
Play the Game Differently

 What was she like she wonders? She only remembers a bit about her past, and that she was not a good person. Well, if you think a Sociopath is good, then maybe you should get that head of yours checked. One thing's for certain, Hero or Villain, Akane doesn't care about anything that doesn't benefit her, and will do whatever it takes to reach to the top.  [Disclaimer]-This story is fanfiction. The copyright of source materials belongs to their respective owners. Please support the official release! [Warning]-This story is rated M (MA) due to contents such as gores, profanities, violence, smut, and so on. If your age is less than 18-years-old, please consider skipping this story. Be responsible for your choice. You have been warned. Thank you for reading this warning! P.S- posting this for fun and also this affronted fanfic is not mine I'm just posting this here in Webnovel. [Original Fanfic Author]-https://m.fanfiction.net/u/12142283/Mirlnir [Original Site]-https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13542266/1/Play-The-Game-Differently

TheEternalWanderer · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

What Your's Is Now Mine

"I'll say..." I start, gazing at the exhausted yet proud forms of Rias and her Peerage. "You guys blew my expectation out of the water."

Only one day remains before the Rating Game, and I managed to get them all to level 100. The zombie dungeon wasn't doing it for them after the second time they finished it, so I decided to go through the orc one, reach a certain point, then bring them there so they don't get any overpowered loot since I already emptied the place.

I only got to the third wave, or after the third treasure chest, so I didn't really get a lot of equipment. But the things I got were useful.

First, a good amount of Credits, as every chest gave me 80, 120, 200 respectively. That's 400, one hundred away from a machine pack.

Second, a bunch of stat crystals. I gave all the mental ones to Issei since he needs to grow his mind as much as his body. I'm not worried about him figuring me out because, well, love is an easy way to manipulate anyone, no matter how smart they are.

Third, it's these lovely beauties.

Lens of Nightvision

Gives the wearer the ability to see in the dark clearly

Earrings of Rejuvenation

Increases SP regen by 50%

Orc Slayer

A blade that is most effective against Orcs

Deals 12 Physical Damage + STRx1.9

Deals x2 Damage against orcs

Elven Longsword

Deals 20 Physical Damage + STRx2.1

Firewyrm Boots

Increases Defense by 33

Increases fire resistance by 10%

Amulet of the Twin Spirits

Ice and Fire Magic deal 10% more Damage

Increase Fire and Ice resistance by 10%

Not much, but remember, all of these came from three chests. The reset gave items that are not worth anything. It didn't matter that Rias and her goons got them.

Too bad I didn't get any Gacha Tokens though. They're so much fun to use.

Fourth... Well, I can safely say that I'm not gonna be helpless in a close-quarters fight.

Cryo-Master Akane Amamiya

Level - 250

Class - Saber - LVL 100/100 [100%]

Secondary Class - Engineer - LV 50/50 [100%]

Race - Human

Rank - Mortal

Alignment - Neutral Evil

HP - 6816 [2499 per minute]

MP - 19,050 [17,550 per minute]

SP - 5680 [5623 per minute]

STR - 901

END - 568

DEX - 870

INT - 1270

WIS - 1170

CHA - 110

LUK - 99

Perks gained

[Immense Strength] - 500 STR

Increases all forms of Physical Damage by 50%

Intimidation checks will always pass with those who have less STR than you

[Swift Whirlwind] - 500 DEX

Doubles movement speed and attack speed

High-speed movement with short distances skills, like [Flash Step] now have double the distance

[Troll's Vitality] - 500 END

Your SP and HP regen are doubled

Once a day, your SP refills completely after it hits 0

[Magical Engineering]

Technology and magic are concepts that made races thrive in the multiverse. Almost a dichotomy amongst the multiverse, almost no places have both and even less have combined them efficiently. Now, two become one within the artistry your hands create

Skills gained


Deal 2.5x (weapon damage + STR)* DEX to an enemy via a remote slash and remove all beneficial status effects or buffs.

Costs 1500 SP

[Absolute Mirror of Equity]

Cast a debuff that sets the targets END equal to that of a person in your line of sight; this debuff will not be cast if your target would get raised END as a result of this. Afterwards, deal one slash that deals (weapon damage * 2), then deal physical damage (4x) with consecutive increase (3 times, 2x each, 10x max) to one enemy. Ignores durability and can hit non-corporeal targets.

Costs 5000 SP

[Star Slicer]

Deal 14 remote slashes to a target, each dealing (weapon damage + STR) + (DEX * 2). Ignores conventional durability.

If casting [Absolute Mirror of Equity] or [Omnislash] after this skill, multiply the damage dealt by those skills by x2 and restore 1000 MP.

Costs 10K SP

Ultimate Skills gained

[Shatterpoint] (Passive)

Allows the user to see the weak points in enemy physiology and techniques, striking them down in a precise and deadly fashion. This technique also allows the user to see the "fault lines" in enemy techniques and stop them with a precise counterslash. Additionally allows the user to perceive actions before their foe makes them and where the "fault" in them is, and strike preeminently. However, these abilities may fail against attacks or enemies significantly faster than the user, so be careful.

[Shatterpoint: Fissure]

Find the faults in your enemy and rip them asunder. Allows the user to scan individuals for specific defects and past injuries and affect them directly, such as reopening a long-since healed wound or triggering a damaging chemical reaction.

Costs 5000 MP to scan a unit, and another 10K to strike


Slash your sword faster than the speed of light an innumerable amount of times from all angles, dealing weapon damage + (STRxDEX)x15 and ignoring durability and hitting non-corporeal enemies.

Costs 15K SP

[Spacial Rend]

Use your blade to cut through space, creating a tear that rips enemies apart at an atomic level.

Draws enemies, attacks, and items towards the rends like a magnet and deals (INT+DEX)x2 non-elemental damage.

Can be combined with other sword skills for twice the cost.

Costs 5000 SP

That's a lot of skills... And I can't even use some of them. What really caught my attention though, was the [Magical Engineering] one. I honestly thought that it would have its own class, but to think I can mix magic with technology at my current level... It's insane.

[Shatterpoint] is incredibly powerful too, even though I can't use Fissure yet. Seeing actions and the weak points of said actions before they even happen? This skill alone is just a huge boost in power.

I'll admit, I was very surprised that Saber's ultimate skills surpass Cryomancer's.

Too bad I can only really use Absolute Mirror of Equity and Spacial Rend, but both cost almost all of my stamina.

And finally...

[Plunder+] (Passive)

Steal a bit of the stats of your fallen enemies and whatever unique skill they have

[Plunder+ Upgrade Quest]

Steal 10 Unique skills [0/10]

Choose your reward: [Racial skills] [Stronger stats] [Slight Health Absorb] [Slight Mana Absorb] [Slight Stamina Absorb]

It didn't take long, at all. The orcs barely had any mental stats, but the physical ones rivaled the Tank boss in the previous dungeon. Of course, I'm talking about the stronger ones, not the foot soldiers. Still, I managed to easily power through three waves without using a single MP point, but I'm positive that it won't be as easy in the later rounds.

I'm choosing stronger stats as the next upgrade... That is if the next world doesn't have a multitude of races. We'll see.

Rias smiles. "And we wouldn't have done it without your help."

Yeah, you wouldn't.

"Please, Rias. All of this was your own hard work." I shake my head. "All I did was point you in the right direction."

Hm... I wonder why the quest hasn't been completed yet. Do I need to wait for Sirzechs to gauge them up? It looks like it.

"And that's what we needed, Akane," Akeno says. "Even if we had trained as hard as we did by ourselves the past week, we still wouldn't reach this level."

Rias nods. "Exactly. You took so much of your time and you still helped us with a smile." She takes a step closer and holds my hand in hers. "In the name of my family, if there's anything I- we can do for you, just say the word."

I fake an abashed look, stuttering intentionally. "Y-you don't have to do that..."

Upgrade Quest Completed

[Acting Proficiency (Apprentice)]

You're a little experienced in acting

Skill Quest added

[Acting Mastery Adept Upgrade Quest]

Convince 50 people with your acting [0/50]


"I want to." Rias insists.

I smile slightly, before jumping in fright when Sirzechs' magic appeared behind me.


I look behind me, seeing the Satan's amused smile and his wife's blank face.

"Lord Sirzechs." I greet.

He chuckles. "Please don't scowl like that. I couldn't help it, okay?"

Scowl? When did I- No, just take a deep breath. You can question it later.

"Right, I apologize." I step away a bit so he can take a good look at them. "So? What do you think?"

He nods and gazes at them, sensing their power with his usual smile. I obviously know that he would be satisfied, considering that all of their levels are beyond the bonus by a bit. I don't fake being nervous either since he will instantly know.

Trying to act around someone like him will probably be a huge mistake.

After a while, his smile widens as he nods approvingly. "I'll admit, I was a little doubtful that you would keep your word, but it seems that my worries were for naught."

Quest Complete

[Training Montage]

Objective: Get Rias and her Peerage up to level 80

Rewards: 1 Gacha Token, 2500 Credits, 10 Stat Crystals of your choice, Greatly Increase Reputation with Occult Research Club members, Greatly Increase Reputation with Sirzechs Lucifer, Greatly Increase Reputation with Grayfia Lucifuge

Bonus Objective: Get Rias and her Peerage up to level 100

Bonus Rewards: 1 Gacha Token, 5000 Credits, 20 Stat Crystals of your choice, Massively Increase Reputation with Occult Research Club members, Massively Increase Reputation with Sirzechs Lucifer, Massively Increase Reputation with Grayfia Lucifuge

Perks gained

[Longing Nobility] - Rias [50]

Nobles who try to be known for themselves rather than a title or a family name are drawn to you, trying to get your approval first and foremost

Affection and Reputation gain is faster with them

[Onee-chan's Favorite] - Akeno [50]

Girls with the big sister personality trait will be drawn to you.

Affection and Reputation gain is faster with 'Onee-chans'

[Jailbait] - Koneko [50]

Children under the age of consent will be drawn to you as a trusted guardian.

Affection and Reputation gain is faster with under-aged children

[Bishounen lure] - Kiba [50]

Boys with a charming face will always feel a connection to you, getting them to seek your approval

Affection and Reputation gain is faster with pretty boys

[The Devil's Friend] - Sirzechs [50]

Beings who are considered devils or demons will never look down on you, and will see you as their equal

Affection and Reputation gain is faster with Devils/Demons

Ah, I love my powers.

I notice Grayfia frown for a split-second, before returning to her usual indifference.

Sirzechs looks at me, smiling warmly, and to the shock of us all, he bowed. "I thank you, Akane Amamiya. From the bottom of my heart."

I... Okay, I didn't expect that.

"Please don't bow to me. This was simply a business transaction, right?"

He raises his head and chuckles. "True." He gazes at Grayfia and she nods, preparing a teleportation circle. "My apologies, but I still have a lot of work regarding the Rating Game, so I can't stay here any longer. But before I go, I would like to invite you to see the match in the underworld by my and my fellow Satans side. What say you?"

And the opportunity presents itself...

"I accept."

1 Reputation with Sirzechs Lucifer [54/100]

1 Reputation with Grayfia Lucifuge [35/100]

"I hoped that you would." He nods with his eyes closed. "May we see each other again tomorrow, Akane Amamiya."

And with that, the two disappear back to the underworld.

I gaze at Rias, who looked a little in awe. "What?"

"I've... never seen my brother act like this with someone before." She looks at me. "What did you do to make him respect you so much?"

I shrug. "Just being myself I guess. By the way, what will you guys do now?"

"I don't... really know." She frowns. "I guess go back home and wait."

"Well, how about you guys come to my home? We can celebrate the end of your training together."

Her eyes widen before she smiles. "We'd love too!"

"That's good. How about later tonight? I'll have enough time getting everything ready while you..." I gesture towards their torn clothes with a sheepish smile.

Rias blushes in embarrassment. "You're right. Akeno?"

"Yes, president." The raven-haired girl creates a teleportation circle similar to the one Grayfia made.

She waves goodbye as they disappear, and once they do, I smirk darkly.

"That's phase one done..."

Quest added

[Taking Away What's Yours]

Objective: Kill Rias at the Rating Game stealthily

Rewards: 7500 Credits, 2 Gacha Token, Master control over The Power Of Destruction

"Just a bit more, Akane..." I spread my wings and fly to my home. "A bit more and you'll get what you rightfully deserve..."

(Sometime later...)

Finishing my latest product, I grin. It's still a prototype, but it will be incredibly useful, especially with the dragon god strolling around the place.

"What are you doing?" Ophis asks, her gaze fixed on the egg-shaped device I made.

Acoustics Ovoid

A hand-made machine that absorbs soundwaves and turns it to electricity.

It was difficult finding ways to actually make this work when researching it, but with my INT stat, it didn't take too long. It's similar to how a solar panel would work, but instead of absorbing sunlight, this absorbs sound. At first, I wanted to make it a weapon of some sort, but I don't think my Apprentice level technology is gonna cut it.

And the reason why it's still a prototype? Well, it can't absorb all soundwaves fast enough, which means I can still hear myself when I speak, although it'll feel like I'm whispering instead of talking. There's also the fact that it can only store so much power, but a few days and I'll boost its abilities, so no worries for now.

"Hey," Ophis speaks up again when I didn't answer. "What's this?"

I smirk. "Let's find out, shall we?"

I flip the switch and the machine turns on, slowly booting itself before all the LED lights turn green. A loud sound that made both of us wince indicated its activation.

I could feel a frown appear on the god's face. She raises her arm at the machine and mutters something I could barely hear.

"Too noisy. Die."

The moment she said that she froze, making me sigh in relief. That was too close.

She tilts her head in confusion, letting out weird sounds as she processes what's happening. After a few... tests, she turns to me, cocking her head to the side.

"Why is everything so quiet?"

I barely heard what she said, and I felt pride swelling in my chest because of that. Crouching to meet her eyes, I smile as warmly as I can.

"You said you wanted Silence, right?" She nods. "While still not perfect, I made this for you."

"For me?"

I slowly bring her closer to me as I pat her head. "I told you before, didn't I? We care for each other, which is why I want you to be happy."

"Care for each other?" She questions.

"Yes, I care about you, and you care about me," I explain. "Do you wanna what we humans call that?"

She nods slightly.

"We call it being a family."

She blinks. "Family?"

My smile widens as I bring myself closer until our foreheads are touching. "It's the best thing anyone, human or otherwise, could want."

"...Why?" She asks after a second.

"I... can't exactly explain why. It differs for every person you see. Maybe they want someone to relate to. Or, maybe they want to feel the love and joy of being so affectionate to someone."

"...Are we family?"

You know, as much of an emotionless killing machine she is, I could hear the desire in her voice, which is surprising. What's shocking, however, is how easy it is to fool her. Was she really this naive?

I bring her close for a hug gently. "We are."

Thank god she couldn't see my face... Otherwise, she'd see the sinister smirk I had.

30 Reputation with Ophis [45/100]

She returns the hug, burying her head in my chest.

"Family is nice." She says.

"That it is."

We stay like this for a little while before I let go, seeing a disappointed look cross her face for a split-second.

"Ophis? May I ask you to do me a little favor?"

She nods.

"I want you to stay here from now on," I tell her. "I'll get you a bed and whatever else you ask for, but I want you to only stay here. Is that okay?"


Her response was a little too quick for my liking. "Well, the little machine here can't be moved currently, so it won't be as quiet upstairs as it is here."

That got her to immediately agree, nodding her head again.

I sigh slightly as she goes back inspecting the place, deciding to poke the YoRHa android on the other side of the room.

...You know, I've been a little curious the moment I met her. The Game warned me to not use Observe on the highest level beings since they might be able to sense it.. but now that her Reputation is a little under fifty...



The Infinity Dragon God

Race - Dragon God

Level - ?

Ophis stopped her poking, slowly gazing back at me, making my blood run cold.

"What did you do?" She asks curiously.

"J-just a harmless little spell," I answer quickly. "There's no need to be concerned. I promise."

Surprisingly, she believes me very quickly, losing interest in the android as she wanders the place, making me let out a sigh of relief.

I knew she wouldn't attack me, but that was still nerve-racking.

Checking my inventory, I pull out the Gacha Tokens and enter the dungeon, not wanting to alert anyone if I pull an overpowered item.

First is...

Demon Monarch's Necklace

Increases MP by 30%

Increases movement speed by 30%

Not bad.

What about the second?


A sword made of enchanted ice and forged in the glacial mountains, Frostbrand is cold incarnate, as a single touch could freeze the hottest of flames.

Deals 500 physical Damage + STRx5.5 + 1000 Ice Damage

Charging the blade with 500 MP will make it shoot an icy bolt that deals 3500 Ice Damage

This is a good pull. It should be a good substitute until I can use Excalibur.

It's annoying how my Sword and Light-armor Proficiencies were stuck at [Adept] level when I thought they were gonna be maxed out with my class. Both had an upgrade quest thankfully.

The sword one requires me to beat/kill 300 beings who use a sword. There were a lot of orcs with swords, fortunately, so leveling it up shouldn't be too difficult.

Light armor wanted me to let my armor block 10k worth of damage, which is a bit harder than the other quest.

But now that I got the Tokens out of the way, let's see the other classes... Well, the first one is obviously White Mage

Class gained

[White Mage] - LV 1/100 [0%]

Gain 5 INT and 5 WIS every level

Skills gained

[Light Arrow]

Deals 50 Light Damage

Costs 20 MP

[Minor Stat Buff]

Buffs one stat of your choosing by 2%

Costs 25 MP

[Minor Heal]

Restores the target's health by 2%

Costs 25 MP

Only three skills? Oh well. I only chose this for the Excalibur, nothing else.

Now the secondary... Nothing new appeared, so that's a little disappointing. I think getting another physical class would be my best bet... but one thing really can rival that.

If Illusionist has the skills I'm thinking of... then manipulating others will be much more effective.

Do I risk it?


With a sigh, I choose Illusionist

Class gained

[Illusionist] - LV 1/100 [0%]

Gain 7 CHA, 2 INT and 1 WIS every level

Skills gained

[Induce Fear]

Manipulate your target's mind and let them be afraid

Costs 200 MP

[Induce Rage]

Manipulate your target's mind and let them be angry

Costs 200 MP

[Induce Courage]

Manipulate your target's mind and let them be brave

Costs 200 MP

[Induce Peacfulness]

Manipulate your target's mind and let them calm down

Costs 200 MP

[Illusory feint]

Trick your opponents by making them see a fake attack at the corner of their eye

Costs 250 MP

Okay, it does have what I wanted. Magically controlling emotions will be one hell of a way to manipulate.

Checking on my watch, I realize that I don't have much time to continue my research on the... "Device" I'm currently working on.

Time to get back to work then...

(A few hours later...) (Rias)

She knocked on the door of her friend's house, her Peerage members behind her wearing casually for the night. She took a quick look at her phone, seeing it's 8:10 PM. The door opened slightly and the head of a young blonde girl popped out, staring nervously at them.

Rias furrowed her brows as she sensed a Sacred Gear within the girl, but her thoughts were cut short when the blonde spoke with a soft voice.

"A-are you Akane's friends?" She stuttered, her big green eyes looking between them.

Rias smiled warmly. "We are. Are you her friend too?"

The green-eyed girl shook her head. "N-no, she's my savior."

Akeno tilted her head. "Savior?"

"U-um, please come in." The shy girl invited them in. "Akane was waiting for you.

Rias raised a brow at how the girl deflected the question but complied nonetheless, stepping inside to be greeted by the crimson-eyed magician she calls her friend. Akane smiled sweetly as she marched towards them, Issei Hyoudou behind her.

"Finally you're here." She said. "Please, make yourselves at home."

Rias smiled and looked behind her... only to notice Koneko missing. Looking around the place, she sighed as she saw the Nekomata already in the kitchen, stuffing her face with snacks.

Her Queen giggled softly as Akane sweatdropped. "I... think she took 'Make yourself at home' too literally."

Rias sighed. "Sorry. She's not always this-"

"It's fine, Rias. I was joking." Akane chuckled. "Come on in, we have to make up for the time we spent training instead of chatting."

She agreed with that notion, smiling as she left with her, already talking about how they spent the day after training. At the corner of her eye, she saw the little blonde girl, now that she knows as Asia, interacted with Akeno and how Kiba approached Issei, smiling at the Boosted Gear wielder. Issei looked noticeably uncomfortable with her knight, which made her almost frowned at that.

Issei has always been wary around them, too distrustful to share anything. He suffered through the training trip with them, took orders from her easily and without complaints, but he refused to make friends with them.

Was it because of the fallen? Did she traumatize him enough and now he doesn't trust the supernatural? It would be understandable, but still troublesome. Sona won't be happy about this...

The rest of the night was quite... relieving for the king. There wasn't anything really worth mentioning. The two chatted about the most mundane things, from school to boys, but that didn't stop her from having a blast. She doesn't remember when was the last time she felt this relaxed. With the threat of Riser plaguing her mind, she didn't have time to unwind.

She also felt a bit relieved when she saw Issei open up a bit, looking less and less irritable as time went on. It was a match of Mario Kart that really made him all grins and chuckles.

Of course, Koneko definitely and absolutely didn't destroy them all in every match as Akane laughed her butt off at them. Nope, didn't happen.

After dinner, the party got a little less rowdy - She wondered how it became so loud with only seven people there - and they started playing truth or dare.

Many embarrassing secrets were spilled that day, ones that shouldn't be mentioned.

After a while, Akane revealed to the red-head about her final goal in life, the one she's been working on the moment she got her magic.

To say that Rias was inspired would be an understatement. A place built to protect the weak of every race was a fairy tale she believed in once as a child, but she never actually thought that someone would work on it... and by a human no less. It made her understand a bit more about Akane. The reason why she started to gather Sacred Gear users was that they were made to protect humanity.

She felt a stinging sensation in her heart when she remembered how devils took- no, stole them. Powers that meant to protect the weak were stolen from their rightful users to be used as a way to show off how powerful they are.

She wondered why Akane didn't call her out on how she did the same. Kiba for instance.

Akane simply shrugged. "I don't have enough information to make a sound judgment, but from what I've seen, he likes and respects you. I doubt that you forced the guy to work under you." She had said.

Rias felt fortunate to have a friend like her, someone so understanding even though both of them were from different sides. She hoped that one day Akane does realize her dream. Something told her that if Akane achieves it, then they'll have taken the first step towards the peace her brother longed for.

Rias took a quick glance at her phone and saw that it was 12:47 AM. She frowned and gazed behind her, seeing Koneko asleep on Akeno's lap, the latter struggling to remain awake. To the other side was Issei and Kiba playing a fighting game, too absorbed to notice anything, while Asia slept on the former's leg.

She sighed, and as she was about to stand up, Akane stopped her.

"Where're you going?"

"It's getting late," Rias explained. "We need to leave."

Akane stared silently at the sleeping form of Koneko before smiling. "Do you really?"

Rias frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Well, why don't you stay here the night?"

Rias was quite stunned at the offer, "W-we shouldn't..."

"Oh come on." Akane rolled her eyes. "It's not like you're gonna be late for a Rating Game. Besides, look at her and tell me you have the heart to wake her up."

Akane pointed at the white-haired girl and Rias sighed. "You've already done so much. We can't take any more advantage of your kindness."

"Rias, I'm the one giving. You're not taking anything." Akane shook her head. "Please, just see it as a favor. There are still so many things I wanna talk about with you. You have no idea how frustrating it is to only have a pervert and a socially-inept girl to chat with."

Rias giggled slightly. "Maybe. I always have Sona and Akeno whenever I want to talk."

"Exactly!" Akane grinned widely. "So, what do you say?"

Rias silently contemplated before a lengthy sigh left her. "I... guess a slumber party wouldn't be so bad."

"Yes!" Akane hugged her tightly. "Oh, thank you so much!"

Rias smiled and returned the hug. "You're welcome."

And so they chatted the night away.

(A few hours later...) (Akane)

Do you have any idea how annoying it is to work on something too small for the tiniest screwdriver you have? Stressful, frustrating, and it pisses me off to no end. I almost gave up on the thrice-damned plan way too many times.

I had to make a much smaller version of the robotic spider, one that's 0.30 millimeters at most. That wasn't the worst part, however, since I had to create something that was twice as small.

The Sin of Wrath did not make this easy for me. I already broke two tables in fits of rage.

Thank goodness I made that machine for Ophis.

I need to control that flaw before I make any mistake. I started to notice that I unconsciously scowl or sneer when angered, or even clench my fist hard enough to bleed. Funny how that made me start to notice, seeing my health lose 10 points when Rias wouldn't stop speaking about her nephew made me realize how bad it really is.

Her voice is grating to my ears...

"Done," I say, taking the chips that I made and grin. "As annoying as it was making you, I knew it'll pay off."

Standing up, I leave the facility and go upstairs, seeing the sleeping forms of Rias and her Peerage. Smirking darkly, I look at the spider sitting on my finger.

"Go," I order it quietly.

It takes the chips and crawls slowly and silently to them, with its first target being Kiba. It goes inside his ear and leaves a chip, then gets out to do the same to all of them... Except for Koneko.

Yeah, I'm not dumb enough to mess with a Nekoshou's senses. There might be a huge chance that she either wakes up or discover the chip later.

Once it was finished, it comes back to me and I smile.

"Good job," I whisper, going to my room and closing the door behind me. "Phase two is complete..."

(The next day...)

"Are you ready?" Grayfia asked Rias, gazing blankly.

The redhead nodded. "We are."

Grayfia nodded back and prepared a teleportation circle, slowly growing brighter by the second.

Rias looked at me and Sona and smiled. "We'll see you after the match."

"I'm sure you will," I respond.

"Good luck," Sona replies with a smile.

Once they disappear, I turn my gaze to Issei. "Go with Sona. They'll broadcast the match there."

He nods, looking a little nervous being around that many devils. Sona leads him out of the room with her peerage, leaving me alone with Grayfia.

The maid looks at me, breaking her mask of indifference as she frowns guiltily. "Before we go, I'd like to apologize."


"What for?"

"I have misjudged you, lady Akane."

Mhmm I like the ring to that~

She bows. "I've been quite rude to you and never even considered you worthy of lord Sirzec-"

"It's fine, lady Grayfia, I understand." I cut her off. "I wouldn't have believed myself either if I was in your position. Your concerns were justifiable."

I sigh as he looks at me unconvinced. "If it's so important to you, then I forgive you."

15 Reputation with Grayfia Lucifuge [50/100]

Perk gained

[Lady of the Mansion] - Grayfia [50]

Maids will see you as their superior, always wanting to do your biddings

Affection and Reputation gain is faster with Maids

She bows again, this time in gratitude. "I thank you." Once she was done, her silver eyes gaze at me in faint confusion. "If I may ask, why are you wearing a mask?"

My hand trails on the subject of the question. "Issei was paranoid and forced me to wear this. You'll have to forgive him, his first interaction with the supernatural wasn't exactly... pleasant."

She nods then asks again. "Are you ready then?"

"I am."

She raises her arm as magic begins to swirl in her hand. "Then let us depart."

Once the teleportation was done, I slowly open my eyes and see the battlefield out of many monitors. Around me, I see the place decorated in victorian style, yet slightly mixed with modern looks.

"Lady Akane," Grayfia gestures to the right of the middle seat. "You'll be seated here, next to lord Sirzechs and lady Serafall."

I nod. "Understood. When will the match begin?"

"Once all the guests arrive."

"Akane-tan!" A high-pitched voice made me wince. Looking over to the source, I couldn't react as Serafall already brought me in a bone-crushing hug. "You're here!"

"N-nice to see you too-" My eyes widen a little when I saw my health lose 50 points... and when I started to lose oxygen "C-can't... breath...!"

"Oh!" She lets go immediately, then rubs her head sheepishly. "Sorry, Akane-tan."

"Don't... call me that."

"Uwah don't glare at me like that, Akane-tan! You're scaring me!"

I grit my teeth in frustration then sigh. No point in getting pissy over this.

"I see you two already met each other." Sirzechs and his green-haired rival enter the room.

I straighten my posture as I get a feel of their powers next to each other. My eyes trail over Ajuka then back to Sirzechs as I smile. "Pleasure to see you again, lord Sirzechs."

He shakes his head. "Please, none of this 'lord' nonsense. You're invited here as a friend, Akane. I'd like to be treated as such."

I chuckle in return. "If that is what you wish, Sirzechs."

He smiles then gestures to Ajuka. "I'd like to introduce you to Ajuka Beelzebub, a fellow Satan, and my best friend. He has shown interest when I presented him the plasma gun you lent me."

He takes a step forward and extends his arm for a handshake with a small smile. "Pleased to make your acquaintance."

"The pleasure is all mine." I smile back.

This man... is one of the most dangerous people I'll have to deal with. He's a genius among geniuses.

Admittedly, I'd rather deal with Sirzechs than him, because I don't doubt that continuous exposure to him will get me discovered.

I have to tread carefully...

After exchanging a few pleasantries with the other guests, we go to our seats, waiting for the Rating Game to start.

"I am Grayfia, servent of the Gremory family," The voice of the strongest queen echos around the room, hushing the chatter within it. "appointed judge between the Gremory and the Phenex families. "

"Taking lady Rias and lord Riser's opinions into consideration, we prepared a replica of Kuoh Academy, the school lady Rias attends in the human world."

I put a hand on my chin as I mull the information over. I always forget the power these devils hold. To make an entire dimension like this...

I wonder what's the difference between my ID create and their dimension making.

"Both parties have been teleported to their main base." Grayfia continued. "Lady Rias' base is the Occult Research Club room in the old schoolhouse. Lord Riser's base is the principle's office in the new schoolhouse. Thus, the pawns can promote when they invade the enemy's schoolhouse."

On one of the monitors, we see Rias and her Peerage planning, the leader having a cocky smirk plastered on her face. We couldn't hear what' they're saying but after some time, she sends her subordinates away, wanting to stay alone in the room. Koneko and Kiba stick together while Akeno he's out on her own...

My eyes narrow slightly.

That's her first mistake. As strong as they are now, they're heavily outnumbered by opponents who are much more experienced than them. Rias should've had Koneko or Kiba with her, and let Akeno go with the other one. That's if they wanted to split up.

The ideal plan would be sticking together and working as a team, eliminating everyone as they march to Riser.

I should've beaten that arrogance out of her along with her pride...

"W-well, I think you did a great job," Sirzechs said nervously.

Did- did I say that out loud?

"Akane-tan is scary..."

I glare at the embarrassment posing as a Satan. "I said don't call me that."

"Uwah, I'm sowwy!"

...Just ignore her. It's not worth it.

Akeno thankfully doesn't stray too far from the base, knowing that she mustn't leave Rias alone. She stood on top of a tree branch, wearing her usual relaxed smile as she scouts the surroundings

Not a while later, three of Riser's pawn arrive at the forest covering the old schoolhouse, causing Akeno to smile sinisterly. With a hand rise, she casts powerful thunderbolts that easily dispatch of them.

"Three pawns of lord Riser have been knocked out," Grayfia announces.

When the defeated pawns are teleported away, Akeno resumes her guarding over the forest.

...I might've misjudged Rias. I couldn't hear her plans, but it seems that she decided to let Koneko and Kiba as her offensive pieces, while Akeno as her defensive. Maybe those INT points she gained do make a difference.

Now let's see what her Knight and Rook can do...


As they got out of their territory, Koneko looks around the place wearing a blank look, in contrast to her ally's confidant smile. She met the gaze of her friend and nodded, sprinting towards the gymnasium, while he walked to the other side.

As she got inside, using the backdoor, she instantly knew that she wasn't alone as she took a whiff of the air, smelling different scents.

Who wears perfume before a fight? Whatever, they're weird.

"I know you're in there." One of them said. "Get out and face us, coward."

Koneko almost rolled her eyes but complied, slowly walking out of the stage. She spotted four opponents, three pawns and one rook, smirking at her.

The rook got into her fighting positions as two of the pawns readied their chainsaws.

"You should just give up. You stand no chance against us, and certainly not against lord Riser."

Koneko did the universal 'Come at me' gesture, her eyes narrowing at them. "Bring it."

The rook clicked her tongue and charged, bring her fist at the petite girl. Koneko easily deflected the punch and delivered one of her own to her stomach, knocking the wind out of her. Not giving a chance to retaliation, she uppercut the opposing rook, sending her flying upward.

The pawn wielding the staff came in next, thrusting her weapon at the white-haired girl. Koneko grabbed the weapon out of her hands and broke it in half with a chop. Shocked, the blue-haired girl backed away a step but is knocked out with a single punch to the face.

As the rook came falling down, Koneko kicked her at the remaining pawns, then dashed as they were busy to dodge and kneed one in the face, knocking her out as well.

Before the other one even reacted to what had happened, the Nekomata turned her world black with a flurry of punches.

The rook got up, gasping as she saw that she was the remaining one. She slowly backed away in fear, beads of sweat trailing down her face.

"How... how strong are you?" She whispered.

"Enough." Was the last thing she said before slugging her face.

"Three pawns and one rook of lord Riser have been knocked out,"

As she heard the announcement, she ran to aid her friend.

(At the time of Koneko's fight...) (Kiba)

As more of Riser's Peerage appeared, he smiled and created a sword.

It seems I can't get away from girls even in battles, he thought mirthfully as six girls surrounded him.

"I am lady Rias' knight." He announced, getting in his stance. "And I'll be your opponent."

The one with the half-mask frowned. "Against all of us? On your own?"

His smile told them everything.

The one wearing armor scoffed. "Fool. Your arrogance will be your undoing!

With that, they all charged at once, with the knights being the first to strike.

He evaded a zwiehander aimed at his neck, then parried a blow from the other knight, and as the rook came in with a fist, he blurred and appeared in front of a pawn, dealing a clean strike that knocked her out instantly.

"Ni!" The red-haired catgirl cried out.

The bishop, Ravel Phenex, started casting fire spells at him. He disappeared and used Sword Birth to make swords come out of the ground, hitting the other Pawn while Ravel flew away.

Both knights and rook charged again, and either blocked or dodged every attack. After a while of staying on the defensive, he spotted an opening in the rook's posture and struck her midriff, catching her off guard. Her parried the zweihander wielding girl and slashed her multiple times, knocking her away a good distance. The one wearing armor came from behind and brought her sword down, but Kiba was faster and knocked the weapon out of her hands.

Before she could even retaliate, he changed his broadsword to a wakizashi and used the speed of the blade to defeat her with a multitude of strikes.

As the rook rushed him, her movement noticeably more erratic as she is fearful, he smirked and disappeared out of her way... and letting the fireball shot by the bishop explode on her.

"Two pawns, one rook, and one knight of lord Riser have been knocked out,"

Once he was about to attack again, his instinct warned him and he obeyed, rolling out of a huge blast from Riser's queen.

"That was close..." He muttered.

Suddenly, his head started pounding as he felt his magic drain... Albeit slowly.

His vision got blurry and panicked, feeling unnaturally weak, barely dodging the remaining knight's swipe of the sword. He cried out as a fireball hit him, his sword now away from his hand as his headache got worse.

Wh-what's happening...? I can't... think anymore...

The last thing he saw was Koneko's uncharacteristically horrified face.

Then everything went black.

(A few seconds earlier...) (Akane)

Seeing Koneko beating up those weaklings was a little fun, and Kiba definitely improved his sword skills compared to the one in the show.

One screen told me that Riser was getting annoyed... and a little nervous as well. He did not realize that the fighting power of Rias and her Peerage increased exponentially, and that is biting his ass right now.

As his queen went where Kiba is, I subtly look around me and notice that everyone had their eyes on the screens. I slowly take a small button from my inventory, knowing that it doesn't leak mana when I do.

My face remains blank as Yubelluna arrives at the scene, which makes me press the button.

After Kiba narrowly evades an attack, he holds his head suddenly, a pained look on his face.

I struggle to remain neutral, seeing that the Mana drain chip working.

The magical engineer perk did wonders on my machines' versatility, and what I made yesterday was a chip that had two purposes. One, it would drain the mana of anyone it's on slowly and give them a seething headache, so no one would notice except for the one feeling it. To the people watching, it would look like that Kiba's performance got worse for no reason at all, but he and I know better.

Two... Well.

The moment Yubelluna's spell hit him, I press the button again... and a couple of messages from the game made me shiver in delight.

+13 STR +9 END +15 DEX +11 CHA

Unique skill plundered: [Sacred Gear: Sword Birth]

Level up

The second property of the chip... was sending a powerful electric shock to the brain... which can kill almost anything instantly.

And look at this, I have his Sacred Gear now... Oh well, not like he uses it to its fullest anyway.

Sending a gaze to the satans, I almost snorted at their horrified faces.

"O-one of..." Grayfia pauses and takes a calming breath. "K-Kiba Yuuto, knight of lady R-Rias was... killed."

The horror that appeared on Rias' face was very... delicious.

Sirzechs clenches his fists, knowing that accidents like this can happen... and you can't stop the match because of it.

"It can't be..." Serafall whispered disbelievingly.

Oh yes, it can.

I look back at the screen showing Rias on her knees, silently grieving as tears trailed down her cheeks. Another screen showed Koneko going berserk, single-handedly destroying the remaining three pieces.

The other bishop got in the way of an attack aimed at Ravel, one that sent her flying. Ravel took that as a sign to get the hell out of here.

"One knight, one rook, and one bishop of lord Riser have been knocked out,"

As Koneko started to go after her, she is sent back by Riser, who was wearing a furious look.

I believe that he's a little above Rias and her Peerage in terms of level, and his regeneration will play a big role in his fight against them.

Akeno arrives at the battlefield, tears still streaming down as she spams her lightning. Riser knows that he can't waste energy, so he dodges the attacks instead of tanking it. What happens next was a struggle between fire and lightning, the former slowly winning the fight.

The raven-haired queen shoots at Riser, which he dodges, then he shoots a huge fireball, one that struck true.

Akeno was sent to the ground, and as Riser came in for the finish, Koneko butted in and delivered a powerful hook, sending him away from her ally. It was then when a fireball exploded on the catgirl's back, leaving a scorching mark on it. Koneko turns around with a glare, facing Ravel with her arms outstretched.

Riser snarls, swearing and cursing as he prepares a powerful fire spell. As he cast it, it was immediately engulfed by a powerful crimson energy. All turned their heads to Rias, who wore a tearful and hateful glare. Silently, she uses her power of destruction, erasing parts of Riser completely.

I take out the last two buttons from my inventory, hiding them in my pockets whilst getting ready for the 'Finale' as I calm my erratic heartbeats.

Riser tries to say something but gets his head erased every time he does so, angering him by the second. Rias doesn't seem to want to kill him... She wants him to suffer.

After a while, he looks like he's had enough, and he flies high up, using both hands to charge up a gigantic fireball. Rias doesn't react, her hands charging her inherited powers to meet his own.

This is it...

Ravel, Koneko, and Akeno wait with baited breaths as Riser throws his fireball with a warcry.

As Rias goes to meet his spell with her own... I click the button.

She shows a similar reaction to Kiba and falls down to her knees, all the magic she prepared dissipating. Akeno cries out her friend's name and tries to help... but I press the button for her, and she falls down as well.

Riser's spell reaches the redhead and it explodes, engulfing everyone in the vicinity, including his sister.

I knew that shouldn't be enough to actually kill her... so I press the button connected to Rias' chip once again.

+13 INT +10 WIS +9 CHA

Unique skill plundered: [Power of Destruction]

This is it... No turning back now.

Let's see if my plan was as foolproof as I think it is.

Serafall was covering her mouth in horror. Ajuka had eyes closed, looking pained. Venelena Gremory then wailed, falling down from her chair as she started sobbing uncontrollably. Zeoticus Gremory's magic was leaking as his face turned into one filled with rage.

It was then when I felt the huge- no, enormous power spike up to unbearable levels. Sirzechs was shaking, looking at the screens with his eyes shadowed by his hair. Suddenly, things around him were being erased. His chair, the monitors, even the ground itself.

"Serafall! Get everyone out of here, NOW!" Ajuka ordered.

"G-got it." Serafall quickly made a magic circle and teleported us all away.

There's one thing I heard from Sirzechs before we did though, that I knew will haunt me for a while... Even if it wasn't directed at me.


(Kuoh Town)

As soon as the light was gone, I see that we're back at the clubhouse... with a grieving mother and father. I don't know where the others are, but I think Ajuka teleported them somewhere else.

"That was too close," Serafall muttered over Venelena's annoying wailing. She looks at me sorrowfully. "I... apologize that you had to see that."

"No, it's alright..."

The door burst open as Sona entered the room. "Sis, what happened?! the feed was cut when Riser threw that attac-" She immediately shut her mouth when she saw the mother of Rias crying.

She instantly knew what happened when she saw the pained look on her sister. "No..." She whispered, backing away slowly.

"I'm... sorry, Sona. I'm so sorry..." The Leviathan Satan chokes out, her eyes filling with tears.

Sona fell down, quietly sobbing as the rest of her peerage enter the room. Issei looks sad, probably because he started to like Kiba as a friend.

...Can I go home now? Everyone is crying when I'm not capable of such a thing and forcing it is a big no-no.

"A-Akane." Serafall wipes her tears. "Go home for now. I'll contact you later when things calm down."

Oh wow, did she read my mind?

"...Got it." I nod slowly, my mask... well, masking my emotions quite well.

I drag Issei with me as I leave the place, him asking questions after questions.

"Shut up. I'll tell you when we get home." That made him silent.

I explain what happened after we reach my home. He looked horrified that even Rias died in the fight, and was absolutely furious that they didn't stop the match after Kiba died to stop anyone from doing something they'll regret. He was sympathetic, and I knew that acting like I'm sad would be the best thing to do currently...

So I fake-cried, asking why my 'friend' had to die and all that dumb stuff until I 'Passed out'

I felt him carrying me to my room and putting me in bed, then closed the door while apologizing.

After a while, I felt him leave my home, and when he did, the message for the quest completion appeared.

Quest completed

[Taking Away What's Yours]

Objective: Kill Rias at the Rating Game stealthily

Rewards: 7500 Credits, 2 Gacha Token, Master control over The Power Of Destruction

Smirking darkly, I get off the bed and enter a dungeon.

Looking at my hand, I focus, and crimson sparks begin to fly out. I aim a blast at an approaching Orc and shoot, completely erasing it out of existence.

I did it... I took away her powers with no one the wiser.


Not Serafall, not Sirzechs, and not even Ajuka...


This is proof... Proof that I am the one who deserves it all. Power, money, servants... Everything belongs to ME!


I AM the protagonist of this story!


World unlocked:

[My Hero Academia]