seemed too aggressive to her. "Ahem, don't look at me like that," she said, feeling like she was bullying an innocent young boy. Helian Weiwei pondered for a moment and pulled out a silver ticket from her pocket. "Let's settle your business with this," she suggested.

Baili Jiajue's narrowed eyes squinted even further as he caught sight of the silver ticket. His peculiar, captivating eyes seemed to resemble the movements of gorgeous and icy creatures swimming.

A chill ran down Helian Weiwei's spine as she felt a sudden discomfort. She awkwardly added another silver ticket and placed it in his hand. "No more. In modern times, cowards aren't as expensive as you," she remarked, even though she had never heard the term "coward" before, she could guess its meaning.

Good, good!

The man suddenly burst into laughter, his voice filled with recklessness. "You better pray that I don't find you again, otherwise..."

Helian Weiwei shuddered, feeling goosebumps on her back. She didn't pay any further attention to his words and leaped up, swiftly jumping onto a tree branch. Her black hair fluttered in the wind as her clear voice faintly echoed, "Handsome man, our story is far from over."

Baili Jiajue watched her figure grow smaller in the distance, his hands slowly slipping into his cloak. His proud head hung low, and the broken hair on his forehead covered his eyes, revealing only a devilish, enchanting smile. The corners of his mouth curled wantonly, exuding a seductive aura from his sexy profile, brimming with a bohemian charm.

With a wave of his hand, two streams of qi, one yin and one yang, smoothly circulated through his meridians. After a while, the freezing cold feeling in his dantian dissipated, and he exhaled a breath. Opening his eyes, his gaze turned cold and pure, emitting a dangerous aura.

Baili Jiajue lazily raised an eyebrow, casually playing with a flint in his left hand, while clutching the two silver tickets in his right hand. His eyes were filled with frost.

The flint was exquisitely beautiful, entirely black, and had a chilling touch. Its dark green flame gave it a cool vibe, perfect for lighting a cigarette. However, Baili Jiajue used it for a different purpose—to burn money.

The silver ticket caught fire, and Baili Jiajue looked at the ashes remaining in his hand. He chuckled coldly, "Twenty taels, quite a sum."

His voice carried the chill of winter, and his kingly aura caused the temperature in the courtyard to drop.

Twenty taels.

When did the Third Prince of the Battle Dragon Empire become so cheap?

Baili Jiajue raised his eyebrow slightly, blowing off the ashes from his fingertips. At that moment, he appeared like a demon king from the banks of the Forgetfulness River, capable of annihilating in an instant.

Suddenly, a rumbling sound of stones came from a distance!

Nangong Lie, wearing a flowing robe, emerged from behind the stone gate, his thin lips creased with displeasure. "Who dares to place stones at the courtyard gate in such an unsightly manner, forcing this deity to handle it? Hey, Jue, quickly come and see if my clothes are dirty!" he complained.

Baili Jiajue glanced sideways, his gaze slowly sweeping over him.

That look was icy!

Combined with his blowing action, it became indescribably terrifying.

Nangong Lie's scalp tingled, and he swallowed nervously. "What's the matter?" he asked. "No one should be foolish enough to provoke this Yan Luo in this courtyard. Whom is Ajue directing his murderous gaze at? Him?"

At that moment, the shadow that had gone to prepare the room returned, landing on one knee. "Master..."

"Go find her for me," Baili Jiajue commanded, throwing his cloak over his shoulder. His black hair cascaded fiercely, giving him an overwhelming presence.

Sensing that something was amiss, the shadow immediately lowered his head, not daring to utter a word apart from "yes."

However, there were some who feared nothing, like Nangong Lie, the carefree man.

Nangong Lie placed his hand on Baili Jiajue's shoulder mischievously. "Alright, don't be upset. Let me tell you some good news: that kitten is also on the admission list..."

Upon hearing the term "kitten," the shadow's body trembled heavily.

Great High Priest, I beg you, please don't mention that woman again. The master might truly kill you for reminding him!

As expected, Baili Jiajue ceased his movement and slowly raised his head. With considerable effort, he uttered, "That kitten?"

"It's the eldest daughter of the Helian family!" Nangong Lie exclaimed, his interest piqued. He hadn't taken a close look earlier, but now, from a closer distance, he could see it clearly... "Ajue, what's wrong with your lips? It looks like someone bit them. Hahaha, it's quite amusing. Even women won't get close to you, and yet your lips are injured. Hahaha..."

Nangong Lie clutched his stomach, finding it difficult to control his laughter.

But gradually...

His laughter died down, not for any other reason, but because of the golden knife right in front of him.

Nangong Lie glanced at the shadow, whose eyes were squinting, and then at Baili Jiajue's handsome face, which appeared to be smiling. His mouth opened wide in realization. "It can't be," he gasped. "I got it! Someone has actually..."

"If you dare say that word, the main temple will execute you," Baili Jiajue interrupted slowly, his chin raised with a cold and proud curve.

Nangong Lie cleared his throat twice and spoke with the tone of someone who had seen through it all. "Jue, you don't need to worry too much about this matter. It's normal for men to go through such experiences... However, I am genuinely curious. Who is audacious enough to take advantage of you? I must meet this capable person, it's quite an achievement!"

"What do you think?" Baili Jiajue withdrew his hand slowly, and astonishingly, the golden knife transformed into a golden light, finally dissolving into the twilight glow.

Quick-witted as he was, Nangong Lie became excited after pondering for a while. "Is it that kitten again?" he asked eagerly. "What happened to her? Where is she?"

"You can go and ask them," Baili Jiajue pointed to the remaining ashes of the silver ticket, his expression turning cold.

Money? Nangong Lie squatted down with a strange expression. "What's going on?"
