
please reset the booktitle Almighty_flex 20231218092329 57

Yin Shen’s name is God. He never thought that one day he would really become a god. author: Blowing in history ( everything belong to him and him alone, I just distribute his work because I love them.) also after reading please review it will help and for dose who follow my books sorry for not posting for so long.

Almighty_flex · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Chapter 6: : Race and King

   In the warm seawater nest, the trilobite's eggs began to hatch.

   They didn't have a human form at the beginning, they were more like a bug than a human.

   But as they grow up in the ocean, the transparent beetle has a little bit of color, and it is no longer transparent and harder.

   They survive by preying on insects and ancient creatures near the sea. They have no natural enemies.

   A few years later, they began to have human form.

   At this time, they heard the voice of a person in their minds, the voice of the origin of their wisdom and consciousness, the ancestor whose blood traced back.


   "Come to me."

"come back!"

   Under a powerful summoning power, the people of San Ye climbed up from the bottom of the sea to the coast one by one.

   They gathered under the feet of the pyramid stone, curiously observing everything around them, looking up at the temple of God.

   A person who looks exactly like them is standing on the steps of the pyramid facing the sea.

  Ledericky greeted them at the bottom of the stairs. It was he who sent the signal to call these lives. He stretched out his hand and smiled. He was really happy.

   There is a special female trilobite in the crowd. Her armor is white, which is different from the others.

   is therefore very special and was noticed by Ledericky.

   Ledniche was taken aback for a moment, and then there was waves in his heart. He didn't understand what it was, and he didn't even know that there was an emotion called liking.

   In front of the magnificent and majestic palace, Yin Shen is also watching the first batch of Sanye people go ashore.

   "San Yeren?"


   "If you call it a human, you can't get rid of the habit of bugs in the end."

   "Although it has a human form, it can live on land and sea at the same time, but it still can't get rid of the shackles of the sea."

   "It needs to reproduce in the ocean. It is still oviparous and can only survive offshore."

   He looked at the barren ground behind him, like the surface of Mars.

   This is true on islands, not to mention on land.

  In such ancient times, only the ocean can hold life.

   Life is difficult to transform nature, only adapt to nature.

   Fusion Monster Sally stood by the pillars of the temple and looked down at the newly born weak bugs. Even if it was just a harmless visit, it made all the Sanye people feel the horror from the depths of the blood and the cold in the bones.

   is even more daunting than the icy deep sea ditch that can't see the sun.

   San Ye people can't see Yin Shen, they can only look at the mythological creatures fusion monster in fear.

   Even if the other party still maintains a human form, petite and exquisite, they can feel what a terrible monster is hiding under the skin.

  Under Sally's gaze, they trembled and knelt down involuntarily.

   Finally, he lay down limply under the pyramid, whimpering and whispering in his mouth.




   The Ledley base station is under the pyramid, and he is looking up at the high place with the eyes of many trilobites.

   "That is the temple."

   "And Sally, the messenger of God."

   These newborn lives do not know what is and do not understand the messenger of God.

   But they can understand, the supreme being lives there.

  Ledericky turned around and raised his hands to all the Sanye.

   The tide rolled up and eroded the coast, and an irresistible force overwhelmed their will, directly lifting them from the ground and making them stand up straight again.

   "Get up!"

   "Don't be afraid."

   "Because you are God's people, God's believers, and the chosen eldest son of God."

   "Apart from gods in this world, there is nothing worthy of your fear and admiration."

   Ledniche he looked down on the Fusion Monster Sally, or he had never put the Fusion Monster in his eyes. From the beginning, he could tell by letting the Fusion Monster build a pyramid at will.

   He considers himself the eldest son of God.

   And the Fusion Monster is just the servant of the god, he is the substitute of the god.

  The communication between Ledniche and the Sanyeren is not so much through voice communication, as it is more like directly branding what you want to say in the other's mind through will.

   Yin Shen noticed this scene.

   As expected, Ledniche's power is not just about having wisdom.

   It was only when his race appeared that it fully demonstrated the power of this power.

   He can summon all the trilobites, can control all the trilobites, and can also transfer his own thoughts into each trilobite's body.

   No one can defy his will.

   In other words, he can control all the intelligent life in this world today.

This is the power of Ledniche, the power of wisdom and consciousness.

  The power of the ancestor originated from the bloodline that made these trilobites admire looking at Ledericky, with infinite enthusiasm in their eyes.

   That look.

   It's like Ledrich watching Yin Shen.

  Ledniche raised his hand and shouted: "From today on, we will be the masters of the earth and the ocean, and the chosen family of the gods who control the world for the gods."

   "And I am your king-Ledrich."

   All the Sanye people followed and yelled frantically, shouting out of tune and hoarse syllables in anger.



   Yin Shen is the creator of Ledrich, the **** who bestows wisdom on him.

   And Ledrich is their creator, the supreme king who bestows their lives.


  Ledericki took them to the valley behind the pyramids, dug one after another in the rock wall, and at the same time built a city with the excavated stones.

   As Yin Shen said, he founded his own city and country in the wild.

   These caves are connected to the bottom of the sea. In addition to having a city in the valley, going through the cave to the bottom of the sea, there is also a city there.

   They live on the island and worship gods.

   prey in the sea, and breed in the sea.

   It seems that it has become the place where Nuwa created human beings in myths and legends, the Garden of Eden of God.

   This small island, insignificant to the earth, has become the beginning of intelligent life, a paradise that does not belong to human beings.

   Finally, Ledericky finally has a family.

   He made the female trilobite with a white bone helmet and outer armor his queen, and naturally gave birth to his first child.

   Ledlicky, who has a child, took his child up the pyramid with ecstasy and eagerly the moment he climbed to the ground from the sea.

   Two people, one large and one small, walked to a high place step by step, and finally knelt before they came to the temple.

   He whispered to his child, "Look!"

   "God is watching you there!"

   However, his child looked at the temple with a blank face, except for the huge statue and stone platform, he saw nothing.

   "There is nothing there? Only some stones."

   Ledniche felt cold all over, watching his children reveal incredible and endless disappointment in their eyes.

   There is sadness and loss in the pupils.

   and at a loss.

   He understands that his children cannot see God.

   His child does not have the glory of seeing God, and his gift given by God.