



One day Rey was passing Carlos room and he heard Carlos and Nikka talking about Leslie ..he thought Carlos and Nikka are good friend so it's normal...but they next day Rey saw a status on fb that uploaded by Nikka.. "I'm so happy for my bestfriend.

today is his 1st month love anniversary ..wish both of u good luck and happiness" and she tagged Leslie and Carlos..

Rey think he will ask Leslie about this but last time he was wrong and hurt Leslie, so he don't want to hurt her again so he asked Nikka...

Rey: whom 1st month love anniversary?

Nika: Carlos and his gf

Rey: who is his gf?

[Nikka doesn't know that Leslie and Carlos have/had something]

Nikka: Leslie

Rey: are u sure? Which Leslie?

Nika: our class mate from girl's sec..

Rey: get so many pain to know this....

all the day he cried

the next day he went to Carlos room...to talk with him and reveal the truths


he abruptly get shocked to continue cause he heard the Voice of his gf Nikka will also come bringing cake with candle and he want to surprise her bestfriends Leslie then Rey go back and get irritated then get lost....




I see sorrow in

Different color-

Shades of grey

The full spectrum of rainbow

Opportunity to rise

From gloomy skies

to beautiful mornings

I see life in

different perspective

what counts most and

what will last in the end

all because of you

poem by:

~Carlos Miguel V. Ibañez

After their 1stmonthsary Leslie and Carlos go to the church, then pray for their


Leslie: husby"Can we go to the park after this lets bond with each other to build our love last?

Carlos: that's great idea! My wify, as your wish granted!......

Leslie:"thanks husby you're the best guy that ill met to my whole entire life….

Carlos: lets pray… leslieko

Carlos:"Lord thanks for our relationship "

Leslie: Guide us lord in this journey

Carlos: give us lord long lasting

Leslie:yes oh lord bless our relationship

Carlos: yes lord ,In good nor bad we need to gift and take to each other…

Leslie :All we pray in Jesus mighty name!


After their love prayer they decided to leave the church.

"While walking to the street (kalye Verde) in front of Me Amore Restaurant, Carlos saw an ice-cream vendor then he bought some ice-cream for her girlfriend then gave it to her.

Carlos: who didn't want icream?Leslie he joke then adds up

Leslie:oh I love it

They eat then Carlos and Leslie accidentally separate in way of direction Carlos talking leslie then he go with the Famous Bookstore then he notice that Leslie is not with her he start to look out then find Leslie...

While leslie temp to hide and dare to joke Carlos

Leslie saw cute Diamond crystaline wedding ring as cost is 650,000 pesos In front f Fabulous Jewelry store

Leslie:Soon ill wear you in my wedding ceremony,given by my handsomefuture husby ….

" while talking to the ring ,Carlos is in her back heard all whats leslie talks about the ring….

Carlos: ill got you" are hiding me"

Leslie:oh my husby why are you go to the bookstore?

Carlos: im talkong while walking then I notice youre not there by side

Leslie:sorry ill just attract with this precious ring

Carlos: the ring well I heard some...…

Leslie: did you heard? What I said to the ring?

Carlos: hahaha... yes absolutely but im focusing my eyes on you….

Leslie:Nevermind that matter, so come on lets walk and go to the park…

Carlos:hold my hand then …...

Leslie: ok

Carlos: trust me

Leslie: come on lets walk

"They start to walk holding hands with each other while walking…in the Hardin Me amore

Then suddenly Leslie stop, then go to the Flower shop then Carlos follow her…

Leslie put White Roses then smell it

Leslie:so sweet "smells good

Carlos put Tulips then gave it to Leslie…..

Leslie: oh white Tulips id this too….so pretty

Carlos: you are more pretty than this Tulips

Leslie: small things ….

"they laughed then bought the flowers..then walk again

While walking they saw Nikka and Rey in the Senioras Cafè ,having a date then kissing each other

Leslie:husby oh .. look Rey and Nikka

Carlos: oh.. uh…so sweet….

Leslie:its kind of romantic moments ("sanaol") she adds up

Then they laugh again.. then continue to walk while walking Leslie remember her to lovely Parrot….

Leslie : what time is it? husby…

Carlos:Its 4:30 pm wify

Leslie:ill forget to feed my Mia and fredigo my parrot…!

Carlos:oh yes feeding time…

Leslie:husby do me a favor?

Carlos:whats the biggest favor wify?

Leslie:Can we go to the dorm first ,just give me 10 minutes to feed my parrots ?

Carlos:yeah sure that's what im planning too…

Then after you feed your parrots just wait for me i have to get somethin in my room wait me there give me 3more minutes…

Leslie :take your time…. Your time is runnjn out hurry up!

Leslie feed the parrots then wait for Carlos,after she feeda her pets she temp to go outside and then wait for Carlos outside….but when she touch the doorknob

Blargggggg....then she pull it out then Carlos hurrying to go inside accidentally they fell to ground then Carlos get outbalance accidwntally he kissed Leslie's lips on the ground then ,Leslie scream......…..

Carlos put leslies hand and help her to raised up....

Leslie: husby! Why are you hurryingto go inside…."excited?.... she adds up

Carlos:for you to not wait longer, its accidents

Sorry I don't have intention to kiss you , remember the rule number 1 be conservative

Leslie:Nevermind that husby its alright ill taste the lips of you ahahahahha she adds up

Carlos: its accidents not rules counts matter ,even its an accidents but im sure our destinty set this situation hahahahahha ..he laugh

Leslie: Its nice,its our first kiss ever…..husby

Carlos: one of the most unforgettable moments

Leslie: finally…

" they walk again then buy streetfoods then buy mat for their planned picnic bonding , then go to the Park….

Carlos set up the Mat while Leslie preparing for their foods

Carlos get his guitar in his case then start to play music…

Then they sing along then Leslie request their love song "Someone you love"

Then jam with their favorite love song then after their picnic their decided to go home..

ill try to continue ...

ill hope youve enjoy and appreciate