
please reset the booktitle ADELABI_ADEBOLA 20231218092329 23

X - Force is about Dr Jake Jaguar who landed on earth to get hold of the Hilux thrown to mother earth, but him landing on earth, what he thinks he will see is not what happened, he has to take hold of what he has put the mortal world to. The landing of Hilux on earth has created a crisis in the mortal world. He has to take control and put himself together and the league together in order to put earth in a better place.

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Chapter 2 ( THE SEARCH PART 2)

What is that Sir

The Hilux

what happened to it sir

The energy I am supposed to get here for it, is not what I am getting.



* * *

Somewhere in Africa (Nigeria (Lagos) in Precise)

Don't you know that Guy.


Ibrahim of course.

Yes what happened to him.

Don't you know, he is so dull that I can't relate.

Stop it, why say such.

Okay watch for yourself.

He left the girl and hit Ibrahim, Ibrahim fell on the ground why a tiny substance entered into him and lost consciousness.

Everybody rushed toward them to see what happened, the guy was shivering like what happened, it was just a little hit.

An ambulance was called and the guy that hit him was taken for questioning.

* * *

America (Kansas City)

Dr. Andrew and his warriors arrive at Xylop Fux, while his sister is waiting for them in the compound.

The vehicle gradually drove in, moving into the garage, while Doctor Sister was looking at the vehicle with her face looking worried.

The doctor and his warriors get down and walk down to her.

I got your message what is up

Follow me

They all went inside to check what was up,

These are all the information and details that I and my squad gather, try looking into it.


James and Lizzy analyze that information

Junior and Rihanna try going through nature

Yes Boss.

Rihanna let me move, I got some games to play with nature

she smiles, okay naughty you.

Lizzy brings out a gadget to vital her information, while James is studying the research Doctor sister has on the system.

meanwhile Junior and Rihanna are using their powers to scan mother earth.

Few Minutes later

Junior and Rihanna enter the building to meet the others to let them know what they found out.

James removes his hand from the system and turns the chair toward the doctor.

What happened

Sir what...

Hold on

Okay sir

what happened Junior

sir what occurs on earth is different but similar

James interrupt, yes Sir

What did you guys find James.

Seems the power was distributed

Don't get

Rihanna interrupts, yes sir when we scan mother earth, eight power sources enter earth.

yes doc and also a powerful source like the one that enters earth also passes through earth but did not enter earth and can't relate about that.

Okay now I get it, can you locate where those powers landed Big Sis?

Yes! But we have to move outside earth to get it all .

Okay no problem tonight.

Can she do it?

Lizzy smiled and looked at Rihanna and said yes

She is P.P.F

Don't get you.

Past, Present and Future Junior said.

Junior, you know that.


But what does it mean, still don't get

she can see the past, present and future but she must not abuse it.

You Don't mean it

But what is his sister's name

Doctor overheard their discussion

oh my bad I didn't introduce you guys to her

Okay! This is Jerry Maya

is it Jeremiah, said Junior

They all laugh

Don't bother, just call her Maya in short


* * *

Keytom Planet

Gen Oux was frustrated and annoyed while he was trying to break the bond that the Doctor cast.

Sir let us calm down to know what is next to do

He turned to Aluta with is eye red and on fire,

(He shouted at Aluta) Keep quiet (while wind pitch her off)

All is armies bow down to him terrifying.

I know what to do let us all retreat now I will reign over keytom and no one can stop me.

Yes Boss! Methussa responded as Aluta moved toward them with her head down.

* * *

Maya and Doctor with Rihanna and two of Maya loyal guard went outside the building to move to space to check what really occurred.

Hold yourself said Maya.

They all hold themselves, before they blink their eyes, they are already outside earth right in space.

Maya told them to move back why she started activating her power to know what really happened.

They are all seeing the view.

What is that Doctor said Maya

Try zooming it Maya, she did


What happened?

what is that coming in force



Pointing it out for them

Maya turned the view toward the location the doctor pointed.

Oh shit

that is what happened to the lux

Yes, let's go back, we are done here.

We are through here, Let us go and find out those the Hilux choose.

They all went back to earth

* * *

They all appear on earth

What happened?

Were you able to get the source?

Rihanna turn her head as she responds

No, but the source makes its own choice.

Everybody gathers up right now, you all need to be observant and watch every where not just that we are dividing you guys to every where on earth we think the Hilux got separated and make it own choice, you warriors will move to your destination and send every details and report you were able to gather up, to know what really happened to the chosen saviors.

They all respond. Yes sir!!!

They were all divided and moved to their destination for the search.

* * *

The Search Begins.

it takes days, weeks, Months and years before they were able to get and achieve a report.

James gives a call to Xylop Fux

Who is on the line

Is James sir.

Put the call on speaker

Yes Boss

What is up James

Something occurred two years ago in Africa, I think is Hilux

where in Africa and send me the details of your findings.

Yes sir, it occurred on the west side of Africa Nigeria Lagos.

Have sent the details already.

Raymond checks what he sends.

And James we got some reports from others too I think we have found Five among the people we are looking for.

Really that is good news sir.

We will track them from here and look at what to do.

* * *

Dr. Andrew walks down to his sister's office to update her.

Maya we got five from the people we are searching for.

Wow ! that is good news


These are their details