
Player with 1 ATK and 1 DEF Stat

Satori, a high school student who came to life as a player at the age of 17, hopes to one day play professionally in order to make money and put money down for the future. After completing the tutorial, He starts grinding for EXP hoping for his stats to grow up. He regularly defeated low-level monsters, yet his ATK and DEF were still 1.

Yamiru · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Devil

"Satori keeps dodging the boss's attacks as he easily counters them with two knives and a blaster. 'How was that for my first attack?!' he smiles as he sends more dragon-shaped skull blasters toward the boss.

The boss then dashes forward and slices off both of Satori's dragon-shaped skulls causing them to disappear. "Oh? Someone's frustrated." The boss growls in frustration and charges again, this time aiming for Satori's neck. But Satori's agility can't be underestimated. He disappears in a puff of smoke and reappears behind the boss, taunting him with a smirk. The boss whirls around, but Satori is already in motion, slicing him across the back with one of his knives.

"You missed," Satori teases, as the boss stumbles forward, momentarily disoriented. But Satori is not one to let an opportunity slip by. He takes aim with his dragon blaster, charging it to full power, and unleashes a torrent of fiery energy at the boss.

The boss is caught off guard and knocked back against the wall, the impact rattling the room. Satori grins in satisfaction, but his triumph is short-lived as he hears the boss mutter, "Annoying." Suddenly, the boss's knife glows with a menacing red light.

"Go to hell" the boss snarls as he slices through the air, sending the red blade hurtling toward Satori like a deadly projectile. But Satori is too fast and nimble for the boss to catch. He easily dodges the attack, sidestepping and leaping high into the air.

"That was close," Satori remarks, As he lands gracefully on the ground, he notices the red blade returning toward him. He quickly assesses the situation and decides to take evasive action once again.

With a quick movement, he side-steps the blade and jumps backward, watching as it flies harmlessly past him. "Really now?" Satori taunts the boss, a hint of amusement in his voice. "You'll have to do better than that if you want to defeat me."

The boss dashes towards Satori with lightning-fast slashes, but Satori is too quick and agile for the boss to land a hit. He dodges, sidesteps, and teleports backward, taunting the boss as he evades every attack.

"Are you done?" Satori asks, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Then, it's my turn." His right eye glows with a bright blue light as he points his palm at the boss, using telekinesis to force him to the ground. Satori then raises his right arm, summoning a barrage of blue knives from the ground.

"Move, and you'll get damaged," Satori warns the boss. "Even if it's just one point of damage, my critical chance is average." The boss curses and struggles to free himself from the knives that have impaled his body, causing him to take damage with every movement.

"Quite risky there," Satori mutters as he charges up a dragon blaster, taking aim at the boss. But before he can fire, the boss suddenly disappears from sight, causing Satori to look up in surprise.

"Hmm?" Satori says, noticing the boss ready to plunge down on him with a deadly attack. He sidesteps the attack with ease and then raises his right arm once again, summoning a fresh barrage of knives from the ground.

This time, the knives are normal ones, but they are no less deadly. They slice through the air with a whistle, cutting into the boss's flesh and causing him to scream in pain.

"How was it? My 1 ATK? Was it painful?" Satori asks with a smirk, snapping his fingers to summon more dragon blasters from the air, which aim directly at the boss. "Well, I'll make sure to make this quick." With a flash of light, he teleports to the top of the dragon blasters. "Fire."

The dragon blasters unleash a devastating beam that hits the boss, causing him to scream in pain. After a few moments, the boss's screams subside. "Damn it, it finally stopped screaming," Satori mutters. He snaps his fingers again, causing the dragon blasters to disappear. He lands on the ground and approaches the boss's lifeless body. "Was it really that easy though?"

"No, it is not... that was merely my body," a voice echoes through the corridor. "Haha, yeah, I mean... You're not an SSS rank boss for a reason, right?" Satori remarks, glancing at the half-black and half-red heart shape at the end of the corridor. "Yes, that's right..." The system finally reveals its name. "Name: The Devil. Rank: SSS. HP: 99/99."

Satori raises an eyebrow. "Oh? So your health is originally low from the start, huh..." he says with a sly grin. "Do not worry, I'll make sure to show you what I am capable of."

"Yes, don't bore me to death!" Satori lunged at the heart-shaped boss, knives flashing in the dim light. "Well, just because my HP is low doesn't mean I'm easy to defeat." The boss blocked Satori's attack with a knife and then transformed into a humanoid figure, holding the knife with her left arm. A wicked smile spread across her face as she surveyed her opponent.

"Hmm, interesting..." Satori focused his mind, using telekinesis to lift the boss off the ground. But she wasn't helpless yet. Her knife suddenly shifted into a pistol, and she fired a flurry of bullets at Satori. He twisted and turned, dodging the shots with a dancer's grace.

"Your weapons can turn?!" Satori exclaimed in disbelief.

"I have a lot of weapons," the boss replied coolly. The pistol then transformed into a sword, and she lunged at Satori. But he was too quick for her, darting out of the way and dodging her blows with ease.

"Interesting, but you can't hit me, so I guess there's no point," Satori smirked and aimed his left palm at the boss. With a flick of his wrist, he conjured a swarm of razor-sharp knives in the air, all aimed at the boss's vulnerable body. He released his power, and the knives shot forward like a deadly rain.

The boss cut the knives coming towards her as she dashed. Satori used telekinesis again. "Is this boss a samurai or something?!" he muttered as he teleported away, making distance as he pointed his palm at the boss, making knives and dragon blasters fire at her.

"Little rat!~" She swung her sword in the air, making a red-slice projectile coming straight at Satori. Satori leaped as he stared at the boss. He was starting to get tired, panting slowly. "Oh? Getting tired, aren't we?" the boss smiled. "Shit..." Satori muttered. "Where is all the talking now?" The boss teleported in front of Satori, her sword aiming at his neck. "Don't move and you'll die."

Satori sighed, "I won't move... Just gonna stand here with my hands up." He raised his hands. "Good~ It's been a while since I have been in my second phase. Congratulations, you get to witness true hell at this point."

"Haha, yeah... I mean, that's true... but what about me? Have you seen my point of view's hell?" Satori stared into the boss's eyes. She smiled widely. "Hahaha!~ Funny, how about I'll send you there right now." The boss was about to slice Satori until time stopped.

"Yeah, let me show you... my hell." He slowly walked back and snapped his fingers, making knives and dragon blasters appear and surrounding the boss. He then made blue knives appear on the ground, thrusting the boss's body, making it unable to move.

"My last curtain." Time continued as the boss's eyes widened. She was surrounded by knives and a dragon skull-shaped face ready to fire. "Ahh, so this is your hell... can't be helped."

As time continued, the knives started piercing the boss, and the dragon blasters fired their beams at her. After that, the boss disappeared and dropped a knife and a scroll. The boss's room then became like a garden with flower beds around. Satori then slowly picked up the knife and the scroll. The system said, "Congratulations! You have defeated an SSS-Rank Boss."

He then sat down on the flower bed and checked the knife. The knife's name was "Real Blade." It could change forms such as guns, blades, and even shields. "So basically it's an all-rounder weapon... and how about this scroll?" he picked the scroll up and opened it.

Satori's eyes widened as it said, "Familiar Summon: The Devil." "Interesting. You can name the familiar once you have made a pact on the scroll," a warning appeared on the system, "the user must be 50+ level above with the 'Real Blade' weapon to be able to summon 'The Devil'."

Satori then swiped the air, making a system panel appear in front of him, and checked his stats. "Woah, I have leveled up a lot."

"My player level was now 61, with HP 23,510, Mana 20,000, ATK 1, DEF 1, Agility 100%, Resistance 150%, Magic Resistance 160%, Critical Chance 8.0%, Evasion 100%, CD Reduction 60%, and Healing Bonus 40%." He swiped the air, closed the system panel, and got up from the flower bed, walking over to his dead party members. "Rest in peace, everyone." He left the gate.