
Planet Apocalypse: Revolution

In a world hurtling towards its inevitable demise, where the grip of the apocalypse tightened, mankind teetered on the precipice of extinction. Amidst the chaos and devastation, a select few found themselves touched by inexplicable forces, awakening within them extraordinary abilities that defied the crumbling laws of nature. Our protagonist, however, once devoured by a legion of ravenous zombies and thrust into bewildering oblivion, emerged from the depths of death with an ethereal interface encompassing his being, marking him as the solitary mutation amidst the crumbling remnants of humanity. With newfound visions of the future, he beheld the collective doom that awaited every soul, a glimpse into the terminal fate of our besieged world. And the present apocalypse is just a welcome party.. Everyone is yet to see the main calamities.

Gebe · Urban
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26 Chs

[Zombie Mutation Completed]

'One Day

In a bustling city where men and women went about their daily lives, completely unaware of what was about to happen, the sun shone brightly overhead.

Some were off to work or the hospital, while others simply stood by, making purchases or gazing at the captivating billboard displays.

The day seemed perfectly ordinary, with clear blue skies devoid of any signs of trouble. That is until a chance encounter between two individuals shifted the course of events.

A man, adorned with a golden watch and a dollar gold necklace, complained about the scorching heat of the sun as he ordered a roadside coffee. Suddenly, another man collided with him, prompting an outburst of frustration from the watch-wearing individual.

"Damn you. you outskirt rascal", Yelled the man, as he got the attention of a few pedestrians.

"I'm sorry sir.. it wasn't my intention..", Michael commented as he gently dusted the man's grey suit.

"Get your outskirt hands off me", said the man, while walking away.

Unbeknownst to the agitated man, Micheal, had made a habit of stealing from him for quite some time.

With a mischievous grin on his face, Micheal displayed a certain satisfaction in his ability to pilfer from his unwitting victim.

"Mr. Arnold, I steal from him every day, and he still gets another", Michael commented with a smile on his face.

As the commotion settled down and people resumed their daily activities, an unexpected turn of events unfolded.

Right in the Middle of the road, a boy's ice cream fell of, pointing at the countless of shooting stars heading the planet with flames.

In the blink of an eye, the once-clear sky turned ominously dark. The city's taxis ground to a halt, billboards swayed precariously, and all signs of technology ceased functioning.

Suddenly, a thunderous explosion echoed through the air, drawing the attention of everyone present.

Their collective gaze turned skyward, only to witness an awe-inspiring sight. A massive, fiery projectile hurtled towards the Earth, causing panic and chaos among the city's inhabitants.

Upon impact, the ground cracked open, as if torn asunder. Out of the gaping chasm emerged a multitude of terrifying creatures, each more monstrous than the last.

Smoke billowed from their grotesque forms as they unleashed havoc upon the city.

Huge anacondas slithered through the flooded streets, demolishing buildings in their path. Dragons swooped down upon states and military bases, leaving destruction and flames in their wake.

Enormous centipedes feasted on helpless humans, while gigantic spider monkeys effortlessly decimated army airships that attempted to engage them.

Evoking screamers, huge millipedes connecting with the sky Opened their maws widely.. swallowing up humans like a vending machine. Even houses and cars uprooted, all in the jaws of these monsters.

Missiles merely burst in the sky like festive fireworks, and tanks stood no chance against these colossal foes.

Adding to the horror, the clouds that once blanketed the city transformed into a blood-red hue, a chilling sign of the impending doom.

This apocalyptic nightmare began on April 3rd, 2024, forever altering the face of the Earth. The human population teetered on the brink of extinction, with governments, rules, and laws rendered obsolete.

This was not a work of fiction, but a grim reality—one where the once-familiar planet Earth now belonged to an array of monstrous creatures: zombies, demons, Kaiju, aliens, and an unrelenting, all-consuming flame.

From that day forward, this world was known as "Planet Apocalypse."


2 months Later...


Michael was slammed against the ground, by some men on black vests, wouldn't take a genius to figure out these guys were Armies or one of those academy jerks.

The room was utterly empty and broken, only to see a girl standing at the source of ventilation, the window, observing the once peaceful city.

Which was now ruined with destroyed and desolated building, as if this world wasn't theirs' anymore.

"Leave us", she said. The men walked away while closing the door behind them.

"If you guys are the kidney-selling armies, you've got the wrong kidney man, cuz I've already sold my kidney a long time ago", said Michael as he rose and dusted himself. Unfortunately, he got no response from the female.

When the girl turned, Michael's heart skipped. A beauty having a curvaceous hip and red eyes matching her lip, not to mention how her breast hung up, and her dark hair almost reaching behind her butt.

Michael stared at the woman capable of making nations bow because of her beauty. He swallowed and spoke.

"If they had told me I was going to meet a lady, I would have shown them the way here"

The enigma figurine circled Michael, observing the poor guy. After her observation, she halted in front of him and spoke out.

"Micheal.  I need your help"

Micheal raised an eyebrow with his plopped face. He chuckles and adds."You kidnapped me, asking for my help?"

The girl avoided the question and dropped a round metallic object on the floor, after a beep, the object projected a floating blue holographic map, with a red dot at some point.

"I need you to steal from the Nazis", uttered the girl with a cold and unwavering demeanor.

"Sorry mate, you've got the wrong guy.. the road to the Nazis is not for me and I ain't no thief, I haven't stolen in my life"

"Maybe sometimes I do steal a little child's lollipop, but that's just licking it and giving it back", said Michael in one breath.


With an eye-killing speed, the girl slammed Micheal against the wall, unsheathed the knife at her lap, and placed it on Micheal's throat."Watch your mouth, cuz I know you've been stealing my shipments for days, if you don't cooperate, there's gonna be a red liquid flowing out of your neck"

'What the f**k, she some devil's advocate from hell? No wonder she's hot'

She let Michael go, but not before Michael caught a glimpse of her name on her badge. Kiara McConnell.

"Look I can't do what you're asking me.. the road to the Nazis is filled with those monsters, and if I steal from them, they'll find me and kill me before this apocalypse does"

"Same thing we'll do to you if you don't cooperate",  Kiara commented as she sheathed her knife.

'If they had told me I was going to meet a lady like this, I would have run for my life.. this woman is going to kill me, stealing from the Nazis is like hugging death... that's if I survive on my way', thought Michael.

The door unlocked, and a huge man came in with bad news."Captain, a Centip is heading in this direction, and seems to be accompanied by some zombies"

"What level", asked Kiara.

"The zombies are Lv one, no big deal.. but the Centip seems to be at boss Level"

Kiara nodded at the man, signaling him to prepare the squad, she walked close to Michael and dragged his hands close to the window. Clunk.."Hey what the hell", Michael shouted.

Kiara had handcuffed his hands against the window, giving him no chance of escaping till she arrived. "You'll be here till I come back", said Kiara as she left Michael in the room, not caring about the fact he was yelling.

As Michael's eyes fixated on the black van speeding away in the distance, a surge of fear surged through his veins, though it was the sight of two emerging zombies infiltrating the very building he found himself trapped.

Aware of their ability to deceive and methodically choose their victims, paralyzing fear seized his being.

"Oh no... no...no...not zombies.. it's was a trick"

Contemplation consumed his thoughts as he racked his brain, seeking out unconventional objects that could serve as weapons, all the while his senses sharpened, attuned to the faintest trace of footsteps growing steadily closer. 

A palpable tension gripped him, leaving his breath suspended and his body drenched in a torrent of perspiration, a vivid manifestation of his overwhelming fear.

The shadowy footsteps stopped, emitting a shadow physique underneath the door. The shadow remained there for a while, looking at the door.

And Michael had stopped breathing for a while now.

The door slowly opened.. and Baam.. the zombie ran inside the empty room with blood dripping off its grotesque, if it wasn't for the fact that Michael was young, he was certain that he would have died of a heart attack.

"Holy shit.." yelled Micheal.

With an expletive-laden cry, Michael unleashed a desperate flurry of limbs, swinging his leg with all his might, colliding with the zombie's neck..Baaam' causing it to spin unnaturally, only for the horror to intensify as the undead creature twisted its head back into position, revealing another ghastly figure standing at the door.

The new zombie rushed at Micheal with a dead speed and savored Michael's neck... Rhaaaa! Michael screamed, however, as if that wasn't enough, the other zombie bites Micheal in his stomach, legs, and hand.

As life ebbed from his battered body, Michael lay sprawled on the blood-soaked floor, his wrist severed by insatiable zombies craving more than just flesh; they ruthlessly tore into his very core.

Amidst the gruesome scene, crimson-streaked tears cascaded down his face, accentuating the shock of his snow-white hair, while the undead horde, their insatiable hunger momentarily sated, callously departed, leaving Michael stranded in a nightmarish tableau of despair.

'i...I don't want to die', Micheal muttered while crying silently... at least he doesn't want to die while feeling pain.

Against all odds, as life slipped away from Michael's motionless form, a flickering blue holographic screen materialized before him, concealing the fact of his demise until a cryptic message emerged.

-[Blood has been mutated: Zombie cell Regenerating]

As the blue holographic screen disappeared, Micheal's eyes shot open.. and saw another Message.

-[Mutation completed]

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