
Planet Destroyers inc.

"Is it possible that by doing evil we create good?" Samuel, an ordinary psychopathic murdering doctor, receives a surprising job offer, but he is satisfied with his current job, so decides to refuse it. It was his first and last mistake This decision turns his whole life upside down until he died And then he starts another one, this time in a different world.

KaJoT13 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Dear Mr. Samuel (PD inc. 1)

Samuel took the letters out of the mailbox and then looked at one of them, the one that stood out most from the rest.

"That's the kind of message I wasn't expecting," thought the surprised doctor.

Unlike the other letters, it was decorated with a gold border and sealed with wax.

"No one has used something like this for many decades anymore and certainly no one I know, I wonder who I got it from?"

He hastily returned home slightly curious and when he found himself in his favorite reading place, he gently opened it with a small letter knife and began to read.


Dear Mr. Samuel Malak

As a result of your "good" and unusual actions, you have been recognized and appreciated by our great corporation.

Therefore, we are offering you a job as one of our junior staff members, of course, if you prove yourself and act with as great a work ethic as you have done so far I believe you will quickly climb the ranks of our organization.

Please give your verbal consent as soon as possible to our authorized representative, who will visit you soon.

A refusal to do so will not be accepted and I would ask you kindly to end this amicably and as quickly as possible.

With best regards Azazel Fallin

Head of Human Resources Department PD.inc


"That's...That's strange, I haven't made a job offer anywhere," thought a puzzled Samuel after reading the unusual letter

"Why did someone send me this, I have no intention of resigning from my current warm position at the hospital as head of one of the departments, and I'm certainly not going to work for a corporation, not again, I don't want to get tired of this bureaucratic hell anymore."

"Someone is making fun of me?"

"Or maybe he's lost track of time, stayed with his thoughts in the last century looking at the seal, and wants to have fun at my expense"

"He probably thinks such words can fool me, I'll fall for such a simple trick, who does he think he is, once I find out who it is it will end badly for him," He thought while looking through the other ordinary letters without focusing on them at all, he still couldn't get rid of the awareness of the first one.

Disregarding the message of the letter, Samuel put it down on the table in the middle of the room where the others lay, so as not to forget it and then throw it in the shredder when he was done with more important current business.

He went to the nearest bathroom and began surgically washing his hands, thoroughly washing every dirty nook and cranny of his hands almost pedantically, not even leaving out the dirt under his fingernails. He rubbed his hands so thoroughly until his skin began to turn red and showed slow signs of peeling like a snake.

When he had finished the thorough washing, it was time for him to get dressed.

He started by putting on a long white doctor's surgical gown tied at the back.

"Where are the nurses when you need them?" He sighed having trouble tying the first knot. Immediately he remembered that he would not trust anyone but himself with such delicate matters and at the slightest opportunity he would not give away his passion for treating poor patients to other people.

He then put on a blue cap, under which he carefully tucked his long black hair, which usually hangs down to his shoulders, being careful not to stick out a single one that could fall off and leave some evidence of what he would be doing.

Continuing on, he donned a white mask covering his entire face except, for the moment, for his unprotected brown eyes, which he immediately covered by putting on white protective goggles.

Not want to repeat his mistake of a week ago, when his patient's blood gushed into his eye blinding him for a moment and making his latest operation not as perfect as he usually makes it.

He completed the outfit by putting on long white nitrile gloves that reached his elbows. Thin enough that he could feel the blood flow in his patient if he wanted to touch him.

Thus dressed, he headed for the basement of his house as he used the key to open the three-tap lock.

There was already someone waiting for him downstairs, and he couldn't wait to get to know his new "patient" better already.


The wooden staircase creaked with his every step as he slowly approached the operating table where an elderly man lay bound with seat belts and metal chains and with his mouth sealed with duct tape that Samuel always had on hand

"Let's see, Harry Smith age 47, widower, no children, disease - brain cancer, we'll see what we can do," said Samuel smiling broadly from behind his mask.

As Samuel read the information he had written down on a piece of paper hanging next to the operating table, the man was awoken by the loud footsteps of his future abuser and then began to panic.

He was not calm at first, but when he saw the doctor sharpening his instruments, Harry realized the situation he was in.

Harry tried to get up, but the four chains attached to each of his limbs held him down just enough that he couldn't move even an inch.

Samuel was experienced in such matters and knew what it took to hold a man of his stature in place, so he didn't bother with what the man was doing, concentrating further on disinfecting the tools.

Samuel's repertoire included various useful items such as wood, bone and muscle saws, which hung quietly on the wall waiting their turn. There were also scalpels, surgical instruments used in hospitals and liquid acids for destroying evidence after the fact.

Also recently added was a holmium laser, which the doctor had 'borrowed' from his previous workplace for an unspecified period of time.

When he had finished cleaning the all-important equipment Samuel approached the bound man from the side and began wiping away streams of sweat with a clean cotton cloth before gently lifting his 'patient's' head and beginning to slowly shave it.




It made the sound of a shaver, and with each swipe of it, a clump of Harry's short brown hair fell to the floor.

There wasn't much of it; it looked like the man had been going bald for a long time.

When Samuel finished, all that was left for Harry was a glowing bald head, a polished scalp that would have glistened in the sun had he been outside.

In a last-ditch attempt to free himself, Harry tried to use all his strength and attempted to stand up, but his body refused to obey, as not only was he sufficiently restrained, but Samuel had made a habit of giving his 'patients' a muscle softener before starting anything.

Seeing that his efforts were to no avail, Harry stopped what he was doing.

"Please let me out, mercy," said the man lying down.

Samuel found it difficult to understand even one word that came out of Harry's mouth because they were sealed with tape.

"Shhhh" Whispered in the man's ear, Samuel.

"I promise I will be gentle, I have experience in this."

Unfortunately for Harry, the 'merciful' Dr. Samuel was deaf to such requests and performed his treatment without regard to cost or the patient's consent.

Once he had swept away all the hair and made the floor as clean and shiny as before, the doctor began the operation with undisguised pleasure in his eyes,

"I am fulfilling my vocation and I am doing it for the good of the world, your sacrifice will not be in vain, I promise," Samuel said to the man, but even he did not believe his own lies.


If you want to read chapters ahead
