1 Kiara Meets High School

"Sleepy head wake up....it is time for school" Joanna Ross pulled her by her legs echoing. Kiara grumbled , she was not ready to be in a new world. She missed Amazon High a lot, she missed the scenic nature of Alley and now she was in New Orleans. A whole New world, she had to love or hate.....

"Phew! Am up mum" She said as she kept rubbing her eyes.

"Go take a bath sweetie. School awaits u!" Joanna kissed her and made her way to the door. "Gosh!!!!" kiara yelled.

ln a nano second, she was dressed in a blue long sleeved shirt which looked awkward with her baggy jeans. she slung her bag on one shoulder, her hair was a complete mess buh kiara didn't care.....

she fled down the stairs..... "Am ever ready mum" She said grinning like a Six year old.

"Kiara!!!!" Joanna looked terrified staring at her.
