
Please don't make me release my seals Young Master!

[( WPC DEC 2023 - JAN 2024 ENTRY! )] This will be my second book and i'll make sure to focus on this one. There are two MCs in this story (Vesper and Thermes) Both 2 MCs are not a simp and a true chad, also both are overpowered in their own way. There will be face slapping scenes, but not often, the world will expand as the story goes on. I hope you'll spend time reading and make sure to comment your suggestions down below. ~~~~~~~~~ After witnessing the death of the child he took in, Emperor Terrance swore that in his next life he would serve his reincarnation and become his servant. Meanwhile Dester's soul shattered the moment he died and will not be able to reincarnate, but a student from earth who died the same way as Dester managed to occupy his body thus succesfully replacing his soul. As he woke up into this another world he began to take risks and live his life to the fullest. Without knowing that he had a powerful servant who always cleans up after his mess and protect him from the dark. ~~~~~~

TheRustedPen · Fantasy
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Chapter 3: Is he really the duke's son?

"Thermes, you can leave the horse right there. We will walk" Vesper said

"B-but young master, are you really going to the city?" Thermes asked, a trace of anxiousness appeared on his face.

"What's the big deal? Also we're not going to the city nearby, instead we will travel across mountains and rivers to find that city" Vesper said proudly as he looked at his surroundings.

"But-" Thermes wanted to say something but he stopped himself, because there's really no point even if he whines all day, Vesper will not heed his advice.

'Is he really the duke's son?'

'Such recklessness'

The city they were going to find is the "City of Downfall", once a glorious and majestic city of the ancient times, despite being only but a medium sized city they produced countless powerhouses, and the only force that's on par with Terrance Empire on it's prime, they never expanded their territory and interferes with the outside world.

However like the Terrance Empire, City of Downfall also fell into ruin after the calamity descended from the heavens and spent all their resources and manpower to protect their beloved world.

Once was called High Heavens City, but as the wheels of destiny turned against them, they are now labeled as the "City of Downfall".

No one knows how the "High Heavens City" collapsed but many speculated that after they exhausted their manpower and resources they retreated and kept a low-profile.

This rumor was recognized by the world and decided to leave the "High Heavens City" alone.

Naturally, World wars and conflicts within Empires and Dynasties often occur, but as the calamity descended, they were all united and decided to help each other, so no one tries to covet the "City of Downfall".


Falbore City - Near Duke's residence

"Young master we should buy something" Thermes pointed at the nearest General Store he sees.

Vesper shook his head in disagreement "We already have what we need, we just need to find someone, he'll be our guide"

Thermes only sighed and continued to follow Vesper, soon they arrived at the dark narrow alley near the plaza.

"Young Master, this" Thermes looked at Vesper as he tries to reached out his shoulder urging him to stop.

Vesper paid no attention to him, and he began to walk inside, soon they reached the end of the dark alley.

"The one who seeks, shall not what they seek"

Soon a large door appeared in the wall, a large creak sounded as the large door opened.

The large door was coveted with faint light, enough to prevent someone from seeing what's the other side.

Without second thought, Vesper walked inside the door.

Flustered, Thermes hurriedly followed his young master inside.

What appeared next shocked him, he saw many people drinking alchohols and laughing at each other,

It's not the fact that there were many people inside this unknown pub, but the "people" consists of demihumans, dragonkin, bloodkins, and many more.

Different races, all gathered in one place, normally when this happened there will surely be a bloodbath.

But here...They were drinking peacefully and even laughing at each other.

"Young Master, Are you really only the duke's son?" Thermes felt his young suddenly became mysterious in so many ways, and despite having stayed inside the mansion all his life. He still knows many things.

Things that even he don't know about.