
Planet Destroyers inc.

"Is it possible that by doing evil we create good?" Samuel, an ordinary psychopathic murdering doctor, receives a surprising job offer, but he is satisfied with his current job, so decides to refuse it. It was his first and last mistake This decision turns his whole life upside down until he died And then he starts another one, this time in a different world.

KaJoT13 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Exit from the dungeon(PD inc. 5)

"But first... Create a Minor Undead, Create a Minor Undead, Create a Minor Undead" Samuel said as he quickly used the previous skill three more times.

As he thought about it and tried to mimic the earlier feeling of the mana drain, just as before there was a newly created undead servant in front of him, only this time there were three.

"Strange that there is no cooldown but better for me. I wonder how much longer I'll be able to use it continuously?"

"Four undead are enough for now if they are killed quickly I can easily summon new ones, just as easily," said the necromancer as he wait for his mana to renew in full.



Mana : 1000/1000


"Alright I'm ready," He thought as he started to approach the door.

Samuel calmly pulled the handle and opened the door wide enough for his servants to pass through walking one behind the other.

And when the four summoned skeletons stepped inside, forming a small wall of shields, Samuel stepped right in after them, and then he saw what was inside the room.

The room was ordinary, rectangular in shape but more long than wide. The darkness in the room, which Samuel did not mind, was illuminated by just one torch, hanging on the wall behind him.

Three skeletons stood in the room, for the time being motionless, one standing opposite the entrance door, illuminated by the light of the torch, completely visible. The second furthest from the torch stood in the corner of the room making it almost invisible to anyone who could not see in the darkness. The third stood to the left of the entrance to the room, hidden with his sword raised, ready at any moment to attack any person entering the room, who at first would only see the undead illuminated by the torch.

"Clever" Samuel thought with admiration.

Samuel ordered his servant to approach the nearest skeleton while he was ready to fight. The summoned undead slowly approached the still-standing skeleton, but the skeleton did not even move.

Thinking this might be due to his own servant Samuel decided to approach on his own, obviously surrounded on every possible side by a shieldman.

When the necromancer was standing directly in front of the skeleton he froze in place for a moment and waved to his undead, but the skeleton continued to do nothing, not even moving its skull.

"So the other undead doesn't react to me, interesting" Half Lich mused but not wanting to provoke anything more he walked steadily out of the room, then saw the same corridor as he had seen when he left the room in which he was reborn.

The next three rooms he moved through looked the same with one small difference, some skeletons had bows, and others had axes or spears. The behavior was the same in each room as with the first skeleton, so Samuel passed the first floor of the dungeon without a problem.

But now a bigger problem awaited him, because after the last room, instead of the familiar corridor, a staircase leading up to the next floor of the dungeon awaited him.

"So behind the stairs is the entrance to the Boss?" Thought the necromancer surprised by the small size of the second floor of the dungeon. "At least that's how it should be according to the logic of the dungeon as I know it."

"It is unlikely that the skeletons will be repeated on the first floor so the next room will be my first fight in the new world."

"Then I must prepare myself better," Samuel thought as he looked at the four undead shieldmen standing before him.


"I would like create a few more shieldmen"

"Create a Minor Undead x 15"

And as he began to do this a group of undead appeared in front of him and he immediately ordered them to stand in a row.

"Shit, I wanted to create 14 to make it even, ah...one more won't change anything".


Mana : 250/1000


"It was a good idea to stop and not summon more at once because it's starting to make my chest and head hurt terribly, which is weird because as undead I shouldn't feel anything anymore. The chest, I can understand because that's where my most important organ is but the head?" Samuel began to wonder as he waited for his mana to renew to full.

And so he waited for an unknown amount of time.

Bored after a few minutes, his mind once again began to run wild with thoughts of the past, and behind him, his crowd of 19 skeletons did not move from their place without the command of their master.


Mana : 1000/1000


"Well after all, how long can you wait?" He thought impatiently.

"But after thinking about it for a long time, 19 skeleton shieldman is not a good composition for my new army, let's try something else. The skill says that the strength of the skeleton depends on the mana put in. So..."

"Create a Minor Undead," said Samuel this time using up to a little more mana at the same time recalling the skeleton image with a bow.

At his call, this time the archer skeleton arise as he wished in the cramped corridor, and then at his command, lined up behind the rest undead.


Mana : 945/1000


"5 more mana isn't such a bad conversion rate, and perhaps this process would work well for summoning a skeleton mage, for example?"

"Create a Minor Undead"

Now an image of a skeleton casting Ice Bolts at an opponent began to form in his mind, and to do this he tried to use a lot more mana than before.


Instead of the coveted mag, he saw only the System's message in front of him.


Error: Skill level too low


"Well, that would explain why it is called Create a MINOR Undead and not Create a Undead, there must have been some limitations in the weaker version".

He then created two spearmen to defend the flanks and two axemen as shock infantry in case of a dangerous situation, each costing the same as an archer, and for the remaining mana, he filled to the full 30 archers at 55 each.

The spearmen and axemen, as well as the shield-men, had their weapons slightly rusty, but still sharp enough to crush someone with them.

As Samuel was about to exceed this number he received another message from the System.


Danger: Exceeding the servant limit can overload the mana core.



"No thanks I don't want to take any chances," Samuel said, then looked behind him at the 30 skeletons standing in several rows.

"At this rate, if I become a full-fledged lich, I won't be able to count them anymore. System can you show me their number please?" asked Half Lich hopefully.



30 Skeletons

19 Shieldsmen

7 Archers

2 Spearmen

2 Axemen


"Thanks again System, it's better now". Said Samuel to his only companion who never answered him.

"Ehh...I won't be more ready," he muttered under his nose, which he no longer had.

And as soon as he thought about it he walked confidently up the stairs to the Boss's room, followed by his army of skeletal servants who rushed in at the order given by his single thought.

"It is time to fight."


"It was..."

"Disappointing..I expected more" were the only words Samuel could use to describe the fight that had taken place minutes earlier.

As it turned out, the Boss was a large muscular goblin chieftain riding a hairy pig with tusks, and the only weapon he possessed was a long sword, which the Boss held with one hand. While with the other he kept a mismatched saddle strapped to the pig to prevent it from falling off its mount.

The only thing that stopped Samuel and his army from instantly killing Boss at the hands of the skeletal archers was his speed and the two equally muscular Goblin bodyguards standing at his sides, who tried unsuccessfully to protect him, they died almost as soon as the fight began, fired upon by the archers.

The fight went like this, Boss charged as soon as he saw Samuel wisely shortening the distance, but unable to break through the double line of surprisingly tough shieldmen he stopped in front of them.

Issuing a command to the remaining shieldmen to encircle, Boss became trapped with no way to get out surrounded on all sides by shields.

Once he was trapped Samuel gave the order to draw his swords and stab the Boss straight ahead, no matter where.

He wanted, the goblin to suffer as much as possible while satisfying his sadistic urges.

When Samuel became undead, he lost all his human moral limitations, although he had almost none at the time.




First, they struck the giant pig, inflicting terrible pain on it, as the swords were almost blunt and, after piercing the skin, ripped the inner muscles from its blunt edge.

But it was the pig of the two that had it easier, each of their blows due to her size hit a vital organ of the pig, splashing a lot of blood on the shieldmen and the surrounding area.

The Boss had it worse, because when the pig died thanks to Samuel's 'mercy it fell to the side, breaking one of the Boss's legs, and then it only got worse.

When the goblin, saw the death of his mount, he fell into a state that can only be described as fury. He turned all red and steam began to rise from his skin.

To his misfortune, he did not have time to do anything, as the skeletons received another order and began to quickly break the rest of his limbs. The helpless goblin did not know what to do next.

Delighted by this sight, Samuel, not wanting to waste any more time, "mercifully" ordered the goblin lying on the ground to be stabbed at least a hundred times as he watched with undisguised pleasure as the life escaped from its eyes.

"He's dying like the pig he was with." Thought the necromancer pleased with the display before him.




Once this was done, Samuel and the others left the 'Boss' room, not caring about the attacking goblins in the following rooms, as he knew they were no more of a threat to him just like the more powerful version of them.

He walked from room to room, passing the same groups of goblins, as he summoned the two shieldmen on the road, he had lost in the clash with the 'two pigs' at the beginning of this floor.

When it was all over, Samuel and the others left the 'Boss' room, not caring about the attacking goblins in the following rooms, as he knew they were no more of a threat to him just like the more powerful version of them.

He walked from room to room, passing the same groups of goblins, as he summoned the two shieldmen on the road, he had lost in the clash with the 'two pigs' at the beginning of this floor.


The necromancer walked up the stairs leading to the dungeon exit and then finally saw the coveted surface.

It was nighttime, but that didn't bother Samuel in the slightest, he could see everything without any problem as before.

He began to enjoy the moment because he had never felt as free and uninhibited as he did now.

Samuel was motivated and ready for action, and that meant only one thing. Everything living in the future on the planet Diastizo should be thankful that they had managed to survive one more day because Samuel's undead cataclysm had come for them.

"Time to get to work," Thought the undead as he began to move away from the dungeon.


If you want to read chapters ahead
