
Planet Destroyers inc.

"Is it possible that by doing evil we create good?" Samuel, an ordinary psychopathic murdering doctor, receives a surprising job offer, but he is satisfied with his current job, so decides to refuse it. It was his first and last mistake This decision turns his whole life upside down until he died And then he starts another one, this time in a different world.

KaJoT13 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

What? Randaloph is e…2/2 (PD inc. 22)

Long time I have not been here , but rest assured I am not dropping this.


"12327..., 12328..., 12329..., 30..., 31..., 32..., 33.., 34.."








"What's the matter, Gawain? Can't you see that I'm counting... on what I left off?"



Seeing that his "yelling" was not getting him anywhere, the undead knight decided to take matters into his own hands. He gently lifted his master and turned him towards the impatient "person."

"Oh, hello Randaloph. How was your wonderful day and lovely night? Thank you kindly for asking," said Samuel calmly, not at all bothered by the fact that he was suspended in midair.


"You can put me down now."

"Well then, is everyone in position? The army is almost complete, so we can start."


"And what are you panicking about now? I'll be fine... and even if something does happen, I know I can always count on your support."



"Let's begin."


"I will resurrect them one by one and as soon as I do, I will quickly escape behind Gawain's back just in case."

"Meanwhile, Randaloph will try to reason with them, even using force if necessary."

"Any questions?"



"I'll take that as a no... well, let's start with the second most dangerous one."

"Resurrection of a Minor Undead," said the necromancer, and then proceeded with the previously planned strategy.

A small pile of animal bones began to form into its previous shape, and eventually, another undead animal creature was created, very similar to Randaloph but much smaller.




At first, the newly resurrected undead wolf did not react at all, as if the impulse that it was alive again had not yet come.

It held its bony head down and stood still.

None of the three experienced undead wanted to interfere, although it was unclear whether it was out of fear, curiosity, or perhaps old respect for the deceased.




Silence fell in the forest, and since no one in the group needed to breathe, the only occasional sound was that of flying birds or distant branches breaking, indicating the constant presence of wildlife in the thick forest.


After some time, the wolf finally reacted, raising its head slightly and looking around, but the flickering green flame in its eye sockets showed signs of confusion and surprise.

It was only when it saw the giant bony giant and the unassuming necromancer behind him that its mood changed.

Confusion and unease were replaced by anger, reluctance, and rage, and the fire now raging in the animal's eye sockets filled the entire skull.

The second undead wolf attacked, driven by anger, as if remembering fragments of its former life and recent death.

But before he could take even a few steps, making the fatal mistake of attacking his new master, Randaloph was faster.

He threw himself from behind onto the unsuspecting undead wolf and easily knocked him down, although not without some brief struggling on the ground.

Two bone animals fought on the ground like two puppies learning to bite, until finally, as one might expect, Randaloph won, pinning his opponent down with his size and skills.

Although the fight continued because the stubborn 'beta' did not give up and kept trying to get up from his knees.

But he stopped when the open mouth of the giant wolf was directly above his snout.

"Hrrr..." Randaloph growled menacingly at his new companion, giving him a final chance to surrender.

The new 'beta' of the future pack obediently growled back, as if frightened, and then out of habit exposed his most important parts as a sign of surrender.

The one-eyed undead wolf leader now seemed to be smiling again, proving that he still possessed leadership skills in the pack.

"Now the first one has fallen, and before long, the rest will fall too, and we'll all be one big happy family again," Randaloph thought, pleased with his achievement today.

"Although he didn't know that he had won, it was with the help of a certain person who likes to have everything under control."


When the first fell under the new leader, others followed.

A young female, probably the daughter of the current beta, did not attack like her father but calmly began to observe the surroundings. Seeing her family behind the great Randaloph, she did not hesitate and immediately submitted to the new leader's authority.

The young male, on the other hand, acted differently, moving quickly and agilely from place to place as if he were alive again and full of energy.

And when he saw the new alpha, he questioned him without thinking, as he was accustomed to doing.

Although the fight didn't last long, as the bored Randaloph easily pushed him away with one paw, and then when the young wolf tried to get up and attack again, he was subdued by another adult wolf. The leader must have his own servants.

One older female did the same as her younger counterpart and easily joined the new/old pack.

The other, from what Samuel could gather, waited for her old life partner's decision, whom the necromancer had left almost until the end.


Not knowing what to do and lacking sufficient knowledge about wolf packs, Samuel decided to listen to Randaloph's advice and also resurrect the last undead wolf besides the alpha.

"Resurrection of a Minor Undead"

And when he spoke the magic words, the practically intact wolf remains began to rise. Before the half-lich could react, the newly resurrected wolf raised its head and looked directly at the necromancer.

Gawain was already about to react and run to his master, but Randaloph's slight growl easily diverted his attention from Samuel.

The newly resurrected wolf, without emotion, bypassed the necromancer, lightly pushing him aside, and then threw himself at the pack leader.

Randaloph was not to be outdone and, acting almost identically to the previous wolf, attacked the pretender.

The fight between the undead this time lasted longer and was more brutal because without the element of surprise and someone's small help, Randaloph had to work a little harder.

But as usual, he emerged victorious, as Samuel would never allow his undead wolf champion to ever lose.

When the dust finally settled and there were more pretenders to the wolf throne, Samuel began to heal all the wounds and damage of his new charges with valuable mana.

The wolf family was complete again, as if the previous battle never happened, except for the change from a living body to just bones.

In any case, the new/old pack was complete, and now its old leader needed to be conquered.




Samuel approached the practically dilapidated remains of the former alpha that his obedient skeletons had gathered together.

"Ready?" Samuel asked, turning his head to his wolf "friend" and then looking at the similar group of wolves behind him.


"I'll take that as a yes... good luck."

"Resurrection of a Minor Undead."

"Although you won't need it, as I'll make sure it succeeds as always. After all, you have to help luck along," the necromancer thought to himself, before moving to a safe place where he could watch the impending battle.

Thanks to Samuel's ability, the remains of the former white giant began to painstakingly connect with each other.

Where it was possible, bones joined together, and where fragments of the skeleton were missing or too damaged, the regeneration process was replaced by Samuel's mana.

After many tense moments and the longest resurrection process yet, a huge wolf beast stood in place of the pile of destroyed bones, larger than the rest of the current pack, fiercely staring at Randaloph, ready for action.

First, there was a staring contest between the two leaders, followed immediately by a real fight to the death, or in this case, death or death.

Neither participant even thought for a fraction of a second whether another fight was necessary. No, each of them was unyielding and attacked their nemesis relentlessly.

Just like before, blow for blow, bite for bite, and attack for attack, it was not a fight over who would win, it was a matter of who would destroy the other first.

But this time, apart from the slight height advantage of the former white giant, the fight was even.



Bored of watching the duel that had been going on for hours, Samuel decided to stop worrying.

Because he didn't want to raise suspicions that he was interfering in the necromancer's fight, besides occasionally healing, Randaloph also healed alpha, albeit much less frequently.

So thanks to his efforts, the battle that should have lasted minutes began to drag on for hours.

In his infinite wisdom, the necromancer Samuel forgot that even though wolves were intelligent, they had no chance of noticing his subtle actions regarding healing.

Therefore, he poured multiple amounts of mana into Randaloph to fully heal him.

And so, thanks to a sudden surge of strength, the undead leader felled his opponent, thus ending the bloody, hours-long dispute.




Although the battle between the wolves did not end as the Alpha, deprived of strength, still refused to surrender.

But Randaloph decided to be wiser and after realizing that two victories were enough for him for now, he started a dialogue with his former treacherous subject who now knelt before him.


Their silent discussion lasted until Randaloph obediently approached the necromancer and decided to ask for something.


"Can you repeat that?"


"No, seriously, are you sure I should heal him?"


"Well, I must say, my friend... once again you positively surprise me."

"I'll get right to it."

"And true to his word, Samuel acted as he said he would, taking care of his reputation."

And as soon as he finished, the former Alpha, now called "Alpha", lay on his back in a submissive gesture. The System, which had been silent for a long time, decided to speak up.


Unit "Randaloph" has met all the requirements for evolution



(Warning evolution can take a lot of mana)


As I mentioned I am not abandoning any novel , I will even probably return to my first novel in the near future. But I must sadly say that the frequency of the next chapters will decrease for a couple of reasons. Writing it is not profitable although I know I chose this genre myself, but more importantly I have no desire to write about sadistic Samuel for now.

For now my main priority is writing FanFics , who knows maybe I will become a full-time writer.

And for those who don't mind a longer wait time, I'll see you in the next chapter in a little while.

KaJoT13creators' thoughts