
Please Don’t Go

It started out like any other patrol for the fifth ranked electric hero, Chargebolt. A simple walk down the street, a few autographs and pictures here and there, and one or two minor offenses rectified. Nothing out of the ordinary, until the explosion shook half the city. Chargebolt reflexively shielded his head, fearing how close the destruction sounded. There was no pause in his actions as he ran towards the screams that rang out. His eyes frantically scanned the scene before him trying to distinguish what exactly happened and where he would be the most helpful. Seeing a few other heroes already evacuating civilians from the alleyway in front of him, he wasted no time rushing to their side. The closer he got, the harder he found it to breathe. The alleyway was filled with smoke. Still burning ash rained down from the sky like snow while the soot blanketed the ground.

"What happened here?" Chargebolt asked the nearest hero with his mouth tucked into his elbow to try and keep from choking.

"It's the League again!" He shouted back, still waving his arms in the direction of safety, "They sent one of those damn monsters downtown and the thing is destroying everything in its sight. Some other heroes are trying to take care of it but most don't have the quirks necessary to deal with this thing!"

Denki smirked, knowing his quirk could be just what they needed to bring this thing down. Nomus used to scare the daylights out of him but after taking down his third one last month, he was beginning to feel more confident about taking them on. His electrification quirk was much better used in fighting enemies than him just standing there or escorting people out of the city.

"Just get as many people as you can out of there, I'll help deal with the Nomu!"

It didn't take very long to find the beast with the bloodcurdling shouts it let out every once in a while. The car being tossed effortlessly into the building behind Chargebolt was a pretty big indicator too. It was bigger than the others he had faced before. Much bigger. The fact that it had no mouth, or any facial features at all for that matter, confused the hero as to how it was letting out those shrieks or finding its next targets to destroy. The Nomu didn't give Chargebolt much time to think as it spotted, or somehow sensed, him watching it. The monster cocked its head to the side as if it were challenging him to make the first move. As soon as Chargebolt made the slightest twitch of movement, the Nomu started to stampede towards him. Chargebolt's eyes went wide at how fast the monster moved despite its size, but he was able to dodge its attack regardless.

"That's all you got, big boy?" Chargebolt mocked. He took in his surroundings looking for a leg up. If fighting the other Nomus taught him anything it was to go for the head and make sure there was nothing left of it by the time he was done so it couldn't regenerate again. Taking it down wouldn't be a problem but sending the current straight through the head would be. Chargebolt threw two of his metal discs out into a line waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Just as the Nomu was about to step in between them, he shot out a bolt of electricity that conducted from one disc to the other.

The two villains that watched the fight from a nearby rooftop sneered at the hero as they listened to their pet cry out in pain. While it was still stunned trying to escape the volts running through its body, the hero ran in for the attack. Using a flipped-over car for extra height, he propelled himself up onto its back.

"Get ready, this next attack is shocking!" Chargebolt grabbed each side of the Nomu's head, charging up his attack. "1.3 million volts!" The alleyway lit up with electricity as the same scream came. only louder this time. Chargebolt's smile was quickly wiped from his face as he felt the Nomu's hand wrap tightly around his body. He choked as he was ripped off of its back and thrown into a brick wall. The collision yanked the wind out from his lungs causing his vision to go spotty.

"Looks like the Nomu's going to break your nemesis before you get to." The gruff voice of Dabi spoke to his companion. He looked at the figure dressed head to toe in black. Only their eyes, which were still glued to the scene below, were visible to those who dared look into them.

There was a slow blink from the dark figure before they spoke. "He's tougher than he looks." A voice modulated voice responded. They watched as Chargebolt tried to push himself off the ground, only to collapse back onto his chest. He let out a groan, feeling the pain radiate through his body. The monster dragged its claws along the walls on its way back to the fallen man. The display windows cracked under the pressure it used.

Chargebolt held his side, pulling himself to his feet. The blow took a lot out of him but he was nowhere near done yet. Where the hell is my backup? he thought watching the Nomu close in. He attempted to straighten out and stretch his back, but the muscular arm swinging towards him gave him no choice but to fold into himself again. Seeing the next fist rushing towards him, he had to counter, covering himself in electricity. The strength of the Nomu was too much. Even as Chargebolt amped up the voltage, the Nomu continued to push down more. Just as its large hand grazed his visors, Chargebolt kicked as hard as he could, creating just enough space between the two for a counter-attack.

"Ok, let's try that again!" He wiped the blood that spilled from his nose with the back of his hand. With the little space he had, he grabbed onto the Nomu's arm, kicked off the wall, and flipped himself back up onto him. "Just got to up the wattage a little. 3 million volts!" The electricity coursed through him and into the Nomu's head only this time its defenses grew weaker and weaker as it dropped down to its knees before stilling completely. Chargebolts head bobbed back and forth as he felt the familiar cloudiness take over.

"Guess you were right," Dabi grunted plainly. "Shigaraki's not going to be happy when he hears another one of them is gone."

The hooded figure shook their head in agreement. He was right. Shigaraki would probably threaten to disintegrate them for just standing by and watching another one of his pets be destroyed. However, it was all just trial and error in the end. Each Nomu that gets killed only shows where they failed in creating it.

'What the hell is he doing?' The villain thought, seeing Denki walk right into a hazardous zone with an idiotic face on and thumbs raised up.

"We should get going, backup will be here soon," Dabi's deep voice trailed off as he turned and began to walk away. His counterpart heard his decision to retreat. Their bodies responded, turning around to leave, but their eyes wouldn't move from the hero. Rubble continued to fall but still not a spark of acknowledgment came from the hero. The car that had lodged itself in the side of the building started to give way, along with the support it provided.

'Come on move, idiot!' The black-clad villain's own fight or flight instinct kicked in as the sirens got closer, but a quick glance to the building told them it wasn't going to hold up till they got there. Chargebolt danced around directly under the teetering car like he was taunting it to crush him. The villain turned to make their getaway only to find themselves sprinting in the opposite direction, towards the sound of the concrete as it finally gave way. Their black coat floated up as they jumped off the rooftop, landed on the dumpster, and quickly used one arm to stabilize themselves as they landed on the ground. The destruction that surrounded them made them feel at home, the smoke coddling them. Unfortunately, they couldn't take their time to dwell on its beauty. The villain swiftly navigated through the wreckage, grabbing the knife out of their tall, knee-high boots. Red laces were the only pop of color in their dark attire as somewhat of a tribute to the blood they shed.

Once they were in range, the hooded villain grabbed a fist full of the hero's hair, yanking it back and placing the knife at his throat. There was no change in his attitude; Eyes still dazed, pulling his thumbs up in and out, acting like a complete fool. It infuriated the villain that he wasn't paying even the smallest amount of attention to them.

The villain let go of his hair, forcefully turning the blond to face them. "What the hell is wrong with you?" The voice spoke thickly with a hint of an echo but only got more nonsense noises in response. He was like a broken record playing the same sounds and movements again and again.

The villain's hand raised to slap him back into reality but the large bits of debris falling towards them caught their eye before they could. Thinking quickly, the villain pulled Chargebolt into their chest, cradling his head and wrapping their body around him. The hand that once raised to hurt him now raised to save him as it created an invisible shield around the two. The large pieces pushed against the shield, knocking the villain to their knees even with the second hand that came to help the first. Though the bigger pieces of debris began to support themselves after a moment, the smaller ones were the ones causing the most damage, as they were able to slip through the weaker parts of the shield leaving both the hero and villain with their fair share of deep cuts and bruises. The villain watched with mixed emotions as one in particular knocked the hero out cold. Their muscles ached and their bones threatened to snap like twigs if the weight continued to increase. With the little strength they had left, they used one hand to hold up what threatened to crush them while the other dragged the injured hero under another piece that was leaning against the more secure part of the building. Once they had that little bit of safety the adrenaline that once kept the villain going completely drained from their body, causing them to collapse.

The next thing Denki knew, he was waking up in a strange room with a splitting headache. The sunlight that peeked through the worn-out curtains gave the empty room a beautiful glow but made his head hurt even worse. Moving his hand to rub his temple made a chain jingle. His eyes went wide feeling the cold metal restricting his wrist to the headboard. Even with the soreness he felt, he yanked harder, making the metal dig deeper into him with no sign of giving way. His mind raced, trying to back through his memories but coming up short as to how he had got there.

"Jangle that chain one more time and I'll use it to strangle you," an annoyed voice spoke, drawing Chargebolt's attention to the doorway. The girl that stood there pushed herself away from the door frame, making her way to hover over the end of the bed. It took him no time at all to see how gorgeous she was, even with how beat up she looked. Her shorts and tank top did not leave much to the imagination, but also showed off more of her wounds, as if she wanted them on display, like her own personal badges of honor. She stood confidently with a straight back but from the gauze and bruises that covered her body sporadically and the way she held her right arm close to her, he could tell she was in some amount of pain. The way pieces of the gauze had blood seeping through still told him her injuries were recent. She must've been around when the Nomu attacked, the hero deducted.

The girl stared at him with her bewitching eyes like she was waiting for him to speak first despite them being on what he could only assume was her turf.

"Um… Hi there beautiful," Chargebolt waved the hand that was chained up, causing them to jingle again. The girl rolled her eyes at his negligence, placing her thumb and middle finger on her temples rubbing slightly before watching him again. "Where am I?" He looked around trying to get any indication on his own but nothing much came up.

"Denki Kaminari," the girl started ignoring his question entirely, "A.K.A. Chargebolt. The fifth-ranked hero now signed to Katsuki Bakugou's agency, but graduated 12th in his class at UA."

Denki gave her a confused look as she continued to spout out commonly known facts about him, "Ohhh, so you're a fan?"

She scoffed, continuing her speal, "You've taken down two, now three, Nomus and five League members this month alone."

"Impressed?" Denki asked with a raised eyebrow. He had no idea what the girl wanted but as long as he was stuck there, he might as well have a little fun.

She sneered at him, "Hardly." Clearly, it wasn't the answer he thought he was going to receive.

"You clearly know me. Soooo... you are?" He dragged out circling his hand for her to answer him this time.

The girl glared at the repeated chain sound, her own headache begging her to take it off him, but she knew better. Her eyes held the glare but a smile split her face.

"You don't recognize me? Well, I'm offended." The girl tilted her head slightly, placing a dramatic hand on her chest.

Denki studied the girl as she moved across the room to the dresser, but no matter how hard he looked the girl didn't look familiar at all. "I'm pretty sure I would remember a girl like you," Denki teased, admiring the curves of her body.

Feeling his eyes on her she spun on her heels moving back to the side of the bed, holding the answer behind her back.

She bent down so she was right next to his ear. "Think real hard now, Sparky~," she whispered, sending shivers down his spine. It wasn't about what she called him, well it was, but a lot of other people called him that. It was more about how she said it. That mocking tone that made it sound like an insult, but no- it couldn't be them- she sounded nothing like them. The girl pulled back tilting her head to the side like she was questioning if he'd put two and two together yet. As much as she loved the confusion contorting his face, she thought it was about time to put him out of his misery.

She stood back up, tossing the mask into his lap with a sigh, "Remember me now?" The chair she pulled towards herself scraped against the hardwood floor.

Once the mask was revealed, his suspicions were confirmed to be true.

"No.- No.-" He said in denial."You are not Poltergeist?"

The girl circled two fingers pretending to take a small bow over them, before leaning boredly back into her chair." The one and only,"

"That's impossible," Denki began to create a list of why this seemingly harmless girl in front of him couldn't be the fourth most-wanted villain.

"Why, 'Cause I'm a girl?" She asked plainly, internally rolling her eyes. What is it with heroes and their idea that only men can be successful villains?

"No, well yeah, kind of. I mean they have taken down pro after pro. I've even been chasing them for years now, but every time I think I've got them-"

"They kick your ass and leave you dangling from a ceiling fan in their hotel room?" The girl grinned cockily, remembering their second, or maybe it was their third, meeting. They have had so many encounters since then that they all started to blend together at some point.

Now it was Denki's turn to glare at her, "That was one time and I had a cold that day and-"

"Sure you did." Her nod was clearly sarcastic.

His eyes narrowed at her. " Well you don't sound anything like them," he challenged.

The girl let out an unenthused breath, grabbing the mask back and fitting it onto her face. "Should I sound more like this?" The voice wavered in and out as she played with the dials on the side of the mask. She turned the dial so her voice was deep and raspy, "It's a lot easier to get respect when I sound like this," the mask was removed fully from her face, "than when I sound like this. Don't get me wrong, I love putting people like you in their place, but sometimes it just gets tiring." She shrugged nonchalantly before crossing her arms and legs.

He looked at the mask and then at back to her, gawking. Now that she had pointed it out, it was clear she had been using a voice modulator this whole time. Each time they met she did sound a little different from the last but sometimes they went months without seeing each other. Was he really supposed to remember the exact pitch of her voice?

"So you really are Poltergeist then, huh?" She nodded, becoming bored with the conversation.

"Well you know my real name. Can I know yours?" Denki watched as the girl connected their eyes.

"I'm actually surprised you heroes don't know it yet,"

"Your face is always covered when we see you. Kind of hard to know much about a person you can't see."

"Still went to UA with you" The girl angrily mumbled but she could tell Denki heard her by his surprised look. "Shows you how much they pay attention to the kids who aren't in the heroes course." Before he could ask anything else, she clarified, "I was in the General Studies department for a little while until, well, I got a better opportunity from someone who saw my full potential." There were no regrets in her mind about leaving UA when she did. Hero or villain, she made a name for herself all the same.

"Y/n, Y/n Y/l/n." As she stood up she couldn't help but groan, feeling the stitches tug at her wounds. Her knuckles turned white gripping the chair tightly so as to not scream out loud.

Denki jumped to help her but was pulled back into his spot, "Y/n, are you ok? What happened to you?"

Taking a deep breath as the irritation subsided, she used it to snicker. "I should be asking you the same question considering you're the reason I'm like this."

Denki couldn't even remember the last time they saw each other prior to this, let alone fought.

"You went all stupid fighting the Nomu. Walked right under a collapsing building. I had to save you from being crushed. Ringing any bells?" Her eyebrows raised waiting for his response.

Though he was skeptical, the fact that he couldn't remember anything after he short-circuited and that they both had matching wounds corroborated with her story.

"Well, um, thanks for saving me, if you really did, but I should probably bring you in… Right?" He questioned himself now that he had seen the girl behind the mask and knew what she had done for him. The hero's eyes glanced to the side in thought, but one good deed did not forgive years of villainy. "Yeah, yeah, you're under arrest."

She looked up from her nails which she had been examining and pointed to the chain. "Not really in the position to be making those kinds of demands right now, are you?"

He tugged the chain again, "Right..." There was a short pause before he backtracked, " Wait, why would you save me? You're the villain".

Y/n looked up, pondering the best way to answer. She pursed her lips, tapping a finger to them. Then finally gave a simple answer, "You entertain me."

"Are you sure that's all it is?" Denki's eyebrows danced above his head. "We always did have that flirty combat style. I think you like me." Denki sang, his free hand pointed at her, swinging back and forth.

"Says the guy who has been checking me out since he opened his eyes," she retorted now sitting forward with her arms on her knees.

"Says the girl who has me restrained to her bed. Just admit it. You're totally into me and this is like your dream."

"If it is, then it should be your nightmare."

"Aww what are you going to do to me? Smack me around a little? Take utter control of me?"

"Tempting," Y/n responded sarcastically with a challenging look in her eyes. The more he spoke, the more ideas came into her mind as to how to shut him up.

Denki let out a laugh. "Like you could Dom me." The way he relaxed into the pillows, arms crossed behind his head, calm, like she posed no real threat to him, sparked a flare of anger within her. It was like now that he saw who was behind the mask, he completely forgot what she was capable of. Y/n was more than willing to remind him.

Before he knew it, she roughly, painfully, threw herself on top of him, pinning him down. The two both had a high pain tolerance given their line of work, but it still made them both grunt on impact. She straddled his body in a way that immobilized him. Not satisfied with the small wince he gave out, her knee found one of the deeper cuts on his stomach she had stitched up earlier, pressing into it deeply. The way his face contorted underneath her with clenched teeth, trying to hold back the sound, made her want to keep doing it.

"Just couldn't wait to jump my bones, huh?" The smile fell from her face. The one he now wore only fueled the fire.

Painted fingers snaked around his throat, all snapping together at once and squeezing tightly. The predator moved in close so it was just inches away from its prey. "I saved your pathetic life. You should show me some respect." Her hand cut off his airway more, causing him to gasp for air.

"Make me," The blond choked out from underneath her. The way he clawed at her hand in an attempt to get free contradicted the confidence in his voice.

She bared her teeth. "Gladly." Her hand slid from the front of his neck to the back, cradling it gently but still held the same amount of control.

"You know I always admired this uniform on you." Using her free hand, a finger dragged down the white V neck, purposefully being a little rougher when it skated over the parts that were spotted with his own blood. "Simple, yet you make it look good." Her full hand started back up top, rubbing her fingers under his choker. "And already wearing this pretty collar for me?" Feeling the material of his jacket, her hands skated down his sides continuing to make her way down until her arm ran out of length halfway down his leg. She gave him a wicked grin before her hand dipped between his legs to rub up and down his inner thigh.

"Uh, hehe, that's a- that's probably not a good idea for you to be doing." His teeth pulled at his bottom lip while he attempted to move away from her touch.

She cocked her head to the side, playing innocent, "Why not? It's sooo soft." The circled path her hand was making began to get larger, lightly running the tip of her thumb down his length.

"Yeah, well if you keep doing that it's going to get harder," Denki mumbled, eyes trying to look anywhere but down. His mind attempted to grip the rope of any other thought, but whenever she brushed up against him, he fell right back into her hands.

All at once her motions stopped as she pulled her hands back to herself. "What will, Denki?" Naïveté sullied her voice but her expression screamed she knew what every tiny movement she made would do to him.

"You know what. Now undo this handcuff and I'll give you one hell of an electrifying night!" Denki snickered.

A loud smack rang out in the room as Denki reflexively smoothed his reddening cheek with his free palm. "I'm not opposed to playing a little rough but damn spark plug, save a little for later."

Y/n wore an unpleasant face, seizing the front of Denki's shirt and yanking him up to meet her halfway. Her voice flowed like a calm river, contradicting her actions, "Let me make this very clear because I think you might have forgotten the position you're in. I'm the one in control here. I tell you what to do and you do it, not the other way around. You behave for me, you get rewarded, you continue being a little brat and you get punished. Simple. Got it?"

"So you really are going to Dom me then?" Denki wore a teasing grin, "Alrighty then beautiful, do your worst, but I can't promise I'm gonna make it easy for you."

Matching his expression with a mischievous look in her eye, she dropped him back on the bed leaving her hand resting on his chest. "Just remember," She paused thinking about everything she had in her arsenal, "you asked for it."

Inch by inch, the material gathered in her hand revealing more and more of his skin. First, his v, which pointed directly to his main weak spot, then his cute stomach, his abs, his pecks. The shirt continued to rise until it was forgotten about covering his face.

"No fair!" He attempted to wiggle the shirt just off his eyes so he could see what came next but a hand threaded through his golden locks yanking roughly.

"Don't!" Y/n warned. As much as Denki wanted to witness her next move, her tone made him believe the threat was real, causing him to halt his action.

"Good boy!" Y/n purred in acknowledgment, petting over the black lightning streak that stood out boldly against the rest of the blonde. Soothing what was left of the pain. She didn't miss the way his body shivered at the nickname, pocketing that for later use. A little more gently she added, "Remember, you didn't want to see just a little while ago."

"But that was-" The boy tried to get out.

"Quiet!" She snapped, "before I gag you." The phrase made Denki's mind race with questions, like did she have an actual gag on hand and if she did, would he enjoy using it? If she had that, what else did she have?

A steady leg was placed on both sides on his hips readying herself to test the body that laid beneath her. Leaning forward to start exploring his neck first, she lowered her hips just far enough so he knew what she hovered above, but not close enough to give him any sort of friction. Her mouth attached itself to his neck first, sucking and nibbling anywhere that gave off even the slightest indication he was getting some type of satisfaction from it but never staying long enough for him to fully feel satisfied.

He jumped, feeling her thumbs rub over his nipples before they pinched them. After getting a reaction like that, Y/n turned her full attention to the buds, wanting to know just how sensitive they were. Continuing to roll one in between her fingers, she took the other in her mouth rubbing her tongue over it again and again. His body wiggled underneath her like he was trying to get away. She watched greedily as his hand flew up to cover his mouth after she had scraped her top teeth against it with a small nibble.

"These are really sensitive, aren't they?" She flicked the one she was still playing with. Fearing the noises he might make and the embarrassment he would feel afterward, he only nodded. She let go as soon as he did. Partially wanting to tease him, partially not wanting it to be over so soon. From the way he was acting, she bet she could get him to cum from his nipples alone. Now knowing she was going to be spending a lot of time there later, Y/n decided to move on with her exploration. Licking her way down his abs, leaving a few short pecks on his stomach, finally making it to the waistband of his pants. She made sure her tongue was coated nicely in saliva while her fingers took the initiative to slide under and caress the sides of his hip bones. Delicate thumbs slid over the front barely brushing his most desperate place. So focused on her touch he couldn't help but buck his hips up when he felt her wet tongue dragged under his waistband. Her grip tightened forcing him back down.

"So desperate," she mocked with stilled hands. The top half of her body lined itself up with his, dropping down so they were lying chest to chest while the rest of her was propped up by his side. There was a thought in her mind to put one of her legs in between his, but she decided he hadn't earned the right to any sort of relief just yet. This was her enemy after all, and she wasn't going to be done until he was begging her to finish him off.

"S-Shut up! Don't make fun of me when you're the one who started this!" He sulked, but still tried to hold some sort of authority in his voice.

Her hand traveled down the middle of his body, hovering right over the entryway to his pants. "I bet you're throbbing, waiting for me to take care of you." The cloth was removed from his eyes

as permission for him to witness her actions as she undid the front of Denki's pants, pulling them down just enough to see the outline of his cockhead through his underwear. A dark spot continued to form from all the pre he was spilling.

"It's already weeping for me?" Y/n said still in her mocking voice. As soon as she saw Denki go to make his comment, she pressed her palm down hard on his length making him groan at the sudden sensation. "Ah ah aah," Y/n tutted, waving a finger back and forth in his face, "Remember, you're supposed to be my good boy tonight, right?" She continued to palm him through his boxers with a little more force than needed, just to enjoy the noises he made here and there. Shortly getting tired of the same thing, Y/n shuffled down a little lower. Once her eyes caught Denki's, her head dropped, soaking the fabric more as she mouthed his girth.

"Fuck," Denki shook throwing his head back. Y/n thought about how easy it was going to be to make him beg when this alone had such an effect.

"Is this really all you want me to do?" Y/n questioned in a sultry voice, moving closer. Her shirt hung down, making Denki distracted by the way her arms pushed her cleavage together. Tearing his eyes away from the seductive image, he shook his head with pleading eyes.

Y/n stared back with pitiful ones. "Then you better tell me what you want before I get bored."

"I want your soft hands on my cock!" Denki spit out quickly, giving in to his desire for her touch.

"With just my hands or-" She encouraged him to continue, knowing that wasn't the only thing the boy wanted.

"No!" Denki cut her off, "I want you to put those plump, gorgeous lips all over my cock and make me cum so hard I go stupid." Normally, Y/n wouldn't take requests, but seeing as she had been wanting to break this hero for a while, she figured she could oblige just this once. The rest of the night would belong to her.

Without another word, Y/n pulled the waistband of his boxers down, allowing his pulsing member to finally be freed. Her pinky traced one of the bulging veins up to the top before brushing over the tip causing Kaminari to shudder.

"Like what you see?" He cockily asked, raising an eyebrow and regaining his composure for the time being.

"Keep talking like that and I'm getting the whip." Now this girl had a whip too and was threatening to use it on him? Denki was starting to realize he might be a little in over his head, but the thought went flying out the window as her delicate yet strong hand wrapped around his full girth. She started her motions slow, allowing her hand to gather his own spunk to use in place of lube. More began to gush out with every movement, begging her to start jerking instead of just teasing. Its cries were never answered as she continued at the same agonizing speed.

"Come on. I'm ready. Just-" Denki hips jerked up into her fist only to be slammed back down again.

Two fingers wrapped underneath the choker he wore tugging his neck up at an odd angle. "Listen here, you worthless excuse for a hero, I'm doing you a favor right now. So I would suggest you shut your mouth and be grateful for whatever the fuck I decide to give you. Do you understand me?" Her words should have hurt him but they only made his cock throb more in her hand.

"Yes, yes, I'm sorry, please just do something to me." His begging, no matter how small, made Y/n's heart jump, while her eyes darkened.

Her stilled hand erupted into quick movements that Denki wasn't prepared for. Pulling the skin tight as she descended and folding it up at the crown when she did the opposite bobbing up and down with no mercy. Right when Denki felt she'd settled into a rhythm, twisting was added to her motion while her other hand joined in the fun by rolling and tugging on his balls. She worked his cock with her expert touch, sending him reeling when her mouth began to pepper it with kisses. Her soaked muscle emerged from her mouth, prodding the space where his sack and base connected before licking up the underside of his shaft and taking the full thing into her mouth until the head hit the back of her throat, making Denki's eyes flutter closed.

"Ah fuck, fuck," Denki gripped at the air in an attempt to find any sort of stability. One hand bunched up the bed sheets while the other threaded through the cause of his pleasure's hair. He felt the vibration of her growl in warning but there was no real attempt to get free. It was like he was playing with fire, enjoying the beauty and warmth it brought him, while the danger of getting burnt lay beneath. For now, the fire grew brighter for him, hollowing her cheeks and sucking greedily.

The hero's panting could be heard throughout the apartment, with grunts thrown in throughout. Denki felt the familiar feeling of pleasure building in his stomach. He wondered what she would do. If she would spit it out or drink it up? Should he even come inside her mouth, or would she not like that? His line of questioning was cut off by a ringing phone on the side table next to him. He looked from the phone and back to the girl, like a plea for her not to pick it up. Her eyes watched him intensely as she bobbed a few more times in time with the ringing before popping off. Her lips were swollen and red with a trail of spit leaking out of them connecting it back to the head. He let out a short whine at the loss, squirming like a child throwing a tantrum.

The girl paid him no mind, grabbing her phone, visibly annoyed when she read the caller ID. "What do you need?" The only thing Denki could make out on the other line was a male voice but the words he spoke were muffled, "Yeah, I'm fine." She paused for a response, turning to Denki. A finger was placed to her lips before her hand was back on its previous task, jerking him so fast it made his toes curl. "I'm a little busy right now." She seductively winked down a Denki, brushing her thumb over his tip.

"Fuck, I'm so close," Denki spoke a bit too loud, earning a sharp glare from Y/n. He was too lost in pleasure to remember she was on the phone. The hand that held him slowed significantly but didn't stop completely teasing him with its motion.

"No, I'm not with anyone." She scowled at him, taking her hand away completely. He made a break to try and grab it, but she was too quick. "Yeah, no, I get it I'm on my way now." Y/n hung up the phone, tossing it to the chair before snapping the waistband of his underwear back over his erection and rolling off him.

"Gonna have to continue this later, Sparky." She smirked, nodding towards the way his black and orange boxers were now tented. "But good to know I was winning." She laughed.

"What? You can't leave me like this! You better - you better take responsibility for this, punk!" Denki complained, shuffling uncomfortably. The way the fabric caressed him made his dick twitch with want. Since the hand that was chained was his dominant hand, he wondered if he had enough slack to take care of himself when she left.

As if she knew what he was thinking without even looking at him, she spoke. "Don't even think about it or you'll be sleeping in your own mess tonight." Just like that, the girl left the room, only to come back minutes later in her usual villain attire.

Seeing her without the mask and hood up, Denki couldn't help but marvel at her. The way her leather pants swallowed her legs to show off every curve and support her ass. The way the coat suddenly hid her figure making him feel as though it was now only something that he got to see, and not to mention those thigh-high boots. He didn't know how it was possible he was only noticing these things now. "Holy shit, Y/n, you should really just take off the mask in battle and knock them dead with your beauty instead."

"Thanks, but I'll stick to my fists." She tossed a paper bag into his lap in exchange for her mask. "Eat up. Wouldn't want you dying of hunger before I get back."

Realizing what she had said, the contents inside the bag no longer had his attention. "Wait, where are you going?"

"Business," she responded, fixing the laces on her boots.

"For how long?" He began to feel worry creep into his chest, remembering that Y/n was still a villain that had captured and confined him in an undisclosed apartment. She really could just leave him there, never to be seen again.

"Don't know." She saw that her answer only stirred his nerves more, making her eyes roll. "Relax, it will probably be only a few hours. Maybe even less, but I guess you'll just have to pray I don't get arrested tonight. Otherwise, you'll be stuck here all alone with no one to help you with that little problem of yours." She smirked at him again while velcroing her fingerless gloves tight on her hands. Denki didn't recall her having those the last time they fought, making him wonder if they were new. Either way, he wanted them all over his body.

The villain paused on her way out the door. "Oh, and don't think I'll be forgetting about that little stunt you pulled on the phone earlier." She finished getting ready by putting on her mask and switching to a more menacing voice. "You'll be punished for that when I get back." Leaving him to imagine what she was going to do to him, she left for her duties.

A few hours later, the slamming of a door woke Denki up from a deep sleep, while simultaneously alerting him that Y/n was back. She stomped in, tearing her mask from her face and tossing it away from her, not caring where it landed. As she entered the room, she seemed almost surprised to see the hero still laying there, but quickly recovered.

"Honestly thought you would have been long gone by now." The girl stated, walking right past him and into the adjacent room. The cold water she splashed on her face from the running faucet refreshed her, helping to clear her mind of the argument she just had.

Denki still held a confused look as she entered back into the room. "Did you forget this?" He raised his wrist, shaking the metal attached to it before dropping it back down.

"Aren't heroes supposed to be all about finding creative solutions to difficult problems? " Y/n asked moving closer to the bed.

"Aren't villains not supposed to want their captives to get free?"

"Did you even try?" She leaned against a desk on the opposite side of the room, legs and arms crossed in a dominating position.

"I tugged on it a few times"

"Which 'it'?" She smirked, raising her eyebrows.

"Why don't you come over here and find out?" He chuckled patting the bed down next to him.

"That desperate for me to give you a handy? A quick one, I would assume, seeing how fast I could have made you cum last time." She stood up straight like she was going to act but she didn't make a move, opting to stay in her current position for what she had planned.

"I bet I can last longer than you can!" Denki challenged, The bed creaked under his movement when he tried to match her posture.

"Is that so?" Behind her, she blindly scanned the desk with as little motion as possible. Stalling with a conversation she found pointless.

"I'll shock you in all the right places, baby. Once you've had an electric tongue, you can't go back." Denki made a v with his fingers flicking his tongue in between them a few times.

"As lovely as that sounds, we do have to deal with that little phone call stunt from earlier first. I wished you would've told me you wanted me to show you off. I would have had you answer. Could have given them a real show." Denki couldn't tell if she was joking or not as she pushed herself from the desk and strode halfway to the bed. "Regardless, I told you to keep quiet and you almost got us caught by my boss. That can't go unpunished."

"Ohhh, what are you going to do, spank me?" Denki's laugh quickly faded when her expression didn't change. In fact, it just got brighter. "Wait, no you're not actually going to-"

"Bend over for me, Denki." A finger pointed him to the middle of the bed. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't waiting for this moment since she had left earlier.

"Y-you can't be serious."

"Bend. Over," she commanded, becoming impatient, "I won't ask again!"

"You can't make me," Her eyes narrowed at his disobedience.

"Wanna bet?" Her face tilted slightly with her words. The more he rebelled, the harder she planned on hitting him.

Denki crossed his arms, dropping them into his chest with a huff. This would be way too embarrassing for him. There was no way she was going to get him to comply willingly. She studied him for a moment in frustration. If she hadn't answered that stupid phone call earlier, she was sure she could have gotten him to follow her command with just a snap of her fingers, but now she was back to square one. I always knew you were a brat, the girl thought, No matter. Breaking in a new pet was always the best part anyway.

"Fine. Have it your way. You want to act like a brat you get treated like a brat." As soon as Denki saw the evil grin spread across her face, matched with the way she gracefully raised her arms with two fingers held out, he knew he had fucked up.

"Wait. I-" Her fingers whipped in one direction and the invisible grip she had on his arm went the same way. Flipping him onto his stomach. Stretching his restrained arm across his chest under him. The hold she had on his body made it do exactly what she wanted it to do. Putting him on his knees with his free arm bent back at a weird angle. The girl sauntered over, crawling onto the bed behind him. She pressed her clothed chest against his back, her physical hand now replaced the ghost one holding onto his wrist while the free one grasped his choker pulling it towards her.

"You know," she started, pulling the makeshift collar a little more, "I used to think that I could only use my quirk on objects, but when I found out I could use it to control people too, well..." Their position was quickly changed with his head being pressed into the sheet and arm now digging in between his shoulder blades. Her body cradled his from above. whispering "I just knew I was born to be a villain." Even though she released her hand from his collar, she used her quirk on it so it continued to choke him. Not enough that he couldn't get air, but enough that he could feel the leather digging into him. Her free hand stiffened, connecting so hard with Kaminari's clothed ass he lunged forward. There was no time for him to object before she struck him again. Knowing the fabric was absorbing some of the blow, her other hand worked to push the pants he had rebuckled while she was gone to his knees leaving him in just his boxers.

Timing her next slap, he pulled away just as she was about to connect causing her only to graze him.

She bared her teeth at his disobedience, "Don't. Fucking. Move. Again." Each one of her words came with another slapped before her cold hand rested on his stinging cheeks. The constant fluctuations between her comfort and abuse was cruel. Never knowing what he would get.

"Avoid my hand again and I'll spank the front instead."

"What would that even b- oh. Ohhhh." He cringed at the thought of it alone. There was a slight pause to everything before he stuck his ass higher into the air making his decision known.

"That's what I thought!"

She continued to rain down slap after slap, mixing in a bit of nurturing just to make him jerk more intensely when she went back to her exploration.

"Too much for my little hero to take?" Her voice was mocking, holding the hint of a laugh.

"You wish! I literally have electricity coursing through my veins, I could go all day," Denki retorted, earning another hard slap.

That was like music to Y/n ears, "Does that mean we can move on to the actual punishment?

Denki swallowed hard, "Um, thi- this isn't the actual punishment?"

"Of course not, that was just some fun." She moved to be fully behind him, pulling his boxers down just under his ass. His scarlet red cheeks welted with the imprints of her hands and were warm to the touch. Using one of her saliva-covered fingers, she swiped down between his cheeks. His eyes went wide, becoming aware of what she had planned.

"Hold on there, I-" Unsure if he wanted this, he tried to pause for a moment, but just earned himself another slap. The burning of this one made him miss the little protection he got from his underwear.

"Be a good boy now, Denki and spread yourself open for me," The nickname sent him into a trance that made him want to do anything she asked just to be called it again. Reluctantly, he reached behind himself grabbing both his cheeks and spreading them apart to give her easy access to his hole. His blush of embarrassment hidden from the world as his face buried deeper into the pillow. By itself, the drawer next to the bed opened, sending a small bottle into Y/n hand. A soft humming filled the room with the sound of a cap being popped and the lube covering her fingers graciously. His body squirmed, feeling the cold liquid poking and prodding around the outside.

"You could've warmed it up a little at least," Denki mouthed off, causing Y/n to plunge a finger in without warning. His back arched up while her long slender finger explored his walls. The sudden intrusion was meant to hurt a little bit as punishment for his words, but his hole welcomed her right in.

Y/n's hair fell to one side as she tilted her head. "Denki?" He didn't have to see her to know the type of knowing smile she wore. "You've done this before, haven't you? And recently too, look at your slutty little hole, sucking me right in." His walls were soft on her fingers allowing her to slip a second one in with ease scissoring him open more.

From the corner of his eye, he watched her hand rise. Fearing another hit he quietly answered her, "Yes. Yes. I've done it before. I-ahhh" He lost his ability to speak as her hand started to move faster inside him.

Without meaning to, his hips started to rock back and forth against her hand."You really are a slut. Look at you trying to fuck yourself on my hand when just a moment ago you were telling me to wait." The fingers inside him curved up slightly finding the part of him that made his whole resolve break.

"Fuck!" He screamed as she hit it again. "Right there, yeah, mhmm... Right- right fucking there..."

Y/n stayed quiet behind him, making him question his actions, but he practically melted like ice cream on the hottest day in July when he felt her tongue lick his taint before worming its way in next to her fingers. Though, while her fingers dove in and out, her tongue remained their runway. The tip thrashing around at the end, hitting all the right spots. The feeling of his waistband being stretched more alerted him to her other hand going to tug on his balls. He let out a loud moan while his legs tensed, starting to shake from the mixture of pleasure.

Knowing what that most likely meant, her hand wrapped around his length like a cock ring holding back his release. "You cum when I say you can." She bit into his tailbone in warning, but it just gave him more of a reason to cum. "You want it that bad, beg me for it."

He shook his head into the pillow, no matter how good it felt he still had his pride. "Can- Can't break m-me th-aaahh that easily." Though true, the words were meant to challenge her. Use reverse psychology to make her go faster. He never would have guessed she would've stopped completely.

"No way! You can not give me blue balls twice in one night. Not fair!" He sat up to throw his tantrum but she didn't even bat an eye.

"Then beg." She hovered over him, pushing him onto his back. She leaned in so close, he began to feel claustrophobic. Her open cloak hung down around them shielding his half-naked body from the rest of the room. The loose belt buckle on it clanked as it hit the wooden bed frame. "Come on, Kaminari" she cooed. His name falling from her mouth like that alone could have made him cum. "Beg for me and I'll have you cumming harder than you ever thought possible." Her words held a promise he knew she wouldn't break.

Pride or pleasure? Denki found himself in between a rock and a hard dick. On one hand, he trusted her words, and his cock was going to turn purple if he didn't get his release soon, but on the other, he'd be submitting to his sworn enemy. As he battled between duty and desire in his head, he reconciled that he could have both by submitting now to feel release, then turning the tables and arresting her right after. Wanting to hurry his decision process along, Y/n acted like she couldn't care less, sitting up to move away from him. When she felt her arm be captured by his hold, she knew she had won.

"Ok. Ok. I'm okay with this," he whispered to himself, "Please." He swallowed and tried again. "Please, let me cum. I want to cum so hard and so bad I'm shaking." Once he started it was easier than he thought. "Make me scream and cry and beg."

"Lay back then." He scrambled to do so, remembering how good he was about to feel.

Y/n had heard more than enough to fuel her own needs, driving her fingers back in with a third replacing her tongue. Her hand and mouth remembered their places from earlier claiming his nipples as their own.

"Shit, already so close," Denki grunted, making Y/n go faster. Instead of restraining him, the hand in his pants now egged him on with a rapid jerking motion.

"Fuck Y/n! My cock is going to explode!" She had half a mind to stop and tease him some more, but there was no time too. With one last attempt to make her hands meet in the middle of him, he was coming with a heavy cry. His body collapsed onto the bed, arm falling over his eyes while he tried to catch his breath. He raised his hips slightly, allowing Y/n to slip off his now ruined boxer shorts and toss them to the corner of the room.

"Holy crap, that was-" He started to say before he felt a wetness back on his softening cock. Speedily taking in the scene, he sat up, seeing Y/n licking up what was left of the cum on his cock with small flicks of her tongue. The way she peeked up at him through her long lashes made his grateful brain send more blood back to his lower regions. She gave him an innocent little smile as he felt the cold metal tip of something lubed up pressed against his entrance. Despite his protesting grunts, she shoved it all the way in.

Proudly sitting back, she looked at the yellow gem sticking out of his ass. "Like it?" She asked casually.

"No." He shuffled to a position where he could see it better, jumping a few times when it went deeper, before glaring at her. He didn't know when she had the time to get that thing let alone lube it up, but he guessed her quirk could have done it for her behind the scenes.

"Too bad." Her tongue slowly traced the shell of his ear making him shiver. "And now, my little pet," a soft kiss was placed on his jawline before a sharp slap covered it, "we can have some real fun..." She squeezed his jaw with one hand, making his lips purse. "You know they want me to kill you." She moved to dangle her legs off the edge of the bed, "I think it's about time you gave me a good reason not to." Her fingers snapped, pointing where she wanted him.

An accomplished feeling washed over her as he listened to instructions, kneeling on the floor between her legs. Of course, he wore a smug look on his face, like he thought they were switching control but Y/n would correct that thought later. Instead, she rewarded the fact that he listened at all by petting his head. The arm secured to the bed needed to float in the air above his head for him to fully get to his knees, but it also hindered his ability to turn his head. He looked at her like he was asking if she was going to move closer to the bed frame so he could rest his arm comfortably and take care of her more thoroughly, but it was clear she wasn't moving. Fine. Have it your way. Denki's thoughts quoted Y/n's previous words. Now it was his turn to gain the upper hand, and he didn't plan on stopping till she was a squirming mess. The ace up his sleeve was the key to turning this whole thing around on her and he was eager to use it.

Not wanting to wait any longer, Denki jumped forward, barely getting to brush Y/n's belt before her heavy boot pressed down in between his legs, sending his eyes rolling to the back of his head. She rolled her ankle around and watched Denki's adam's apple bob up and down under his choker.

Y/n sighed, still moving her foot, knowing that this was a great opportunity to train him some more. Shaking her head slowly while undoing her own belt, she said, "You were doing so well Sparky, but you got to get permission before you touch me. Of course, you didn't know that till now so I can't exactly punish you for it." She continued her foot cycle with a little more pressure. It hurt, but felt so good all at once, Kaminari let his head fall onto the bed between her legs, biting his hand to keep the sounds from escaping.

A finger under his chin redirected his gaze upwards, forcing them to look at each other. He gently pried his hand out of its cage, replacing it with his lip. "No, I want to hear you." Her voice was so smooth and gentle, a complete opposite from earlier when she was trying to slap him as hard as Red Riot could with his quirk activated. It almost scared him more. It was as if someone had taken over Y/n's body. Knowing she had caught him off guard, her foot continued its motions again.

She let out a short maniacal laugh at the groan that snuck past his lips. It turned into more of a choke at the end, clarifying for Denki this was, in fact, still the sadist he now knew her to be. Now having an idea of when Denki was getting close to the edge, she sped up her actions.

"Ple- please - fuck-" He flinched at a particularly good press. "I'm gonna, I- ahh." Right before he tipped over the edge, her boot was gone.

"You really think you get to cum twice before I even cum once?" There was a loud clattering on the ground from where her boots landed before she kicked off her leather pants leaving her bottom half in only red panties. Denki practically drooled at the sight crawling quickly over to her, but then stopping completely, silently asking permission to touch her.

She smiled, parting her legs as an invitation. "Now you're getting it, lightning bug!" Yet another new nickname that made his heart flutter in the best way.

Within seconds the hero was mouthing at the silk fabric, causing it to get wet from both sides. Denki's nose brushed Y/n's clit as he licked hungry stripes up and down the fabric. She spread her legs more, causing her folds to envelope some of the red. Every time she tried to relax and enjoy his playful teasing, the damn jiggle of his chain would bring her out of it. If she was the one to be yanking it, it would have been a symphony but right now, in this context, it was like your neighbor practicing the drums at four in the morning when you have to be up for work in an hour. Y/n huffed, reaching down the front of her shirt. At first, Denki thought her disapproval was due to him not trying hard enough, but then he saw the key dangling from her fingers.

"Do not make me regret this!" She warned, hesitantly unlocking his cuff.

Denki thought about trying to leave just for the sheer thrill of what she might do to him, but the way her pussy was looking at him, he could never turn away from it. "Buzzy beautiful sunshine nugget, that is going to be the best decision you ever made."

"What the hell did you just call me?"

Denki didn't respond, too busy going back to worship her pussy. Not wanting to rush things he left kisses up her thigh, sucking a few love marks where it dipped in. His hot breath on her wetness made her eyes attempt to flutter shut, but her will to supervise him was much stronger. She moved the panties she wore to one side. He moaned when he finally got to taste her, tongue delving in with no plans to leave anytime soon. It flicked up and down firmly, hitting everywhere she wanted it to. A moan choked her, but she swallowed it back down, remaining composed. She had to make sure he knew he had to work harder if he was going to get anything out of her.

Y/n's breathing increased, watching down on him with hooded eyes as her chipped painted nails scratched at his scalp. Something about seeing her gloves laced in a kneeling man's hair, especially the hero's blonde locks, made her feel even more powerful than the fact that she could kill a man with a thought.

When he started to suck on her clit, she rewarded him with a foot back on his cock. He could feel the pressure of her toes wiggling against him. Her other leg swung around his neck pulling him deeper into her. His face smothered against her wetness. He took that to mean he was doing a good job. He chuckled deviously, knowing how to make it even better. Pulling his tongue away for a moment, not giving her enough time to question what he was doing, he plunged back in with electricity jumping off it, sending shivers up her body. That was enough to grant him the pleasure of hearing her moan as she threw her head back panting lowly.

"Told you you'd love it." he mocked fully expecting the hard yank his hair got as a response. The glare she shot him held little weight with how lustful. She planned on dealing with him after she was done.

Her noises only egged him on, causing him to amp things up, using her own wetness to conduct. Y/n gasped sharply, hands grasping at the sheets as her hips lifted far off the bed. His hands held onto her under her ass so she couldn't get away from him as he shoved his face into her pussy, eating her out like he hadn't eaten in months.

Her body began to shake. She clenched her jaw in defiance, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of making her cum just yet, even if she had lasted longer than him at this point.

"Mmm," She bit her lip to stop the noises he was earning from being back on her clit, only this time with shocks. His knees shifted under him, grabbing onto her own tightly.

"F-fuck Denki," she couldn't help but call out as he slid two fingers into her, pumping them in and out. She could feel his cheeks raise against her, satisfied with the moans he elicited.

It might have felt insanely good, but she was a stubborn bastard who would not give him the satisfaction.

"Denki, that's enough!" she drew out, her voice shaky with only a hint of authority left in it. Her words only made him speed up his actions, knowing he was running out of time. Her hand pulled his hair back to try and pry him away, but he doubled down, bringing her hips with him.

She felt the knot in her stomach just about to bust. "Sto- ahah!" Her walls clenched around his fingers, opening the damn up. She came hard on his face, head falling back to enjoy the short afterglow. Only Denki still didn't pull away, instead, he chose to continue lapping up whatever Y/n gave him. Making her shiver with an arched back in her post-orgasm haze. He was moaning into her pussy like he was getting more enjoyment out of it than her. It all came back to her at once as though flooding her with power. Sitting up confidently, she slammed her foot down roughly on his dick. With a loud grunt, he fell backwards into himself.

"Ah," he coughed, "So worth it." He choked out, knowing exactly what it was for. Though, if he thought that was the end of it he couldn't have been further from the truth. That was just to get him off her.

Eyebrows frowning together in annoyance, she hand snatched his choker, dragging him forcefully back onto the bed, so forcefully that she was surprised it didn't snap right off. With the help of her quirk, she threw his back up against the headboard. Straddling him, she licked over her own teeth like he just awoke the vengeful beast and he was her next meal.

"Come on, you know-" Her hand seized his neck squeezing tightly, no remorse shown anywhere on her face causing him to stay silent.

"What did I tell you to do?" She spit out through her teeth enunciating every word and showing no sign she was going to loosen her hand for his reply.

"Stop..." He gagged out, panicked. Soon his lovely gasps turned into heaving noises.

"And did you?" She breathed, voice dangerously low making him want to cower backward.

He shook his head down slowly, avoiding her eyes, knowing it was definitely him who displeased her this time. He didn't know how she was able to get him to go from a confident brat to a lost, kicked puppy so easily, though he didn't necessarily hate the way she could.

"Do you know what happens to the pets that don't listen to me? They get used and then thrown out on the street. Is that what you want me to do to you? Maybe I'll just fuck you till I've had my fill and then have the League come do what they want with you. I can't promise they'll be as nice as me though. But if that's what you want I'll-"

"No, I just want you!" His mouth spoke before he even meant to. "I mean you can just, like, fuck my brains out as punishment instead, right? Teach me how to be good for you." He laughed, watching her tap a finger to her lips in contemplation, lips he dreamed to have on his pulsing cock again.

"Ok," she finally said, grinding her hips down unexpectedly, grabbing his shoulders. He let out a hot, shaky breath, mouth hanging open while she rubbed his dick in between her thighs. "I'm going to fuck your brains out.".

"Hehe," Denki snickered, but it faded, seeing her own smirk. "You're not kidding, are you?"

She shook her head slowly, "Oh, and if you even think about using that pathetic quirk of yours again…"

Making it known that both of her hands were in front of her, he felt the plug in his ass pull out before shoving back into him. The whimper that drooled from his lips made her eyes glow bright with want. "I'll show you what a real quirk can do. Do you understand me?"

She continued to slide him in between her folds, teasing the cock that wept to be inside her. "Mhmm," he mumbled, too caught up watching where their bodies connected. Her own arousal pooled between her thighs.

She slipped his hero jacket off of his shoulders and he tugged it the rest of the way off, eyes never leaving hers. She pawed at his shirt signaling that should be the next to go. Soon enough Denki lied bare before her, his choker being the only reminder that his hero outfit was ever on him. He reached to slide off her cloak but got his wrist seized.

"Be patient." Y/n cooed. Keeping control of his hand, she guided it up her thigh, over her curves, and finally onto her bra covered breasts. "Only here," she whispered to the room. Denki didn't dare ask for more than this when this right here was perfect.

"This is what you've been waiting for all night, isn't it? My hot sopping pussy engulfing you tightly. Making you cry out my name till you're just a babbling mess under me. Not a single thought in that pretty little head of yours." She pursed her lips, nodding as if to make fun of his desires.

Her eyes closed for a minute to take in his touch with a small wavering sigh."Mmhm," he mumbled again, watching the outline of his hand under her shirt squeeze and fondle her breast. The slap to his face broke the spell it held over him. The hand lingered behind squeezing his cheek as a way to hold his focus on her face.

"Wha- um… yes. yes! I want this so bad, sorry," He tried to correct himself. Her hand released him with a look of disgust. An idea made his lips curve up so high they curled at the corners. Without warning, he put his hand to his head, pushing it back while simultaneously thrusting his hips upward. It wasn't enough to penetrate her but it did get his cock much wetter than she was allowing. "Oh god please, I want it so bad, please Mistress!" he joked.

Her lips rose to match his. The nickname, along with his impatient action, unlocked the cage of lust she was holding back for his sake. A single knuckle traced from the top of his head down his face, almost lovingly, until two of her fingers forced their way into his mouth and to the back of his throat. All his focus shifted then to breathing through his nose to keep from hurling.

"Keep those words in mind baby boy," She started, already having the words etched into her brain herself, "because I'm going to have you screaming them in just a second." The next time her grinding motion had her lined up properly, her legs gave out, spearing herself on his cock.

Her head shot to the ceiling like god himself was calling to her. Her head rolled back to Denki, whose jaw was twitching open and close as she started stirring her hips in a circular motion, putting her hands on his chest. "I'll give you this, Lil' hero, you do have a great cock on you. I could spend all day teasing the hell out of it."

Starting to bounce up and down, getting many noises of approval from Denki, her mouth found its way to his neck, sucking and biting anywhere and everywhere she could reach, marking him up as her own. She tugged on his hair causing his head to fly back even more to give her better access.

"Ahh...Fuck, Y/n! Yeah, fuck that cock! You feel so good don't stop. Don't stop!" A hero who was corrupted by the villain he swore to take down.

"Good boy," she cooed. A villain who was supposed to make the hero only feel pain, making him cry out in pleasure instead.

He purred at the statement, arching his back up towards her. Sliding her hands up his chest to his throat, she lined the pads of her fingers with the marks she had created, restricting his blood flow as she pressed a lustful kiss to his lips. He hummed lowly, a low whine of need.

Wanting to give him a little reward for being a good plaything for her, Y/n tossed her head to the side creating a curtain with her hair to block the rest of the word out, leaving just the two of them alone together. The cloak she wore exposed her shoulders, before falling fully to cover the bottom of Denki's legs. Slowly, teasingly, her shirt was discarded next. No longer having to fantasize about what the rest of her body looked like, Denki pawed at the last piece of clothing that covered her. She chuckled deeply before it too was removed from her body. Despite how tightly she clenched around him after that, Denki forced himself to keep his eyes open to watch the way they bounced.

"S-so b-beautiful," He choked out. Having already been denied his release before this, by this point Denki was panting, trying to get any air he could. Sweat sticking his blond locks to his forehead. Y/n dragged her thumb across his bottom lip, pulling it down and watching it pop back into place.

She leaned forward, forcing one of her breasts into his already open, heaving mouth. Y/n had made it clear that she was in control. Denki didn't dare do anything without being told to. Her eyes shone bright with this realization, rewarding him with a nod of acceptance from his master.

His mouth enveloped one of her breasts, lapping up and down her nipple, while the other one was fondled by large warm hands. Y/n moaned, clamping down more on Denki's cock in response.

"Y/n, I'm gonna- I- have to-" He tried to warn, scratching at the sheet for something to hold onto. He tried to get any air she would allow him.

"You want to cum?" Gripping the headboard on either side of his head for leverage, she increased her pace. The creaking bed spilled all their secrets to any living being that might have resided in the abandoned apartment building's halls.

The "Mmmm" sound he expelled wasn't enough of a clarification for her. Releasing one of her hands from the headboard, she twisted one of his nipples, causing him to suck in a harsh breath through his teeth, but the pain only added to his pleasure.

"Use your words!"

"Yes! Yes! I want to cum!"

"Then you know what you have to say, word for word"

"Ahh I-I want it s-s-so bad! Please, Mistress!" His body shook from the pleasure and trying to hold back the orgasm he knew he couldn't any longer.

She sighed, slowing her movements a bit with her hips. She'd never tell him but she could have come with only a few more thrust after he called her mistress again. However, when training a new pet, one has to make sacrifices. His hands clawed her sides, weeping a silent plea to keep going. It was clear she was having none of it.

"That wasn't it, Pet!" If he thought being called her good boy was his new kink, getting called her pet was on a whole other level. As if she owned every part of him like his whole life should be dedicated to being anything she wanted him to be. It made him want to get on his knees and profess his undying love for her and only her.

She moved even slower, causing his eyes to snap to hers. They were filled with sorrow as if he was going to burst out crying. His cock throbbed so badly inside her that it hurt to even think about, but each of her rise and fall motions, no matter how small and infrequent they were becoming, made it impossible to forget. Every time she felt him growing close, she'd pull off his cock, causing a sadistic grin to grow on her lips as she witnessed him crumble before her.

"P-please, I'm sorry, M-mistress I f-f-forgot, I know I d-don't deserve it, but please I'm begging you. Please let me cum!" His voice shook so much it was almost inaudible. She exhaled softly, looking down at the pitiful sight before her. Knowing she couldn't turn down his pleas, no matter how disobedient he was… at least this time.

Their bodies started back up, slapping together at record speed. He was entirely helpless as his hands came down to cling to Y/n's hips tightly while he stuttered her name, thrusting up into her uncontrollably. Her lips nibbled on his ear before adding a stern, "Not yet," that immediately got ignored as she bottomed out on him once more, clenching him tightly. It was mere seconds before his cock exploded inside her with warm, long bursts that Y/n could feel filling her up. His cries were broken up by sharp intakes of breath. When he was spent, his hands fell to either side of him. He only had a second to catch his breath before she grabbed both his wrists, pinning them to the headboard with one hand.

"You really don't listen do you?" If he was able to focus in his post-orgasm bliss, he could have seen that her disbelieving eyes held vicious ideas within them.

"What can I say? I-" His panting filled sentence caught in his throat as she started to move again. "W-what are you doing?" He gulped feeling his tired cock start to grow hard again.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm not done yet." She dropped herself all the way to the hilt and back up to repeat the process. His stupid but gracious brain sent more blood his cock's way.

"N-no, n-no too sen- way too sensitive, I just came." His moans were shaky, getting louder.

"And I told you not too." Her voice was soft, but uncompromising, picking up the pace again. He immediately began to seize up and try to writhe away from the pleasurable torture.

"Ple- way to- oh god oh fu- please please stop." His eyes rolled back, lips parting in a silent moan. Simultaneously, wanting her to stop moving and go harder.

"You didn't stop when I asked you to, did you? So just shut up and take it!" Her chin flew back in ecstasy, feeling the knot in her stomach inflate again. Sliding her hands blindly back to his chest, she twisted his nipples, causing him to shriek.

"Oh fuck, ah fuck, nonono, you can't keep going, I can't-," he stretched out with a clenched jaw. The pleasure was more intense than ever, and it took over his senses. Leaving his mind with no other thoughts other than pure sensual gratification. The wet sound that sang throughout the room only amplified the effect she had on him and vise versa.

"You can and y-you will!" Spotting his lightning jacket tossed carelessly to the side of the bed, Y/n snagged it with the tips of her fingers. The slight and short change in position made Denki's jaw fall open. He wanted to see what had caused it but the intense feeling building up inside him glued his eyes shut. It was only when Y/n slowed her pace, depleting the chances of him cumming, and slapped his cheek lightly a few times that he was able to open them again.

"What do you think?" Y/n asked, still bouncing herself up and down, "Can I be the next electric type?"

Above him, the girl wore his jacket with nothing underneath. Her breast jumped up and down in sync with her motions while the dark material shielded her on both sides. He had no words for how beautiful the sight was, but she knew, feeling his cock pump out lots more pre. Y/n beamed, knowing he was ready to come this early.

Becoming jealous of his jacket getting to touch her, he went to reach out, only to find that he couldn't move his wrist or his feet for that matter. His limbs got tugged on till he star-fished on the bed. He looked up in fear while the Cheshire cat looked down on him. The speed at which she began to fuck him was as fast as a jackrabbit running from a wolf with sharp fangs.

"Yes! Yes! Feels so good it hurts!" Denki screamed. His body wanted to flail, but she held him flat. "That's it, I'm calling mommy! Fuck mommy, please, god, I want it so bad! Please, mommy. I'll be good, I promise. Just- I need-" Denki tried again. Face flushing as he tried to hold back from cumming this time. He felt her hold let go, making his legs reflectively pull into him, his toes curled tight enough to cramp.

The words she purred out were the greatest ones he ever heard, "Go ahead, baby."

He yelled out, back raised off the bed before shaking forcefully, and cumming. The feeling of him filling her up, the warmth of it all, the pressure, sent her overboard. She was cumming too, clenching around him and sucking him dry as her face dropped quickly, and she bit him on the juncture between his neck and shoulders making sure when she pulled off, the evidence would remain for days.

Even as he came for the third time she continued fucking him through his orgasm so he reached the uttermost pleasure, before slowing to a stop with heavy breaths. Mantras of appreciation poured from his lips. She thought he looked so pretty laying like that for her, wondering if she was living up to her hope of being the best fuck he had ever had. The way he whimpered at her slightest movement reassured herself that she was.

He saw the twitch of movement in her legs like she was going to go for another round. The shot of adrenaline he got from the thought caused his arms to shoot out wrapping around her pulling her into a bear hug so she couldn't move.

"No, no, please, I can't. My cock can't handle anymore of your flawless body." He pleaded with her, pushing their cheeks together. Y/n froze at the way he held her. He was so close, scent thick, and the way his thumbs rubbing up and down her back so sweetly, it almost made her forget who she was.

Y/n leaned down, placing a peck on his nose, "I'll stop this, but you'll have to make it up to me some other way. Yeah?"

He nodded, wanting to please her in any way he could. "Anything," he breathed.

"Then, let me see that cute little ass again," She slapped his inner thigh in encouragement, making him jump. He did as he was told, presenting himself to her. Too much of his energy was depleted to try and argue. In place of verbal praise, she placed a small kiss on the back of his head. "I'm going to make you feel better than you ever thought possible." He couldn't imagine that after the sex they just had, but the anticipation was killing him.

Leaving his side, she opened the lower draw of the dresser across from them. Of course, she could have had her quirk do it for her, but this way his anticipation grew every second she was away from him. When the pressure of her body on the bed disappeared, his eyes followed her every move, feeling lonely without her by his side. Feeling his eyes, she flicked her fingers away from her causing his head to turn the other way.

"No peeking now." She giggled to herself, stepping into her large strap-on before lubing it up with quick jerking motions of her hand. The cap on the lube along with his position gave him a good idea of what she had in mind. The thing he couldn't quite comprehend is why he wanted it so badly.

When she returned to his side, lubricated fingers dug around the plug sticking in his ass, pulling it out painfully slow. She got him to yelp in fear, pulling his hips towards hers at the end of the bed, hands kneading his still slightly reddened cheeks. Even with how tired his body felt, excitement still bubbled in his stomach. Her plastic cock rubbed up and down his cheeks before being lined up with his hole.

"Ready?" She questioned, but started pushing in before he could answer. The plug had done a good job getting him ready, though the size of the dildo still had some work to do. Y/n tightened the strap around her waist, even more, to make sure it didn't fall off in the middle of everything.

"S-s-low" He gasped feeling the head inserted into him. With each inch Y/n pushed in, he trembled more.

"You know I can't promise that." As tempted as she was to snap her hips towards him, she honored his wish. The pressure of being the most filled up he'd ever been caused his burning face to bury deeper into the pillow he laid on. It surprised him how positive his body reacted to the tinge of pain that came with being stretched that much.

When she finally bottomed out, she stilled for a moment, giving Denki the common courtesy of time to adjust. When he began to subconsciously wiggle his hips against her, she knew he was ready for her first thrust, and then her second and then her third until she was thrusting in and out with no delays. Each and every thrust elicited some sort of moan from the boy on the bottom.

His body jerked forward with every one of her thrusts. Y/n's low groans could barely be heard over the sound of the headboard relentlessly hitting the wall, but it still made the lust in his stomach tighten. Her hands laced in his pulling his arms back to her, leaving only his face to hold him up. She worshiped the way he mewled under her touch. The more he tried to avoid it, the tighter her hold got.

He felt her breasts press down against his back, trying to reciprocate the warmth he gave her just a little while ago. Soft lips trailed down his back leaving matching marks to his neck.

"It's- it's so" Denki gulped, not able to finish his sentence. The next time Y/n pulled out, she did so all the way making the boy beneath her whine, his hole trying to close around nothing.

Y/n flipped him over like a ragdoll. When she pushed back in, the sensation made him put on the lewdest face with his head falling back, eyes crossed, tongue lolling out of his mouth, saliva webbed from top to bottom. She found it ironic, he looked exactly like one of those characters in the doujinshi she found out he liked after stealing his bag just for the fun of it. At least that's what she told the rest of the League when they asked why she did it, but in reality, she just wanted to learn more about him. When she had first read it she didn't get it, but seeing it in real life…now she definitely understood the appeal.

"It's so what, Denki? Come on, spit it out." She repeated her actions, only this time she plunged back into him with no warning, purposefully only brushing past his prostate to make Denki go insane. Her hips rocked back and forth in quick shallow bursts.

"S-s-sooo fucking d-deep," Denki panted like his life depended on it. The headboard banged the wall so hard there was sure to be dents by the time they were done. Y/n wished there were other people in this building right now that could envy them.

Y/n wrapped her arms around Denki's back, forcing him to sit up in her lap, which only caused her to go deeper inside him. His tongue fell out of his mouth panting like a dog in heat with glassy eyes as she continued to thrust up into him. Denki looked so hot in this position, Y/n thought she might melt, making a mental note to have him fuck himself on her cock next time. Right now, she loved the power too much to give it up.

"Yeah?" She changed her pace, slowing a little but still hard enough to get it to go in all the way till their actual flesh was touching. She separated their upper halves slightly, looking at the incredible mess of a masterpiece she had created. His face was flushed, looking so dazed and in bliss, she didn't even know if he could respond. The way he clung to her like he needed her close at all times, one hand draped over her neck while the other one wrapped around her side with a secure hand between her shoulder blades. It made her have the dangerous thought of wanting things to always be like this, this simple, only the two of them forever. She wanted to make him feel this good forever. No one else could ever see him like this but her. As if, he was hers and she was his, but the fact that they were from two very different worlds always seemed to linger in the back of her mind. The thought made her go feral, smashing their lips together in a hungry, sloppy kiss. With the state Denki was in, he could only kiss back lazily but still wanted so much more.

With that in mind, Y/N's mindset fell straight back into her Dom persona ready to tear him apart with every chance she got. If this was to be the only night she had with him she was going to make it count. Her fingers laced on top of his guiding his hand to his own stomach. "How deep am I?" She purred, making him feel the bulge that rose and fell with each one of her thrusts.

The longer it took him to answer the slower and harder her thrust got as a reminder of her question.

"H-Here," He weakly said, pressing his stomach just under his belly button.

With a grin and a nod in understanding, she rewarded him with the first direct hit to his prostate. He reflexively pulled her closer, burying his head in her neck. Deciding that the boy in her arms deserved all the rewards in the world, she began fucking up into him at a ruthless speed, pounding into him mercilessly, making sure every single thrust hit his sweet spot dead on. Tears pooled in the corners of his eyes, threatening to spill over as he clung to her tighter.

"Right there! Right there! Fuck, fuck, holy fuck. So good I'm fucking shaking!" He moaned loudly, no longer being embarrassed about the way his moans filled the room. All he could focus on was the immense pleasure as she fucked him so hard. His moans turned into her name under his breath. He felt his mind start to go fuzzy, almost like he was going to blackout. Without meaning to, his quirk started to activate. Electrical sparks began to jump off his body, seemingly not having an effect on him, in fact, Y/n wasn't even sure he knew he was doing it, but each one attacked the villain with pleasurable zaps wherever they landed on her naked body. She moaned as they caressed her. It didn't take her long to realize the quicker she went, the more sparks he emitted.

"Slow do-down a little," his voice trembled but fell on deaf ears as she continued her torment, moving even faster now. Thanks to the added encouragement, she put everything she had into it.

"Fucking shit. I'm gonna cum again! I'm gonna cum again!" He chanted, moving his hips so he met her thrusts. The pleasure overwhelming every part of his body.

"Whenever you're ready," She permitted into the ear that still laid tucked into her shoulder.

It couldn't have taken more than three more thrusts before he was coating both of their chests with web after web of his hot cum. His skin felt tingly, body falling against the mattress boneless, not being able to control the heavy pants leaving his lips as his muscles twitched beneath her.

Y/n swiped two of her fingers through the spunk he left on her chest. Holding his jaw, she pushed her fingers into his mouth, curling them around his bottom teeth before letting go. "Suck," she commanded and he complied. The villain watched, mesmerized as her enemy listened with no hesitation. A pet properly trained. He pulled them farther into his mouth, sucking slowly and running his tongue along her fingers. His eyes pleaded for her to praise him, tell him how good he had done.

"Such a good boy! You did so well for me! You're perfect!" She obliged with a genuine smile. No sarcasm, or teasing, or anything hidden behind it, just praise.

He beamed at her words, heart feeling full. With the little energy he had left, he pulled her arm causing her to fall onto him with a yelp. A towel flew out of the bathroom and hit him in the face as her form of playful vengeance. They used it to wipe themselves off before falling back to the bed.

The girl yawned, finding it hard to keep her eyes open any longer.

"Can I hold you?" Denki asked quietly. The girl looked up at him, almost looking confused by his question, but then nodded, moving closer.

"So what now?" Denki asked, truly unsure of where to go from here. His arms mindlessly wrapped around her, pulling her warmth till it was basically on top of him.

"Well… now one of two things is going to happen by morning. Either I'm going to wake up to sirens or you're going to wake up to an empty bed." She spoke like they truly were the only two options that could occur because in her mind they were. Either she would be arrested by morning, or wake up early enough to escape. It was the price she would pay for literally sleeping with the enemy. The thought of being arrested didn't scare her, knowing she was too valuable to the League to stay there long. What she was more afraid of was watching Denki's face as she was taken away in handcuffs. Would he even look sorry, or would he just bask in the glory of catching another villain like any other?

"Or we could wake up to silence together," Denki added the option he wanted, breaking her out of her thoughts.

Y/n gave him a bittersweet smile, wrapping her arms around his middle and nuzzling into his chest with sleepy eyes. He knew what that look was supposed to mean.

The setting sun sent a glow through the window that she shattered behind her. The light reminded him that he didn't even know how long he had been there, be it hours or days but, he couldn't find it in him to care when this was the result. Seeing her still in his jacket, with that glow around her made her a god he only wanted to serve. Sure, he didn't know much about the girl under the mask, but he did know her, her mannerisms, her sense of humor, how much pride she had, and the will she put into a cause she believed in.

Heroes and villains didn't matter anymore, they really stopped mattering when she walked into his life because no matter what, he was always going to be by her side. "I'm not going to be the one to turn you in," he reassured her. She truly wanted to believe him, but the mistakes of trust from her past had their claws deep in her.

The pause in the room was long enough that Denki thought the girl might have fallen asleep, but then her sweet voice broke it with sour words, "I can't promise I won't run." He looked down at her but she wouldn't look at him.

Now, knowing the best way to get what he wanted from her, he responded with a whisper in her sleepy ear. "Please, I'm begging you." He pretended to be back in ecstasy with a deep moan. She was about to make a comment about going another round, but then his words turned into a real plea, "Please...don't go."

And for a short moment, she contemplated it.