

▪David pov▪

As my family finally left, I turned to look at my bestfriend.

"Why am I getting a weird feeling that you'd been planning this for a long time?" I saked with a sceptical look.

"I'm a really good actor, from what I've heard." He remarked, a proud grin on his face. And then in a mocking tone he said, "And you should be greatful you even have me here with you, or you would have to see your beloved Cordelia."

"What do you mean?" I said, my expression hardening.

"She came by a few hours ago, before you woke up, telling me to leave so that she could be the first person her 'precious boyfriend' would see when he wakes up." He snickered as I mumbled in disgust. " Cant believe she still had the guts to show her face after she cheated on you."

*sigh* I got up and walked to a chair with a shopping bag on it. The bag had a set of clothes inside it. I picked it up and walked into the bathroon. After getting changed, I walked out to find Arthur waiting for me by the door of my ward.

"C'mon, I'll drive you." He said, opening the door for me.

" 'Kay, But I need to ask you something." I said, walking down the hallway towards the private elevator.

"Which is...?" He said, a questioning look in his eyes.

"You were here to help covince my parents and temporarily get rid of Cordelia, what about Pearl?" I asked, my face expressionless.

"I didn't think about that... Hmmm..." He said with a thoughtful look on his face. I pressed the parking lot button and the elavator started moving. Then he said, " I'll explain it to her, all you have to do is act like your deeply inlove with Pearl." He said with a satisfied smirk.

" Okay 'Genius'. What should I call her then?" I asked knowing he was too much of an idiot to uderstand.

"Huh?" He looked as confused as a puppy being told off by its owner.

" If I'm going to act like a love smitten idiot, I should atleast have a nickname for for it to sound convincing." I said, knowing he couldn't come up with any thing good.

"Hmmm....." He hummed lost in thought. the elevator stopped and we both walked silently to where he had parked his car. Then- " 'Goddess'."

Now it was my turn to be confused, "Huh?"

"C'mon David, all you gotta do to make it convincing is just act as if you reunited with your lover after a few years, and as if you called her your goddess when you guys were dating. My explanation will just be like a weak shield, because I don't know how well Pearl will take your sudden personality change."

My head was spinning with how much he was talking. It felt like my head was going to explode with so much nonsense information.

"Okay. Got it. Geez, you don't gotta give a full on presentation for it." I said, pinching the tip af my nose in frustration. "And look we almost walked past the car in your banter."

"Fine, fine. Anyways, let's go, get in." He said opening the door of his Ferrari and getting into the drivers seat.

"Yeah, yeah and what said should work cuz if it doesn't, I swear you'll be in big trouble." I said hopping into the passenger seat.

"Hmmm". He hummed in response.

He started the car, and we drove off.