
Declaration of War

June 27, 1914, a day that shocked the world...

The Austro-Hungarian Empire used Serbia as its imaginary enemy and held military exercises in its neighboring Bosnia. After the exercise, Ferdinand arrived in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia. On the evening of June 27th, Sarajevo officials held a grand dinner for Grand Duke Ferdinand and his wife. Not long after the dinner started, a bomb exploded under the dining table next to Ferdinand and his wife. The couple were seriously injured, including the Grand Duke's adjutant. Three other people died on the spot, and more than 20 others were injured. In the early morning of the 28th, the Duke and his wife both died in the hospital. According to investigations, it was a Serbian chef who planted the bomb.

For Chentian, this news was both expected and unexpected. The fuse of the war was ignited as scheduled. This war cannot be prevented by anyone; but history has undergone a small change here. The grand duke died by a bomb at the banquet, which may mean that history will continue from here. Development in another direction.

In any case, this moment has finally arrived, 32 spring and autumn, 32 winter and summer. The boy who would never admit defeat has grown up, the smug teenager has grown up, the passionate and impulsive youth has grown up, now Chentian, He is an ideal but down-to-earth prince of Germany, Lisa's husband, Sasha and Andres' father, commander of hundreds of thousands of soldiers, leader of millions of people, and a man who is ready to change the world.

The Austro-Hungarian Empire imposed extremely harsh conditions on Serbia on July 23, limiting the response time to 48 hours. In order to endure the humiliation, Serbia was forced to accept all the conditions except for the Austrian side to participate in the hunt and trial of the murderer.

On July 25, Serbia issued a general mobilization order.

On July 27, France recalled its troops in Algeria and Morocco.

On July 28, the Austro-Hungarian Empire officially declared war on Serbia under the pretext of not getting a satisfactory answer.

On July 28, France issued a general mobilization order.

On July 29, the Czar issued a general mobilization order. The Czar's cousin Kaiser immediately stopped his trip to the North Sea and pleaded with the Czar: "Don't take any reckless action, I beg you!" Nicholas II was moved by his request. , Withdrew its general mobilization order, but still maintained partial mobilization of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

On July 29th, George V ordered the world's most powerful British fleet into a state of preparation.

On July 30, the Tsar reissued the general mobilization order. Germany asked Russia to stop the general mobilization, but it was rejected.

On July 31, the Vienna Royal Forces issued a general mobilization order.

On July 31, Berlin submitted ultimatums to Russia and France respectively. In the notification to Tsarist Russia, Germany requested Russia to withdraw its general mobilization order "within 12 hours after receiving the notification." The letter to France requires Paris to declare within 18 hours that if there is a war between Russia and Germany, France must maintain a neutral attitude. If France remains neutral, it must hand over the fortresses of Turr and Verdun to German occupation as a maintenance The guarantee of neutrality will be returned after the war. Russia did not want to reply at all, and France gave a brief reply: "We must act in our own interests."

At this time, Germany has no choice.


Berlin, August 1, 1914.

The streets are empty, and the palace is full of people.

The night before, the emperor said in a speech announcing the danger of war that people were "forced to take up arms."

At this moment, they are nervous and excited waiting for the coming of the last moment.

At exactly 5 pm, Germany declared war on Russia.

An officer appeared at the gate of the palace and read the mobilization order to the crowd. The German people gathered at the gate of the imperial palace were ecstatic and sang the national anthem respectfully.

Once the button for mobilization was pressed, the huge machine for recruiting, equipping and transporting 2 million people began to operate. Reservists gather at designated military stations to receive uniforms, equipment, and weapons. They are first organized into companies and then into battalions, and then sent to assembly locations near the border according to the scheduled railway schedule.

From the moment the order was issued, everything was running at the time specified in the predetermined schedule. It takes tens of thousands of carriages and hundreds of trains to transport officers, infantry, cavalry, and munitions. The timetable is very detailed, and even specific regulations are made for how many train carriages will pass and what bridges.

Kaiser Wilhelm II organized his army into 8 armies, of which the 1st-7th armies assembled along the borders of Derby and Germany and France, and the 8th armies, the Chentian East Prussian Army, was responsible for resisting Russian attacks on the Eastern Front.

East Prussia was quickly mobilized, and the 100,000 reserve forces were assembled in Königsberg within three days. The Eighth Army's four infantry corps (corps), one armored corps, one cavalry division, and the regiment's direct aviation team have all reached full strength, and 246,000 people are ready to go to the battlefield at any time.

The Baltic Squadron, which has 2 cruisers, 16 destroyers, 4 seaplane carriers, 2 aircraft carriers, 24 submarines, 13 torpedo boats, 35 patrol gunboats, and 273 various aircrafts, is also in action. Cruisers, destroyers, and submarines One after another left the port and began to patrol the Baltic Sea between Germany and Sweden. Turrets and torpedo boats patrolled the coast of the Gulf of Gdansk.

In the dock of the Königsberg shipyard, there are 4 destroyers, 1 large aircraft carrier, 17 submarines, 4 torpedo boats, and 6 gunboats that are about to be completed.


At 7 am on August 2, the 16th German Division entered the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

At 7 pm on August 2, Belo, the German Minister in Brussels, delivered an ultimatum to the Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs Davinon:

Germany has received reliable information, and France's intention to invade Germany through the Belgian border has been confirmed. The Belgian army cannot be expected to prevent the French army from advancing, so it is necessary to preemptively prevent this kind of hostile attack based on the need for self-defense. If the Belgians regard Germany's entry into Belgian territory as a hostile action against itself, Germany will deeply regret it. If Belgium can maintain good-faith neutrality, Germany will guarantee to withdraw from its territory as soon as the contract is concluded to ensure the sovereignty and independence of the Kingdom of Belgium.

If Belgium passes its territory against Germany, it will be regarded as an enemy country, and future relations with it will be subject to "guns."

Belgium must give a "unambiguous response" within 12 hours.

The Belgian Prime Minister Brockworthy held a cabinet meeting that night. Finally, the government made a decision to resist Germany, "in order to maintain the dignity of Belgium", and the king agreed.

At 7 am on August 3, Belgium submitted a reprint to the German Minister, stating that if the Belgian government accepts Germany's proposal, it "will sacrifice its national dignity and betray its obligations to Europe." Therefore, it will "resolutely use all means within its power to resist any violation of its full strength."

On August 3, because France refused to be "neutral," Germany declared war on France.

At 6 o'clock in the morning on August 4, Germany declared war on Belgium.


On the morning of August 4, it was raining heavily in Berlin as the German army marched towards the Belgian border.

Members of Congress gathered in the Capitol, ready to listen to the emperor's edict. There is a large painting in the mansion. It shows Kaiser Wilhelm I and Field Marshal Moch prancing with their heads up on the battlefield of Sedan. A soldier in front is laying a French flag under the emperor's hoof.

Members of Congress marched into the palace and sat down in Whitehall. Accompanied by several generals, the Kaiser walked in quietly, waited for the throne, and began to read his speech.

He wears a helmet and holds the hilt with one hand.

"We drew our sword out of its sheath, with a clear conscience, and our hands were clean."

He said that the war was provoked by Serbia with the support of Russia, and then he counted the crimes of Russia, provoking a "shameful" cry.

After the speech, the emperor shouted: "From today, I will not recognize the party, only the Germans!"

Then he asked the leaders of all parties to shook hands with him if they agreed with him. In the "fanatic excitement", all party leaders could do nothing but the others present broke out with a burst of ecstatic cheers.


At 8 o'clock in the morning on August 4, the first wave of grayish waves rushed across the border between Germany and Belgium in Gemmelich, 48 kilometers from Liege, and Belgian soldiers opened fire from the post.

On August 4, due to the German invasion of Belgium, Britain declared war on Germany.

This world-breath-holding war game is like a nightmare unfolding on a huge chessboard. Now it has become a reality, a reality composed of bloody terror, heroism and death.

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