
Chapter 1

Xau Zin's POV*

"Mi-Mister Dragon? Please... You are hurting my chin... Let me go..." A round face with fair white skin whose body was perfectly heavenly made begging me for mercy.



Third-party Pov*

"Wait! What does that mean?"

A young woman, in a fit of rage, slammed her hand on the table in front of her. A piece of paper fell off to the floor with a gentle breeze. Her facial expressions were covered with confusion as well as anger, and her eyes reddened.

An uncommon silence covered the atmosphere. The TikTok sound of the wall clock was bringing into the atmosphere heavier and more serious.

Breaking the silence, a harsh heavy voice echo, "Well, Miss. We did what we can and still, we are doing our best so please cooperate with us." He stood in front of me, his blue police uniform commanding all attention. My eyes lingered only a moment on the standard policeman's cap with the bronze star before dropping to his waist where his pistol was holstered.

She sucked a deep breath, shut her eyes close for a while, and relaxed, She spoke, "It has been 15 days since Amaya disappeared, Still you are trying to convince me that you are doing your job well?".

Setting with their palm crossed, his eyes met with the young women's almonds purple gazes, He grabbed the cap full of light milk coffee from the table; He noted after taking a small sip, "Miss. Samantha, We are doing our job perfectly however You are the troubling and distracting one. Alright, just go back and take a rest... We will do what we can".

His words were like petroleum in a fire. Breaking a pencil with a cracked sound, She dragged herself up from the chair and exclaimed, "Alright, I am not aware of what forces are stopping you to search for her but I will search and find her. I already know your answers now". After that, she turned and walked out of the room from the small wooden gate. Her words and confidence level forced them to think about her.

"Keep eyes on her", the Police officer ordered the person who was standing on his left side with the same uniform but with No Star. He nodded and started following her.

A small vibration in her bag forced her to check about the cause. As she examined it, she noticed that it was her Mobile phone which was vibrating as it was in silence. Her eyes widened as her gaze dropped to the mobile phone screen. It was from an unknown I'd yet some hopes glow up in Samantha's heart. With trembling hands, She gently swept the screen and put the phone closer to her ear.

"Hel- Hello", An obnoxious voice ceased. Her eyes started sweating and her vision started blurring. Again her shaking and dry voice echo, "Am- Amaya? Is- Is that you?... A tiny drop of tears rolled down from her eyes to her chin...

Amaya was not only Samantha's friend but she was her whole family considered her whole world. Growing up together in an orphanage and living together after escaping from it for a better life and exploring the different difficulties together, they were living their life jovially. However, She never expected that Her only world Amaya will be disappeared without any clue.

"Hello? Is this Samantha's there?", A manly voice from another side blacks out her every tiny hope. "Hello? We found a mobile phone near the footpath which could be related to you and we are from the central Police bureau... So please visit us and Identity phone ", And After the one-sided conversation, the call ended with tut-tut sound.

After receiving the call, she rushed toward the central police bureau, wearing a black helmet while riding her old black and pink combo Scotty. Her thought was entangled as threads... Crossing and ignoring different vehicles, roads, Traffic lights, and beautiful rivers... She finally meets her destiny (The Central police bureau).

She immediately parked her Scotty and jogged toward the main gate while taking off her helmet. As she pushed the door open, She saw different policemen running and carrying different documents in their hands. No one noticed Samantha however Samantha stand still there and started observing them for a moment.

Then, She moved forward and excused one of the lady officers who were sitting beside the wooden table which was occupied with different colored documents. The police lady was extremely beautiful and looked kind.

Samantha greeted her with a gentle smile on her lips, "Greetings ma'am! I was invited by someone through a phone call. So, Whom should I visit ma'am?" she started by sitting in front of the table and placing the helmet on it.

She returned her smile more gently and replied, "Miss. Samantha? Right..." Her Sweetness of voice can melt anyone's stone heart too. Samantha nodded. The police officer stands up from the chair with a hand gesture and ordered, "This way... Please".

She was walking behind her and observing every corner of the corridor. Passing through the different rooms with different nameplates hanging on the middle of the door and Well-decorated flower vessels on the top of the wooden table in every corner of the corridor.

"This way..." Again her sweet voice echo in Samantha's ear which brings Samantha back to reality. She smiles and guides her to follow her without any worries... Samantha did as she was told. She follows her and enters the room.

As she entered, She noticed a big picture of the New York City map on the wall... Stepping more inside the room, Room was well ornate with white tiles, and a well-decorated smooth ceiling with a golden chandelier hanging beautifully. A large size well organized smooth table set was placed in the center of the room and in front of the map which makes the room more adorable.

Samantha seems that she was lost in admiring the room. An unknown manly voice pulled her back, "Hello Miss. Samantha... Please take your seat". She is walk-in properly and pulled the chair back and adjusted herself on it. She notices that middle age man was seating beside the table, staring and smiling at her.

She moved and adjusted herself on the chair. The officer lady offers a glass of water to her while seating on her right side. Samantha smiled and grabbed the glass.

A mobile phone covered with a piece of plastic bag was placed on the table right in front of her. She immediately recognize that it was Amaya's phone. The officer lady stopped and grabbed her hand to pull back as Samantha moved her hand forward to grab it. The officer lady spoke, "Hold on miss. Samantha... First, we have some serious topic to discuss", Her smile never disappeared during the conversation.

Samantha shallow hard and replied, "Oo- Okie!" Her heartbeat started racing. She turned her gaze toward the man in front of her.

Suddenly, Some seriousness cover med his face... He crossed his palm and Started, "Well, Miss. Samantha! Here is the matter. We aren't supposed to invite you however your continued missed call on this phone forced us."

She turned toward the lady before turning back, Her shaking voice burst, "What- What do you mean?" Her eyes started searching his face for the answer with confusion.

He indicated the mobile and Spoke, "This phone was found the day before yesterday near the murder zone. And that murder was directly affiliated with a popular mafia gang"

Samantha's jaw dropped. It was hard to believe what she heard. A murder. A mafia gang. She seems like she was trying to calculate the words that were coming from the men.

She collects herself from her thoughts and finally asked, "A murder? A mafia gang?" A drop of tears rolled down from her eyes. She couldn't control her emotions and started subbing.

The lady officer offered water and little pieces of tissue while tapping on her shoulder. Samantha grabbed it from her and tried hard to stop herself from subbing.

The male officer Continue, "This gang is related to the place popular with the name 'The Golden Gate' and the leader is 'Mister Dragon'." He pointed toward the map beside him.

As soon as she heard 'Mister Dragon's name, It felt like she fall from a high cliff. Mister Dragon, A person with a black heart... No emotions and is an inhuman person who can kill, or toucher and let the once's next seven generations suffer like hell. He rules the Underworld and is a well-known king of mafias in new york city.

"Mist- Mister. Dragon", Samantha spoke after swallowing harshly.

The officer Continue while Putting the mobile phone back in the drawer, "Miss. Samantha, We know you have been searching for your sister and this is Amaya's mobile. However, luckily the dead body wasn't her's. So... Please give us some time, we will find her safely."

Samantha's face turned a little brighter when she realized it wasn't Amaya's dead body still She couldn't feel relaxed as she was informed that it was related to some mafia gang.

She nodded and answered, "Alright Sir. Is there anything I can do?"

The Lady officer replied as she delivered some documents to Samantha, "Please, Fill it and cooperate with us."

Samantha smile lightly and grabbed that document and answered, "Sure."