


The natural state of the world.

What happens, then, when everything turns to shit? Well, this is the story of exactly that.

Sykes Rogue had a relatively ordinary life at the start of the 22nd century. Technology had advanced greatly due to the conflicts, and Subsequent merging, of the 4 great powers in the world. While the the new unified empire attempted to combat climate change, cars were banned from the roads and the sky, nuclear fission energy replaced any other form of power generation, and even the racial differences between countries had all but disappeared.

Sykes grew up with Tam, a single mother who did her best to take care of him. Though floundering at times, she worked hard to make her little boy have a good life.

They were both leaving their apartment, going to the nearest rail station. Tam would have been going to work while Sykes would have been going off to his first day at college. A fine, though difficult future awaited them- until everything suddenly changed.

The sky went dark and the sun vanished in its entirety. A pressure as if a mountain stood on their shoulders appeared out of nowhere.



They both screamed as they were pressed down to the ground, unable to even writhe in pain due to the weight that was on their bodies.

It wasn't just the two of them though, everything on the planet experienced similar phenomenon. Whether ants, elephants, trees, oceans or mountains- it was felt everywhere.

Skyscrapers collapsed, houses were compressed, and those in planes in the sky experienced the free fall of a lifetime- well for the rest of their lives that is. Nobody had expected anything like this, and nobody was prepared. The ones who built shelters in their backyards weren't able to even crawl to them, and almost instantly the world's population decreased to 1/10 of what it had been before due to the collapse of the infrastructure around them.

Those who were too fragile to bear the weight didn't survive for longer than a second, and the pressure stayed for much longer than that. After a short few seconds, those still conscious heard a monotone voice ringing through their ears.

[Detected Basic Energy.]

[Detected World Ascention.]

[Connecting World to the Eternal.]

[Connection successfully established.]

[Awakening Traits…]

At this line, the pressure the world experienced increased even more, and what felt like lava began pouring through everyone's bodies. Most of the remaining population passed out and only a lucky few would be awake to witness the rest.

The voice continued.

[Traits awakened successfully.]

At this the pressure suddenly dissipated, allowing those who were still conscious to regain their bearings and look around to the destruction that surrounded them. The ever- emotionless voice continued without regard to the people's plight however.

[Granting Status…]

[Status Granted.]

[Congratulations, World X140PA953A2, for your Ascension into the tiers of the Basic Worlds! Continue striving for a higher ascension, the Eternal wishes you well!]

The emotionless voice stopped speaking, but the changes on the planet were only just beginning.

If one was an observer looking from space, they'd realize that the whole planet was growing larger and larger. All the way to the extent that even the moon was swallowed.

Mountain ranges were swallowed by the earth, and new ones reached toward the sky. The topography of the whole planet changed.

Slowly, the shaking and shifting ground stopped moving, and then Sykes was able to stand up.

Glancing around and catching sight of his mother still on the ground, he ran over as fast as he could.



"Are you alright, mom?"

"I'm fine, but what the hell just happened?"

The mother and son duo were shocked as can be looking around at the destruction caused. Everywhere they looked they were able to see collapsed buildings. The shock and realization of just how many people were buried under the mountain of rubble surrounding them hit all at once.

The sight was devastating for the two of them.

This is a test chapter of what I'm kind of going for with this novel. Not too sure whether I'll keep it up (right now I have no pc to type on lol) If you enjoy what you read and want more let me know! Thank you :)

TallGlassOfNOPEcreators' thoughts