
Please don't make me release my seals Young Master!

[( WPC DEC 2023 - JAN 2024 ENTRY! )] This will be my second book and i'll make sure to focus on this one. There are two MCs in this story (Vesper and Thermes) Both 2 MCs are not a simp and a true chad, also both are overpowered in their own way. There will be face slapping scenes, but not often, the world will expand as the story goes on. I hope you'll spend time reading and make sure to comment your suggestions down below. ~~~~~~~~~ After witnessing the death of the child he took in, Emperor Terrance swore that in his next life he would serve his reincarnation and become his servant. Meanwhile Dester's soul shattered the moment he died and will not be able to reincarnate, but a student from earth who died the same way as Dester managed to occupy his body thus succesfully replacing his soul. As he woke up into this another world he began to take risks and live his life to the fullest. Without knowing that he had a powerful servant who always cleans up after his mess and protect him from the dark. ~~~~~~

TheRustedPen · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 2: In another world

"Young Master Vesper where were you?" A slender young man with round glasses looked at him with worried eyes.

"I fell asleep at the garden, you sure are a worry wart" Vesper replied

"Please don't be like that, I-" before the young man can finish he got interrupted by vesper.

"I said i'm fine, isn't that enough?" Vesper exclaimed.

"Yes" The Young Man couldn't help but look down.

Vesper continues to walk throughout the hallway, and eventually reached the door at the entrance.

"Young Master, are planning to go out again?" The Young Man asks worriedly

"Yeah, And i need you to follow me"

"Where are we going?"

"You'll know when we get there" Vesper grinned

Seeing this The Young Man couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

"Oh right, Thermes you can bring your sword if you're really that anxious" Vesper said, he noticed the look at Thermes' face and he said those words to lighten up his mood.

"O-ok, I'll be right back please don't go without me" Thermes turn immediately and run towards his room.

'It's been 6 months since i got reincarnated here, i still don't know the reason but, i feel like this isn't a bad thing at all' Vesper thought to himself.

Although he didn't have any golden finger like systems in the novel. He is quite lucky because of his family's high status.

Vesper's family isn't just a well off rich family of a small city, but one of the important figures in New Terrance Empire.

His Father is Treisance Garel, The Sect Leader of Sword Dao sect, And he Treisance Vesper, The only son of the Sect Leader, one of the most respected people in the whole sect.

Often revered as unparalleled genius and the next absolute Sect Master.

There were no internal strife in the sect nor grudges between the higher ups, in fact they are united. From 12 Grand Elders to 24 Elite Elders they all get along and take each others opinion when they encounter difficulties or making big decisions.

The organized system and heirachy made Sword Dao Sect the Top 1 sect in terms of sword cultivation.

The other good thing is, they don't belong to any empires or large factions, nor they interfered with outside world affairs, Instead, they tend to focus on their cultivation.

Of course, that was before they become the most powerful force in the world, which forced them to resurface again.

Before, there are many paths of cultivation and there were no lacking of experts in each of them.

But after the half of the world got destroyed, The World Dao used all means to protect the half part and slowly mend the other half causing many cultivation paths to disappear, accurately speaking 99.9% of cultivation paths.

In change for this great scarifice, World Dao created a whole new life at the other half and they call it "Genesis" zone while the oher half that survived, people also started naming it to "Exodus Zone".

Now there is only one path of cultivation that people can chose from, that's right, The path of Immortality in the way of sword.

That's why it is no exaggeration to say that the Sword Dao Sect is the current and only pillar that is supporting the world right now.

Throughout the years, Sword Dao Sect spends all of it's efforts to explore the "Genesis Zone".

Many dangers and potential threats have emerge from this new half world, as the Sword Dao Sect expands their reach, they begin to understand how terrifying it is to explore the Genesis Zone.

But as they said, high risk always comes with high rewards, that's why they cannot give up on this expedition and even made it their grand quest to discover all the mysteries of this new uncharted territory.

"Young Master, I'm here" Thermes run towards vesper while hugging the long white sword.

Vesper looked at him with an awkward face, and thought to himself.

'How's this guy going to protect me by the way?'