
Plant Lord: Starting With 10,000 Times Increase

# PLANTS Lin Sen transmigrated into the game Everyone Is A Lord. The basic units which were assigned to him were actually plants! The soldiers from the enemy factions were ready to invade his territory, yet his plants were still growing. What should he do? Thankfully, he awakened the 10,000 Times Increment System. The potentials of his basic units were increased 10,000 times. Oddish, an F-rank plant was promoted to an S-rank plant, Heaven-swallowing Blossom. Time acceleration was increased 10,000 times. The time taken for Poisonous Spore, an A-rank plant, to mature was shortened from 30 years to just a day! The reproduction rate of his plants increased 10,000 times. Nine-leaf Madder, an SSS-rank plant, populated his entire territory over a single night. As such, the enemies were shocked by what they saw when they invaded Lin Sen’s territory. A soldier cried out, “There are Gatling Peas, Cob Cannons and Winter Melons. What an invincible combination!” Another soldier wailed, “Why would his Jalapeno spit fire?” Yet another soldier exclaimed, “I even saw a War Ancient Tree in his territory!” Lin Sen called out, “Come on in! Don’t leave just yet. Have a taste of my newly invented Banana Bazooka!”

Plants Vs. Zombies · Games
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40 Chs

The "Gifts" Lin Sen Left Behind

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Wild Beast's Cave Mystic Realm Fragment.

At this moment, Chen Li had used the name of the Military Region to obtain the qualifications to enter the Wild Beast's Cave Mystic Realm Fragment.

"Li, why is this place filled with shriveled carcasses?"

Accompanying Chen Li was his good colleague, Zhang Dachui.

Chen Li looked at the scene in front of him and frowned.

He realized that he was in a canyon. There were all kinds of rat carcasses everywhere.

However, the strange thing was that these rat carcasses were all shriveled, as if something special had sucked away the flesh and blood in the rats' bodies!


"Lin Sen, I caught you in the act, right?"

"You must have used something forbidden…"

When Chen Li saw the rat carcasses all over the ground, he was overjoyed.

The situation onsite was a little strange. The way these rats died seemed to be caused by some forbidden evil technique or prop.

Chen Li was here to find incriminating evidence against Lin Sen. When he saw this scene, he immediately labeled Lin Sen with a cauldron of evil spells and prohibited items.

Zhang Dachui, who was beside Chen Li, did not know that Chen Li was using his position to take revenge.

After seeing the shriveled carcasses all over the ground, he took out a special crystal.

As for Chen Li, he could not wait to leave the Mystic Realm Fragment and return to the Mystic Region.

The evidence had been found, regardless of whether it was true or not.

As long as they reported the information to the Military Region, they would definitely investigate Lin Sen.

Regardless of the outcome of the investigation and whether Lin Sen had violated the rules or not, Lin Sen would definitely not be able to continue participating in the Military Region Selection.

If he missed this year's selection, he could only wait for the next year!

This was Chen Li's plan!

However, at this moment, Chen Li's good colleague, Zhang Dachui, was holding a crystal in his hand and talking to Chen Li excitedly.

"Li, we're rich!"

"Looking at the shriveled carcasses on the ground, it looks like evil spells and prohibited items had been used…"

When Zhang Dachui said this, Chen Li's face was filled with disdain.

He had already guessed it, but Zhang Dachui still said this with a look of taking credit for it, as if Zhang Dachui had guessed it first.

Chen Li was a little disdainful of Zhang Dachui, but his attitude quickly changed.

At this moment, Zhang Dachui placed the crystal in his hand in front of Chen Li.

"Li, this is the legendary Backtracking Crystal. It can project scenes that a creature has seen in its mind!"

"Although this place is full of rat carcasses, if we find a living rat…"

"That rat must have witnessed what happened earlier. It must have seen with its own eyes what kind of sorcery Lin Sen used or what kind of contraband he used."

After Zhang Dachui's explanation, Chen Li finally understood that Zhang Dachui was truly a genius!

The other party happened to have such a tool. This would press Lin Sen to death, such that he would never be able to revive!

"Let's go find the living rats!"

Chen Li could not wait to start looking for living rats.

"There are many caves ahead. Perhaps there are living rats there!"

Chen Li discovered a huge mountain not far away. There were many caves in the mountain.

Rats loved such dark holes!

Chen Li stepped forward happily.


The ground instantly exploded and Chen Li was blasted into the sky.


Fortunately, Chen Li's strength was extraordinary. He did a somersault in the air and finally landed steadily.

However, at this moment, Chen Li's hands were covering his legs. Although he was not obviously injured, his legs were still affected.

"Dachui, this place…"

Chen Li was about to say that someone had planted a mine underground.

He told Zhang Dachui not to advance rashly.

However, Zhang Dachui had already gone a little far in the blink of an eye.

The other party walked very steadily and did not trigger any mines.

"Could it be that this is just an exception?"

Chen Li was a little puzzled. He guessed that the landmine he accidentally stepped on was just an accident.

Zhang Dachui was alive and kicking in front of him, completely fine.

Chen Li also regained his confidence.

"Dachui, wait for me!"

Chen Li jogged over…




Chen Li ran all the way and stepped on countless landmines, causing them to explode.


Chen Li lay on the ground and looked at Zhang Dachui in front of him in confusion.

Zhang Dachui seemed to have realized something.

"There really are a lot of mines in this place, huh?"

"Wait, I think I understand. The shoes I'm wearing are Flowing Cloud Shoes. When I step on landmines, surface mechanisms, and other items…, they won't be triggered."

Chen Li, who was covered in injuries, was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood.

He finally got up and was about to leave when he accidentally stepped on another landmine.


"Who is it? Bastard!!!"

On Chen Li's side, he accidentally bumped into the "gifts" left behind by Lin Sen. On the other side, Lin Sen had already arrived at the arena to listen to the relevant rules.

"All candidates, please listen to the rules."

"The preliminaries will be divided into three rounds!"

"The first round will be held in the Zombie Garden…"

The preliminaries were divided into three rounds.

The first round was the Zombie Garden in the Mystic Realm. The Mystic Realm would be divided into countless small venues. Every student had to persist in their own small venue for 30 minutes.

Students who persevered could advance to the second round of the competition.

"The second round will be a competition between the key schools in the various Military Regions to choose the top three to advance!"

Hearing this, Lin Sen realized that the second round was even more intense than the first!

At the very least, there was no clear number of people in the first round.

As long as he could last for 30 minutes, it was fine.

Even if everyone persisted for 30 minutes, everyone could advance.

But the second round was different!

Currently, in each of the five regions of north, south, east, west, and central, the top three had to be selected from the key schools.

There were a total of five key schools in the Eastern Region where Lin Sen was located. They were the Heavenly Hub No.1 High School, Heavenly Hub No.4 High School, and the Heavenly Hub Lord Academy.

These five key schools could only have three spots!

From this, it could be seen how intense the competition was!

"As for the third round, it's related to the inter-military region battle. We won't reveal it here for the time being!"

The relevant personnel of the Military Region kept everyone in suspense and did not finish speaking.

But everyone knew that it did not matter whether they said it or not.

Because only three people could participate in the third round.

Most of them would not have the chance to participate in the third round.

"Students, get ready. We're about to enter the Zombie Garden Mystic Realm!"

Following the military personnel's notification, countless lights burst out from the ground of the arena where everyone was, and runes appeared one after another.

It was the same feeling as entering the Mystic Realm Fragment.

When the dazzling light dissipated and Lin Sen saw the world in front of him clearly, he realized that he had arrived at the Zombie Garden Mystic Realm.