
please reset the booktitle Abraham_Alice 20231218092329 33

Abraham_Alice · Fantasy
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ALICE POV: Uncle Murphy made all the necessary preparations for us to start school on Monday. We were to go to the New York City High. He forged birth certificates for us, and other important documents and files. On Saturday evening he called the both of us for the meeting.

MURPHY: All necessary preparations have been made for you to start school on Monday. (Annabelle and I smiled). But there are things you must and must not do.

ALICE: Anything uncle Murphy.

MURPHY: First thing first, no one must know you guys are Wolves. You're humans, that is what everyone must know.


MURPHY: Secondly, you must learn from other Wolves discretely, the both of you.

ANNABELLE and ALICE: No problem Sir.

MURPHY: Thirdly, Alice, you are my daughter, Annabelle, you are my step daughter, understood?


MURPHY: Alice, you should also use this opportunity to find your pack, you already have one member. My step daughter here (Annabelle smiles), so complete the pack.

ALICE: Yes Sir

MURPHY: And lastly, Benjie will be coming home tomorrow.

ANNABELLE and ALICE: (Excitedly) Really?

MURPHY: (Smiles) Yeah, he'll be taking you to school Monday, I'll be busy, so I won't be able to go with you.

ANNABELLE:(Excitedly) No problem, as long as Benjie is coming with us.

MURPHY: Okay then, that'll be all. Make sure you girls stay out of trouble. (Annabelle and I nods) I'll be going to my study now (Uncle Murphy leaves, while Annabelle and I went to my room. When we entered the room, we both jumped on the bed excitedly).

ALICE: Annabelle, there's something I've been wondering.

ANNABELLE: What is it?

ALICE: In highschool, there are cool kids, smart and quiet kids, and slayers. What should we be?

ANNABELLE: Ummm, we're daughters of the great Murphy Adams (Smiles) let's slay

ALICE:(Smiles back) Yeah, let's slay.

ANNABELLE and ALICE: Ordering time (They both took their phones out and started ordering things online).


AUTHOR POV: The next day which is a Sunday, the family did their prayers, early in the morning. They were a Christian family, even if they are Wolves. Everyone was waiting eagerly for Benjamin's return, he has been gone for eight months now. So everyone was excited to welcome him back home. Mrs Mackenzie went to the supermarket immediately after the morning prayer, she wants to cook his favorite meals. Uncle Murphy made several calls to make sure his son arrives the Country with ease and no stress. He knows how his son has been working nonstop since he left the Country. He has never stayed away from home this long. They are all excited to see how he's turned out to be. Alice and Annabelle helped clean his room, his room has been locked up for the past eight months, so it was dusty.

12:55pm they got a call that he has entered New York City, Alice and Annabelle couldn't hold their excitement, they quickly ran to the kitchen to assist Mrs Mackenzie, because she was preparing a feast. 1:50pm a knock was heard on the door, Alice quickly ran to open the door.

ALICE: Ah.....(she screams excited, then Annabelle ran to the door and joined in the screaming)

BENJAMIN:(Laughs) Alice, Annabelle (They both hugged him so tight) Guys (he said struggling) I can't breathe (Then they released him).

MURPHY:(Laughs) You girls should let him come in, at least kill him inside the house (laughs again, then Benjamin walked to him and hugged him) Welcome back Benjie.

BENJAMIN:(Smiles) Thanks dad(he walks to Mackenzie)

MACKENZIE:(Smiles) Benjamin (she called with wet eyes).

BENJAMIN:(Smiles) Come on Kenzie (he said then hugged her).

MACKENZIE: It's been so long someone called me that. (She releases herself from his hug, then looked at him from head to toe) Oh my, you look super handsome.

ALICE: Yeah, he gets more handsome Everytime he returns.

ANNABELLE: Are you really going for work or vacation, you look like your handsomeness increased to 50%(Benjamin smiles)

MURPHY:(Smiles) What do you expect, when he has a father with such a face(he points to his face).

BENJAMIN:(Smiles) I've missed you guys so much.

MACKENZIE: You must be hungry, I made your favorite meals.

BENJAMIN:(Smiles widely) Really?(she nods) I love you Kenzie (Mackenzie smiles)


(Everyone sat down eating Mrs Mackenzie's delicious delicacy).

BENJAMIN: This is always the best, thank you Kenzie.

MACKENZIE:(Smiles) Anytime Benjie.

BENJAMIN: So dad finally let you go to highschool. (He said to Alice).

ALICE:(Smiles) Yeah.

BENJAMIN:(Smiles) I'm proud of your decision dad(Murphy smiles).

MURPHY: You'll be in charge of the transaction, I have a meeting with the mayor tomorrow. (He said to Benjamin). I also have rules I want them to follow, I'll discuss with you guys this evening. You good with that?

BENJAMIN: Yeah dad. (To the girls) I bought some clothes for you girls.

ANNABELLE:(Excitedly) Really?

ALICE: We haven't even wear the ones you bought the last time.

BENJAMIN: Clothes are never enough, by the way, you girls will be going to school, you need to look good(Alice and Annabelle smiles)

ALICE: You're the best. (They had their meals and chatted on with it).