
First John Smith Phenomenon Report (14/02/2017, Chapter 0-1)

 I'm getting extremely tired of this… Not only is my life on the line, but now a second incident victim has been identified. But I feel that I need to set the initial investigation off first because I think we've already been able to materialize & confirm some facts. This time we did get a closer look at the "vehicle"-like figure seen around the crime scene, and the details seem very sketchy. Some people believe that this is a steam-traction engine, a Model W-31 22hp engine. But after closer observation, we've come up with a more fitting match, but at the cost of the believability of the case. I'm writing this in my journal documentation entries, so this is purely just skepticism & pondering. Some say conspiracy theorizing, but who knows?

 So for instance, what I want to cover is that the vehicle looked nothing like a steam tractor, as it had a centralized electrical lamp, and no steam tractor ever (at least that I know of) ever possessed such a device. But what I also wanted to note was that I've realized that the engine had a headstock, running board, dome & cab. Normally, a steam tractor is based on the material presented, and after interviewing actual steam tractors, it was determined that this "vehicle" cannot be a steam-traction engine. It was sunrise at the time, yet somehow it was still too dark to get a closer look. And what makes no sense at all is that it went down a 7.105% gradient. It won't even have enough horsepower to propel itself (I'm theorizing). Maybe we are running after a tram locomotive… But the issue with that theory was that there were absolutely NO tramways in that neighborhood—well, rather, no tramlines covering that section of the neighbourhood as that incline was too steep. The victim of the second attack was a female, aged 24. Her name was [JANE_SMITH_2331473042], She was last seen on [STREET_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST] at her home, until

 What was presented above was a ripped-up journal entry found in the home of the now deceased chief of police, Thomas. William Crawford Junior, his father & wife, and 4 others. T.W Crawford Jr. shall rest in piece, aged 52, from 1967–2019. It is commonly mistaken that Thomas. William Crawford Jr. died in 2017, but that was because his journal entries now discovered in his home in [STREE_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST] were written back then. However, his journal entries do start to show signs of being heavily warped & distorted, as if his mental state were to have deteriorated. He started showing signs of mental issues starting in mid-2018, when he started questioning people at the police station office to equip themselves with tasers for "in-case that THING breaks into the police station," and in his heavily damaged journal entries, we get to see that he's now starting to interview more land vehicles; he interviewed such things as steam road vehicles, fairground engines, railway vehicles, and he even interviewed a semi-mobile stationary steam-powered generator. It was noted that he listed off strange notes, such as noting their wheelbase distance, their exhaust layout, the distance between their boilers to footplate, etc. Many strange things were noted, but what caught our attention was a note regarding "Nobody's face appears to have been constructed utilizing cardboard with hand-drawn facial expressions.". We even have a photo of one of the "suspects.".