
Planet Apocalypse: Revolution

In a world hurtling towards its inevitable demise, where the grip of the apocalypse tightened, mankind teetered on the precipice of extinction. Amidst the chaos and devastation, a select few found themselves touched by inexplicable forces, awakening within them extraordinary abilities that defied the crumbling laws of nature. Our protagonist, however, once devoured by a legion of ravenous zombies and thrust into bewildering oblivion, emerged from the depths of death with an ethereal interface encompassing his being, marking him as the solitary mutation amidst the crumbling remnants of humanity. With newfound visions of the future, he beheld the collective doom that awaited every soul, a glimpse into the terminal fate of our besieged world. And the present apocalypse is just a welcome party.. Everyone is yet to see the main calamities.

Gebe · Urban
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26 Chs

[The Dragon Of Destruction]

Just as the president had instructed, the military came in with tanks and fire-fighting weapons. "My God... it's like a war is happening between these two monsters"

The tanks and SR-71 blackbird were counted as fifty in total, all behind Micheal, and the dragon of destruction flapping its wings at one position.

With a furious glance at the military personnel, Scorch stopped flapping and landed on the ruined building below him, his humongous dragon feet almost falling on the building.

"Sir, I think the other one is a human, a cadet? Sir! Take a look at the vest, he's from the academy"

Michael stared at scorch, devoid of any signs of fear, or shock, that is until a red light enveloped scorch, almost blinding the military personnel. And after the light dimmed. The dragon was now in the form of a human. His four horns were gone, but he still possessed his red glowing fingers.

Having the recessive trait of red hair and red eyes, also adorned in red suit. Michael and Scorch stared at themselves as if they were locked in a battle of stares.

Scorch's red eyes battle with Micheal's dark red eyes.

Taking matters into his own hands, the general in charge of this personnel opened the tank he was in with the sewer-like door, and took a speaker, his military hat firmed on his head.

"I'll only repeat this once... we know you're here to destroy the city, so surrender or be destroyed. I repeat! Surrender or be destroyed"

The general yelled, surprisingly, Michael and Scorch's facade remained the same. The surrounding was still far from the academy, so releasing all the weaponry wouldn't affect the academy, but it would cause one hell of destruction.

This place was already destroyed, to begin with, the buildings all crumbled or cracked out, while the tarred roads bore portholes and uprooted rocks.

"Sir..! They don't seem to be fazed by what you just said', said the tank driver.

The general looked at Micheal, of course, he could not see Micheal. But if the kid is stubborn enough to ignore them, then he'll die along with the dragon.

"Well that brat doesn't seem to listen.. fire all missiles"

"But sir there's a-"


Boooom... Woohoossh... Booom... Woohoossh... Boooom... Woohoossh... Boooom.... woohoossh... Booom.

With a ferocious display of firepower, the tanks and jets all shot out missiles and bombs, not caring about Micheal, a blackbird flew above him and dropped a bomb a few inches from him, while the remaining blackbirds flew towards scorch, unleashing one hell of a raining missle.


The surrounding was filled with explosion and smoke, and some soldiers standing outside were coughing hard. One of them slowly lifted his gun and headed towards Micheal, the MC who he couldn't see due to all the smoke.

Unfortunately, a shocking display of resilience unfolded, the soldier's eyes flared when Micheal held his gun and squeezed it into a pile of tin can.

"You shouldn't be here", said Micheal, leaving the soldier in a shocking position.

'He's just a kid, a year Three or four, he hasn't clocked 20, but what's he doing out here alone?'

Yet, as both of them stared, their attention was drifted by the shining light heading in that direction.


Scorch spat off a sea of flames in Micheal's direction, but he was aiming at the tanks and soldiers. The flames came so fast and due to the smoke, many of them were clueless.


The flames connected with the soldier beside Micheal, and in an instant, the soldier faded to ashes, the tanks all burned down, as the flames connected with humans, they all turned ashes.

The surrounding was now forged with lava, Micheal was standing on top of a road swimming with lava, the gun he had held was no more, and the whole team that came was dead.

Lucky for the MC, his upper vest was the only thing burned down, revealing his muscular physique. Behind him was nothing but destruction and flames.

'Considering that I'm alive, that cannot be the absolute breath'

Micheal tore out his upper vest completely, facing Scorch at the top of a building. "You know you're a long way from Your mages and dragons"

The dragon of destruction descended with his hands folded behind him, when his floating feet adorned in black shoes touched the destroyed roads, although not with much pressure the road cracked and the lavas dried up.

"Human? You don't look human"

Michael scrutinized the portal still swallowing monsters, that's his cue, that's where all his master plan lay and given the fact he had thought the dragon could not alter his form, the trap was made for a much bigger creature.

But 'No worries, he just shrunk to the perfect size', thought Michael. "You, and all these demons, why are you all here? Why this planet?.. why this apocalypse?"

Scorch avoided such a question and smirked, how naive.

"You look a lot like a guy I know, two guys.. my captain back in my academy and another Liege"

Micheal materialized his dagger and outstretched it. "But I'm not here for discussions, I'm here to claim your soul"


The dagger rotated and stabbed the ground, only inches from Scorch's feet, however, when Scorch looked at it, thinking the dagger was familiar the human missed.

"Surprise.. loser"


Hard enough to tear down a mountain, Michael's fist bashed again scorch's face, unwavering the dragon's demeanor.

Grabbing Micheal's head, scorch slammed it against his knee. "Uuurhg", pumping blood from Micheal's mouth and then followed with a kick in the face... Booom, sending Micheal meters away from him.

"Tough guy.."

The MC wipes the stain of blood off his lips, standing still, he smirks and dashes at the dragon again. This time his speed was causing shock waves, unknown to the dragon, and thought Micheal was about to punch him head-on.

A dark purple portal was forged in front of Micheal, as he ran inside, he appeared behind Scorch and punched the turning neck of the dragon.


Hard enough, Scorch was sent hurdling toward a building, encompassing the surroundings with a bit of dust.

The dragon stood from the pile of rocks and smiled devilishly, his razor-sharp teeth and his mouth pumping out a bit of flame.

"Human? Strong..! Me stronger"

'It's time to put my trap to the test', thought Micheal, he turned and leaped into the air, then landed at the top of a building facing the wormhole.

Gesturing his hand to the previous position, his dagger skyrocketed towards his tightened grip. While staring at the ferocious scorch to see if he got the message.

"Come fight me in my world if you dare", said Micheal. He jumped down from the building but was quickly caught by one of his undead dragons.

Taking him inside the wormhole, while Michael still stares at the dragon of destruction, hoping he won't figure out it's a trap.

However, things played out well. As soon as Micheal entered the wormhole, Scorch took a step and appeared in front of the wormhole.

Floating below it with a ferocious glance. What type of world is at the other end? What's his opponent planning? Does it matter where he fights? These were the questions lingering on his mind.

But so he wouldn't be taken as a coward from a human species, Scorch looked below him, the war between the mages and his remaining dragon was still holding up. And if he goes in there, no matter the consequences, absolute breath would call the end of the war.

So he ascends the wormhole, let's see what the human species can do. Unknown to Micheal, the extra liege from the exam were in cohort with the dragon of destruction.

T/S: Let The fun begin.

You know, I'm beginning to think no one is reading the book, cause it feels like it's a total waste of time. At give a damn power stone or review.

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