
Planet X

The emergency alarms rang loudly around the spaceship. The crew looked out of the shuttle window to see an unidentified object approaching them at warp speed. There was no time to change direction and impact was imminent.

The shuttle spun out of its orbit. Gases forced through damaged pipes and threatened the three crew members air supply. Captain Thorsten Hubble dived to the control deck whilst quickly calling out orders to the others Freya Daniels the crew mechanic moved with speed and grace as she pulled levers, pressed buttons and repaired the interior damage of the shuttle Lunariss. Nysa Feng peered through the small smeared window, writing notes and numbers into a large notepad calculating their new trajectory into the dark abyss.

The Captain had regained control of their craft and there were fewer alarms going off. The object that had collided with them was long gone. They were fortunate it had been so small. However, it had disabled their communications signals and on-board navigation devices. The crew of the Lunaris were lost in space! The speed of the debris that hit them far from there course.

Feng proclaimed to the others crew members that their mission to Jupiter was now improbable and to return home, impossible. Freya Daniels silently shed a tear as she thought of her young children. "Lets explore our current location and pray to the sun for a positive" Declared Captain Hubble. The others agreed.

Feng shared the information gathered during the manic movements during the collision and they set course for the nearest sun. Time past, how long - they were unsure. They took turns sleeping and watching. Freya awoke, the Captain pressed against the window laughing. "A planet, I see a planet." He set himself at the controls maneuvered their craft towards the watery planet.

The crew took their seats and readied themselves for landing.....