
Platinum Serpent

She was Born a Slave in a barbaric and savage world. All she has is her unique thinking of asking about her life. A trait that is seemingly absent from all her fellow slaves. Darkness is the theme of her world. Along with living in an unproductive society. But tragedy happened in her life that pushed her towards an unknown path. Accidentally receiving and surviving a gift from an unknown existence. Assimilating a piece of weirdness that got lost in an unknown time-space. Retaining Herself with a strong will. And thus starting Her adventure of revenge and change. Of blood and rage She wields towards those brave enough to be Her foe. But even so. Those who learned and survived Her existence and glimpse of Her visage. Fell into worship for the inhuman beauty and slithering form She is. Their fanatical wails as She tore through their mind. And the distortion of their being as She unleashed their beast of mind. What will Her new inhuman life become? As a being less weird and beyond man. Will She retain human emotions in Her long life? Let us follow Her story. From Slave to Queen of Serpent! Hail to You! Oh, She who dominates Snakes! Of Seperntkind! Rejoice in the presence of Silver, The Platinum Serpent!

DeSu · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 2. Proper Slave

Silver was awakened by the soft light of the sun at dawn. She can see the motes of dust illuminated by the light passing through the gaps of the walls made of weaved grasses.

It took her quite awhile to return to her senses while slowly sitting up from her sleeping position the night before. Patting and fixing her meager clothing that was mess up when she's asleep.

Looking at her side without seeing her mother. It is obvious that she had a great sleep unbothered by her mother's waking movements some time earlier than herself.

Silver then collects the fur used as cover and the hide for the bedding. She folded them properly and placed by the top of the layered hay that made their bed.

After this she reach out the flap that serves as the door of their hut. Pushing it aside and feeling the cool morning breeze, looking out she can see her mother already preparing simple a breakfast.

"You're awake! Come her, food is ready." Listening to her mother's words. Silver immediately left the hut while wearing her footwear and trotting towards the wooded stop that serves as their table. As she sits and reach out for the bowl with soup she heard her mother.

"Today is your coming of age. You've grown and already an adult." She heard her mother's affirmative sentence that allow her to remember that today is her birth date.

This means that she is already mature enough to conceive a child. And in this tribe and wild lands this means either finding a mate herself or wait to be designated to available young men of age.

This idea makes her grimace. Leaving her mood unpleasant even with the bitter soup warming her stomach.

"By the way, whatever process of finding a mate is. Slave like myself must undergo a tradition of the tribe." Silver thought.

The tradition inherited and practice by these bastards of serpent tribe. They adopt a training system for a slave before legally having a partner. Although the practical training already being practice with the older slave teaching younger ones since childhood. So the meeting is only more of a teaching lesson rather than practical performance

To make the slave a proper reproductive tool and wife to the man they partnered with. Being taught of several ways to stimulate men's desire for reproduction as well as some tribal ways of fertility. That is a process of reinforcing the slave etiquette, if ever the slave will be a legal mate or wife as part of the tribe or just a venting tool or mate for the men.

This is really a nauseating idea. As Silver rolls her eyes and frown. Leaving her no appetite to have seconds of the soup. But having no other choice but to participate since she also hope to a chance of changing her life.

"After you finish eating, go with the other female slaves to elder Eti at her hut located edge of the tribe near the forest." Said her mother after she put down the bowl she used. This make Silver out of her thinking.

"Do you still remember where?" Asked her mother looking at her with implied questioning look.

"Yes, mom. Just by the bamboo groove at the edge of the settlement. It is nearby I can't get lost. And if anything happens I can just follow the crowd going there. " Silver replied to the question while recalling the path to the said destination. The said bamboo and forest is actually close to the mountain side and always passed by during food gathering.

"By the way Mom. How many will go? I don't think there are many of my age?" She asked her mother.

"I'm not sure. But not more than 30 I believe. Fewer than last years number. Most female are still underage. And by count there will be more next year." Answered her mother while already packing used utensils for cleaning.

Since not all slave work together. Usually they have gathering places that is closer to their Master hut and their location in the tribe.

To explain more. The tribes settlement is actually formed like a circle. And if divided by direction then it has four side. By north is the mountain, at the back of it is the canyon, east have plain and some hills, west are more hilly with patches of trees and south is also a plain and grassland but there is a river that runs through it which is the tribes water source.

Back at the moment. Silver can see some young women gathering together. Knowing that it is time to go. "Mom, I'm going." As she stands up and said goodbye to her mother before walking with the crowd.

"Go. Leave this mess for me to clean." Replied her mother as Silver already walk a few steps away and then trot toward the moving crowd further away not wanting to be left behind.

Upon converging with the traveling crowd. Silver said hello and nod to a few she know better since they live relatively closer. They are of the same age and can be considered childhood friends if not acquaintances.

"It seem we had indeed reached adulthood. I am thankful to survive up to this day" She murmured to herself with glancing at them. She also recalls some friend who died young because of many reasons, such as diseases and malnutrition, etc.

While keeping up with the group and taking note of their gossip. Silver has taken to observe the path they are to take. Since Elder Eti's hut is at the periphery, they relative close to the northern slave settlement where they live. So there is no need to go into the tribe and just walking for about 15 minutes will get them at their destination.

For awhile Silver kept moving her eyes among the edge hut of which is home to tribesmen along with some slave hut that live closer to their master. Most hut are made the same style and of the same material which are abundant locally. Some differences are only to the external clutter of things, some are wood, plants, animal fur and hide to be treated. There are also occasional food stock left to dry, like vegetables, fruits and some meat.

Seeing such sceneries made up to her mood. At least she can deduce that food resource can be said to still be sufficient since the cold and rainy season are still far off. Which also signify relatively better situation for the slaves.

Looking ahead Silver can already see the Bamboo grove also evident by the dried and rotten leaves she is stepping on the path. She can also see the elders hut and the crowd of females her age gossiping and chatting at the place.

Upon arrival she casually greeted some acquaintance then walks to the rear and selecting to sit at the tree stump that serve as chair.

"I don't want to sit at the front and it's a bother to sit at the center. And it is not like I'm interested with the lesson." Silver thinks. She is prepared to sit and wait for the event to conclude.

Most of the youth are petite and malnourished selecting a lack or at least minimal food resources. There are also calouses on their fingers evidence of hardworking and daily chores. Many also have dark skin with rough texture with some scars scattered on their body, atlas from what part can be seen. The most obvious of all is the wiry hair atop their heads, some short while others kept long. Anyway there is no beauty that is obvious.

"Maybe there is someone beautiful when bathed and dressed well. But not today. And it is not like I'm better looking." Silver told herself as glances at the crowd and judge them with her own criteria. While patting the hides she wore and comparing herself with other.

She snapped out of thinking, looking at the direction, where she heard a flapping sound of the hide. It seems the Elder is already going out as she can see a skinny hand that held the entrance.

Elder Eti is one of the oldest at the tribe and held the position to teach the tribesmen or slaves. She is one of the few that reached such old age. Since most people in this place die one way or another due to various reasons.

"Quiet! Sit well and listen carefully to what I will teach. This will be important to you, so hear me well and try to remember." Elder Eti speak with her hoarse voice as she proceed to sit with the chair for her. Silver comments at the elders stature and clothing to be that of an energetic old person, still having well kept fur and hide as well as bone ornaments showing her status. Although she's old but still strong and will live for more years.

"Most of you will be distributed to match a mate. If you already have a choice, tell me. If some young men favors you and made you wife, then you are in luck. That will mean becoming a tribe with us leaving your slave status. However in another case, you will remain a slave while also serving the men, both as a mate in sexual act and doing the house chores. In this case the men will and can have a wife." Elder Eti's voice respond through the vicinity. With her words telling the lesson to be taught to us.

"Other matters are..." the elders voice echoed as Silver selectively dismissed the other words said. Since most of them are already remembered and followed in daily life. Only the beginning sentence are what is important for her.

With this in mind she remembered that her mother is once a mate. Yes a mate not a wife. So the forced sexual abuse happened and Silver was conceived without knowing who her father is. Not that it is important for her.

Silver just hope to have a kind partner and be lucky to be made a wife so she can change her life. But this is relatively rare since most men, young and old, are keen to enjoy women. Who wouldn't want a mate and a wife? The more the merrier.

At the same time labeling a wife is important, so the men only make decision after a long while. More often changing mates one after another. And the few who are made wife, maybe it is love? Who knows what's the matter? Such thought comes with Silver's an inner monologue.


The voices of the crowd getting louder in their discussion snapped Silver out thinking. Looking at the surrounding she can see them whispering to each other while some chatted with friends. It seems the lesson is already finished and quite some time has passed without her notice. And the elder in no longer present and has returned to the hut to rest.

"When and where will be the selection held?" Silver asked the person sitting close to her. "In three days and still at this location." To which the person replied to Silver. "Thank you. Bless us all that day." As Silver smiled and said her thanks and blessing for them all.

Silver then stood up and left the place with some hurried steps. It took all morning for the event and she is already quite hungry at noon. Although she only listened at the beginning and let day dream waste most of the time.

While jogging and seeing her nearing home with her mother that is obviously preparing food. Silver felt relax and leaving the matter of mate selection aside for the time being and deciding to think of it only the night before it. She also plans to do something for rest of the two and half days left of her coming of age before having a mate.

Coming back home Silver assisted her mother with what's little left to do. "How is it? Is there any change with what is told this time than last session?" Ask her mother after both of them have seated.

"There's not much difference with what was told the last time. The elder just keep emphasizing what she wanted us to follow. But the selection will be known three days later." Silver replied whilst biting at a jerky that serve as daily lunch along with soup.

"Then you'll have to prepare for the selection. Do you still have a recently made clothing? If not then we can still stitch some of the fur and hide that we have. You must at least be presentable that day." Her mother continuing on the topic. Looking like what a mother does when worrying if her daughter can marry. Silver thought as she rolled her eyes.

"That's not necessary Mom. I still have a good clothes I can wear that day. And it's not like theres a need to standout to be chosen. We will be assigned to someone we don't even know." As Silver answered. Thinking of the day of selection while mentally searching where she placed the clothes she said.

"What do you know! Those young men might look for you more when dressed well. And maybe you'll have higher chance of being a wife than just a mate." Her mother said while giving her a wide eyed stare that said I am for your good.

"I know, I know.." Silver whispered with slight irritation. She knows her mother just hope for the best. But she can't really have expectation. She is not a beauty and there is really very little chance to be selected as a wife. She just hope that whoever's she will partner will be kinder and will give her better treatment.

"Anyway mom there still plenty time left so I just need to prepare better." She said to change the subject of conversation. "Mom I plan to go camping at the plain behind the mountain for two days." Silver told her mother of her plan. Since she doesn't have to do chores until after the mate selection. This is considered to be a kind of vacation.

"Fine. Make sure to bring your camping tools. And don't forget to be careful where you'll camp. Don't be careless just because you know the place well." Replied her mother.

This can be considered to be an unwritten tradition or coming of age passage so it is easy to ask permission. Most others also have their own plans to do with their own time. Some just remained home and sew clothes while many like Silver tend to camping near the tribe on the grassland and hills. Which is considered to be relatively safe choice while allowing some adventure.

Ofcourse there are also a few who takes this time "hunting" for prospective husband. Yes like flirting, seduction, etc you name it. But this makes little difference on the outcome of selection. Unless the female is really beautiful that many men will even fight for the claim of her.