
Players are in Heaven Mandate!

It was a bright morning! The day it all began, when every child under the age of 22 was teleported from the surface of the earth, the remaining population was terrified as they discovered that their children had vanished from their sight for all time. When a Heaven Mandet voice reverberated throughout the entire planet and all the parents who were concerned about their children going missing discovered a screen showing them the location where their children had been sent to fight, or perhaps it should be said to survive in a dangerously exotic environment, they were relieved. What? They will not pass away even if they are killed, but they will experience 5% of the total amount of pain while they are dying, right? If they kill monsters outside, will they have the meat and experience necessary to perfect the best cultivation techniques and reach the top of the world? This is totally a GG! However, they were unaware that the pain of dying could actually be bearable, and many went through traumatic experiences before realizing that there was a hidden shadow to the seemingly perfect world, one in which not only would they not perish, but they would also not age because they would return to life after making the journey of their souls to the resurrection hall. For those who do not know how to survive in this Hell Mandite, the beautiful world that appears on the outside may actually be hell. Come with us in a journey of Chen Mo, who will survive in this hellish world and will guide a light for those who are seeking salvation and aim within this brutal world.

Montenlord · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Heaven Mandate World.

'It was bright, and I could not see anything beyond the light that did not hurt my tired eyes, until I finally saw rough ground and pin-drop silence, along with rustling winds.' Chen Mo awoke with a yawn as he became aware that he was not in the classroom.

Instead, he was looking out into a stunning world where a castle floating in the sky was clearly visible.

"Eh! Is it a prank?" Before the surrounding area broke into shouts, Chen Mo had a thought in his head.

As he looked around, he saw all of his classmates, as well as several other classes from the same college and institute, looking around with fear in their eyes.

'What is happening?'

'Where are we guys, Is this some kind of dream or what?'

Everyone appeared to be in complete disarray and chaos, but in Chen Mo's mind, he only experienced a kind of calmness and silence that was uncommon among people his age.

"No way! A reincarnation again? Wait, then it can be said that this is a mass reincarnation or something, but that is unlikely." Chen Mo eliminated those choices because he knew that if this was reincarnation, then all of these people should have passed away along with him.

However, based on their appearances and conversations, he was confident that they were simply a brief circle of light that appeared here, which somewhat matched the light he had previously seen.

"Welcome to the Heaven Mandate world, everyone!" All of them felt a little lightheaded as many other options suddenly appeared in front of them when suddenly a sound rang in everyone's heads and a set of introductions entered their minds.

"A system or something..." Chen Mo murmured as he observed others who appeared to be touching the air and concentrating on their gazes. He tried to touch them as well and discovered that he could manipulate the panel in front of him.

'Let's make it short and it says that we are sent in this world every day and one day of this world is equal to that of one hour of this world's timeline.'

'They were needed to survive 24 days here in this world, and then they can go back to our own world for a single-day break and will be forced teleport again in this world.'

'We cannot die in this world or in real world and they will revive in the resurrection hall in each world since there will be change in our world too.'

Chen Mo became silent after gathering all the necessary knowledge, and a small smile spread across his face as he took a look at the beginner weapon backpack, which he could use to obtain a single weapon of his choosing and a cultivation method.

'Heaven Mandet Basic Breathing Art.' Suddenly, a skill and a metal spear with two distinct sections appeared inside Chen Mo's head. Chen Mo was pleased to discover that he could use these items as knives and iron roads as well, which could occasionally be more advantageous.

However, he made the decision to bring a spear because it could also be used to hunt some fish, as he could not see anyone in this area who could cook for them.

He understood that it was better to be ready in this world because they are more like uninvited guests and could cause trouble if a real creature in this world decides to deal with them.

'What shall we do? He was dead; he tried to kill a single rabbit but that thing was fast and it killed him in a single bite.'

'What is this hell? Although I do not want to starve to death because that is more terrifying, I do believe that we can still survive if we can get back to our world.'

All of them began to place their hopes in leveling up and getting stronger, and those who had previously lived in a rural area-type setting were beginning to assess the situation.

Those who considered themselves to be professional players were also beginning to consider a strategy to deal with the beast outside. That is, if it were even possible!

'Heaven Mandate Basic Breathing Art.'

Since no one else would be able to focus for as long as it took, and since they were only earning 100 experience points per hour, this technique required prolonged concentration.

As a result, Chen Mo understood that he was incapable of completing the task, even though he could focus for up to 15 minutes.

Therefore, after making up his mind, Chen Mo first chose to stand up and run in the direction of the place where he could be by himself, and he found it quickly enough, given that everyone was beginning to form groups in this city, which had many old-style brick or other material houses.

Not to mention, all players were still forbidden from living in any houses and were required to spend their first few days living outside without a roof over their heads or any food.

'If this were to be game, no one would like to play it, given even 5% death pain can really traumatizing.' Chen Mo passed the deceased man on the way back, and he did not appear to be in particularly good shape.

'Ahh! More people are dying...'

'Someone has revived; let's go and help him out! But we don't have anything to make him divert his mind, like food or drinks.'

'Those guys are trying to force the girl, protect them and also try to held them back at all cost, come on guys we will return, so don't become scum and gave in to this world.'

Chen Mo simply tried to recall what he had learned in javelin throwing class and was trying to repeat it in this world with the spear until he got tired in the midst of all this strange shouting and aggressive environment.

When he started to get tired, he would drink water from the basic package, eat two crumbs of bread that were provided by the system, and use breathing techniques to get through four practice rounds before discovering a skill on his skill tab.

[Focus Spear Throw] [Level 1] (Upgrade: + 50 Exp]

[Accuracy + 10; Damage + 20%; Aim Assist (System)]

Using the 50 Exp he had gained through concentration breathing, he was able to level up his skills and found that several situation and memories appear in his head.

[Focus Spear Throw] [Level 2] (Upgrade: +200 Exp)

[Accuracy + 12 meters; Damage + 25%; Aim Assist (System)]

[Heaven Mandate: Basic Breathing Art] [Level 0] (Upgrade: +100 Exp)

[Increase Qi Status by 10 for each level.]

[Congratulations to Chen Mo for being the first to create a skill.]

[The Host has been given the hidden title of 'Genius Cultivator.']

[All Status + 10] (Hidden)

[Ding Host has reached first Qi realm of Apprentice Cultivator.]

['Body Strengthening Art.' has been given to host to practice from the Heaven Mandate Sect.]

When Chen Mo had finished his training, he emerged from the alley to discover that someone had already killed a rabbit and was showing it off to the other guys.

However, none of them attempted to share their meat, and one even killed a man who tried to forcibly take some of it.

'Oh! The only way he could have killed a man among so many people and terrified others was if he had also attained First Qi Layer.'

Chen Mo did not stay there for very long after realizing that he was not significantly ahead of the others and that they were tossing fruit and mushrooms around after others had tried to eat them and died as a result.

Additionally, the person who killed the rabbit added that poisoning an animal before killing it can poison the entire thing; however, he made no mention of systemic methods of retrieval.

Since the majority of the population in this area is from the civilized world and the city as well, they are unlikely to be familiar with the process of butchering an animal.

As a result, the cultivation system has developed a System Retrieval method that can separate the skin, bones, blood, internal organs, and meat for us.

Chen Mo pondered the possibility that if the system's retrieval were truly flawless, it might also be able to separate pure meat from poison meat.

So, initially, he considered using the poisonous food from earlier to determine whether or not he could use it to kill those small animals.