
Planet Destroyers inc.

"Is it possible that by doing evil we create good?" Samuel, an ordinary psychopathic murdering doctor, receives a surprising job offer, but he is satisfied with his current job, so decides to refuse it. It was his first and last mistake This decision turns his whole life upside down until he died And then he starts another one, this time in a different world.

KaJoT13 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Start of the battle(PD inc. 18)

So I thought that if I keep releasing at least once a week I will have written my coveted 1,000 chapters in...20 years...please have a moment of silence.


"Shoot" Issued Samuel's order with his thought and immediately followed by the firing of the first spell in the battle.

"Ice Arrow"

A barrage of arrows fired by the undead archers quickly and unexpectedly flew at a group of unsuspecting giant wolves who were moving in some form of formation toward Samuel's army.

"So they didn't notice us after all, we're lucky today," reflected the necromancer.

"Although what good is a surprise attack, if I remember correctly the arrows did not make the slightest impression on Randaloph, but maybe he was an exception in his species."

"I hope so because, without the help of archers, the only thing that could harm these monsters would be my spells and Gawain's sword."

The necromancer's hopes were once again dashed, for when the volley of arrows reached its target, not only did it barely hit, as the wolves began to take swift evasive action in a moment, but the arrows were bouncing off the animals' skin like water off a duck.

But not quite unlucky, apparently the goddess of luck smiled on Samuel this time. The huge pack of giant wolves after the purge carried out by Randaloph and only moments later by the new alpha was not only very thin but also quite young.

The older ones, thanks to their experience, quickly began to protect the sensitive organs such as eyes, while the 'young ones' not only lacked arrow-proof fur but were also deprived of the sense of danger that a single accurate arrow in the eye may well end in instant death if not permanent disability.

This time, however, Samuel's bad luck prevailed, as none of the archers had a lucky shot, even despite the bravado of the young and foolish who could even fall by the 'arrow in the knee'. Therefore, the first salvo fired by the undead ended with only a couple of arrows protruding from the backs of a couple of weaker wolf individuals, except perhaps for one 'minor' exception.

"A bull's eye," said Samuel gleefully as the ice arrow, which was disguised as a normal arrow, hit the old wolf in the eye. The old monster did not dodge the bullet as he did not expect that an 'arrow' even one glowing blue could pierce his hard eyelids which defended against the others, unfortunately for him he was wrong for the 'first' and last time.

"One down, six to kill".

Once all the arrows had fallen the wolves noticed the death of one of them, and in fury, they began to charge at the wall of shields in front.

"Well stupid beasts, go on, attack".

Unfortunately, again the necromancer's whim did not come true, because the wolves magically stopped a few meters in front, once they heard the order of the alpha, who was standing behind all, calmly watching everything.

"No...no...damn it, it was so close, that big white bastard is going to be a problem, he needs to be dealt with...now."

"Randaloph you know what to do, wait for the signal to attack," Said Samuel to his still hidden behind the tree's 'friendly' companion.

"Again, shoot," said the half-lich, but this time he didn't cast another spell, Samuel wanted to save his mana for later more important situations, which will surely come in a moment.

This time the wolves were ready to attack and, without stopping their slow circling of the undead army, calmly began to dodge all the bullets fired. Each individual, as ordered by the leader, lowered his head without closing his eyes and observed the immediate surroundings, thus limiting his wider vision.

But the wolf pack did not need vision, because the keen eyesight of the pack leader was more than enough. Alpha positioned himself far behind the pack, out of range of the arrows, and just observed the situation, thinking, analyzing, and giving orders to each individual.

Even the successive salvos did not interrupt the slow and determined march of the group of wolves, which when divided into two smaller groups of three each, began to circle the army of skeletons even faster.

Unfortunately for them, the more the wolves approached the undead, the farther they were from their leader, who was more and more vulnerable to the attack of the hidden enemy.

"Now Randaloph" shouted Samuel when he decided that the path between the white alpha and the wolf hidden in the bushes was safe and reliable enough.

At the necromancer's command, the undead wolf shot out of the bushes as if pressed by a slingshot.

Randaloph ran, he ran as fast as he had ever run in his life because this time he did not have to worry about his body's capacity or stamina, which was now infinite.

The undead wolf practically reached his target almost unnoticed, the alpha only noticed the enemy coming towards him when the undead wolf was a few meters away. He then let out a loud his ordering the other wolves to retreat, but even the desperate signal was interrupted when Randaloph threw himself with all his momentum at his enemy interrupting what he was doing.

Even the sudden sound of Samuel's animal running did not attract the attention of the wolves who had their backs turned to him only when he reached his target did they react but at that point, they were too late for action.

Alpha and Randaloph did a few flicks on the ground and then immediately each of them jumped a considerable distance away and started staring at each other with hostility.

Each of them was confident of winning because they knew they were not alone on the battlefield and would have support from those closest to them. Alpha in the form of the rest of the pack and Randaloph the necromancer Samuel, unfortunately, one of them must have been quickly disappointed because seeing the stalemate of the wolf duel the necromancer immediately reacted as he should have.

"Ice Walk" X4 Hastily said Samuel as he began to put his further plan into action.

And at his command a huge ice square was formed surrounding the fighting wolves completely, thus creating an object resembling a primitive arena.

"Fight to the death, my slaves," thought the necromancer regretting that he could not watch the bloody spectacle.

Alpha did not attack his opponent standing opposite him as would be expected of him, but rather cautiously attacked the ice walls with his claws.

Seeing that with every attack he managed to penetrate the wall more and more, the wolf attacked even faster and more fiercely, like a beast that smelled blood.

Neither Randaloph nor Samuel could afford such a state of affairs, so without waiting any longer, the first attacked the enemy intending to interrupt him, while the second began to repair the damaged walls with his mana.

"Damn, I guess I'll have to do without mana regeneration now." Thought Samuel slightly upset by the situation.


Mana : 1285/2100


"Randaloph will manage...I hope. I meanwhile have to deal with a more pressing problem."

"Now, how do I murder these damn dogs?"


The great wolves, even without a leader, posed a serious threat to the 'small' undead army. Divided into two groups of three each, they began to attack the skeletons from two sides simultaneously.

On the left was Number One, the largest of all the wolves except the alpha, of course, an old experienced male, with brown colored fur and many scars on his body, both old and new. "Probably the deputy leader, and also currently the biggest threat," Samuel thought while analyzing the opponents on the fly.

Number Two is a young female and, looking at her size, not yet fully mature. Black fur with a few traces of brown, no battle scars or other specific marks. "Alone very easy prey but in combination with the rest can be a nuisance."

Number Three, a young, fully mature male but seeing that he is almost a third smaller than Number One he probably did not rank high in the previous herd. His completely grey fur and a few small but deep wounds did not give him a warrior-like appearance. "Coward, even his gaze tells me he doesn't want to be here, he'll probably run away when I've dealt with the majority and won't often help the rest often...an easy target, I guess."

Now from the right, number Four is larger even than the rest of the males except number one. White fur is surprisingly similar to the alpha. "No battle scars and that's interesting, do females have it easier?" "Just like number one can be a tough nut to crack."

Number Five, a male but barely mature, probably the youngest of the pack, although looking at his current height and comparing it to his age, he may grow to the size of alpha in the future if he doesn't stop growing. Black fur with traces of white grey and brown. "I don't know what to make of him, he seems to have the most arrows in his back which is a sign of his inexperience which makes him an easy target but because he is so young he will be the most energetic, mobile and likely to attack when least expected."

And the last one, number Six, is an young female but nothing to stands out ,being the average of the others. The brown color of her fur and a few minor wounds do not change this. "Not a leader, not a fighter, just a mob to complement the others, just to kill on occasion."

"Well, Gawain, which half do you take?" asked the amused necromancer his faithful knight, who was visibly nervous.


"Well, I take the left"


"Take it easy it will be fine..."

"I hope..." Whispered Samuel quietly so that his servant could not hear him.

"And Gawain...take most of the army..."


"No...it's better this way, you have a better chance of getting through faster than me...the sword has a better chance. Just make it quick ok, because I don't know how long I have enough mana to defend myself."



"Here we go with this bullshit."

"Good luck my knight." Shouted the necromancer as he moved barely 1/3 of the troops.

"It will be fine...after all, what can go wrong?"

The battle between Samuel's 'slowly' growing army and the 'small' pack of wolves began in earnest.


Division of the Army

Randaloph site (1vs1)

Gawain site (42vs3)

Samuel's site (21vs3)


If anyone would like to support me and see other stuff and chapters before everyone else: https://ko-fi.com/kajot

Whether the division of the army is useful or unnecessary , I can always add or remove it

KaJoT13creators' thoughts