
Planet Apocalypse: Revolution

In a world hurtling towards its inevitable demise, where the grip of the apocalypse tightened, mankind teetered on the precipice of extinction. Amidst the chaos and devastation, a select few found themselves touched by inexplicable forces, awakening within them extraordinary abilities that defied the crumbling laws of nature. Our protagonist, however, once devoured by a legion of ravenous zombies and thrust into bewildering oblivion, emerged from the depths of death with an ethereal interface encompassing his being, marking him as the solitary mutation amidst the crumbling remnants of humanity. With newfound visions of the future, he beheld the collective doom that awaited every soul, a glimpse into the terminal fate of our besieged world. And the present apocalypse is just a welcome party.. Everyone is yet to see the main calamities.

Gebe · Urban
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26 Chs

[Ruthless Nazis and Deceitful Beauty]

In a desolate corner of the ravaged city, beneath the blood-red skies of the eclipse, a band of soldiers clad in crimson and ebony vests unleashed a relentless torrent of bullets. These men, known as the Nazis, were among the ruthless survivors of the apocalypse.

Their possessions were their own, and they harbored no mercy for stranded souls, regardless of age or genderâ€"all would meet their demise.

Bam..! Bam..! "Keep firing! Annihilate them all!" bellowed the commander, his weathered face contorted in a cruel grimace.

"Leave no goddamn survivor in my domain¦ kill every last one of those fuckers," snarled the man as he paced back and forth, cigarette dangling from his lips.

"I want all these mother fuckers dead.. now fire you bastards"

Once again, the Nazis unleashed their deadly hail, the bullets piercing through the bodies of the doomed survivors. A woman fell, clutching her child, life extinguished while leaving the wailing child behind.

"Mom! Mom!"

The Nazis would deal with the child once they had dealt with the stubborn older individuals who persisted in resisting.

Though the survivors knew they had made a grave mistake in coming here, their hopes had dwindled upon learning that Michael and his group were trapped on Apocalypse Island, their stalwart savior seemingly lost forever.

Now, the desolated landscape was marred not only by crumbling buildings and shattered roads but also by the lifeless corpses of those who had fallen, the ground stained with blood.

Only one survivor remained "the child" weeping as he stared at the Nazi soldier aiming a sniper rifle at his tender skull.

"Mic..Michaelangelo! Please save us," the child muttered as he met his untimely end.




Michael and Ronnie wandered side by side, their eyes scanning the star-lit forest for any signs of the monstrous beings that lurked within. The combination of the eclipse and the dense foliage created an eerie atmosphere.

"I can hardly believe that once we pass this test, we'll finally have the resources we need to help those survivors back home," Ronnie said enthusiastically, rubbing his hands together as visions of abundant provisions danced in his mind.

"Really, Ron? While aiding the survivors is our foremost priority, it seems food is at the top of your list," Michael remarked, a faint smile on his lips.

"Pfft... says the man who uses one eye to search for monsters and the other to seek out a potential love interest," Ronnie replied, his gaze fixed on a particular spot.

"Yeah, man, you got me. I'm on the lookout for a special someone. After all, a man cannot subsist on bread alone... but craves the solace that only a woman can provide."

Ronnie shook his head in disagreement before letting out a mocking sigh of exasperation.

Alas, Michael came to a sudden realization, Ronnie had always been one step ahead of him. Following his friend's gaze, Michael spotted a girl with vibrant pink hair, tears streaming down her face.

"Is something the matter?" Ronnie inquired, glancing at Michael, who returned the look with a silent question of;

"How am I supposed to know? I just got here, same as you." Ronnie responded with an expression that seemed to say, "I thought you were the expert with women." Michael replied with a look that conveyed, "Dude, when did I ever claim to be good with women?"

"What... I can't remember, but you said women were your specialty," Ronnie said aloud, surprising both Michael and himself, as it was meant to be an unspoken conversation.

"T-there's a student threatening to kill me," Nelly confessed, her words hanging in the air.

Ronnie felt an inexplicable pull towards her, as if he were a magnet being drawn in, overcome by a surge of emotions. Without hesitation, he uttered words he hadn't intended to say:

"Tell me, my dear, where can I find this fool?"

Michael was taken aback. Ronnie had shown no interest in anyone other than the girl Michael had vowed never to mention. Yet, here he was, behaving like a puppet controlled by invisible strings.

"Won't you run out of time before the test?" Nelly asked, tears glistening in her eyes, her deceitful beauty aimed at capturing the heart of one of the boys.

"Pfft... don't worry, my love"no, I mean, girl. Don't worry, love"no, girl," Ronnie stumbled, his voice laced with uncertainty. "Michael will take care of it, won't you, buddy?"

"Whatever, Ron. I'll come find you within the next twenty minutes," Michael affirmed, striding off in the opposite direction.


As Ronnie and Nelly ventured forward, walking through the desolate landscape for five minutes, Ronnie couldn't help but wonder about the location of the person she had mentioned.

"So, uh... where's this guy?"

"Over here...!"

Abruptly turning towards the voice, Ronnie was forcefully slammed into a tree by an icy projectile that erupted from the ground, striking his diaphragm with a resounding thud.

"That was neither fair nor friendly. Hold on, you're the butt head from the test introduction," Ronnie retorted, vehemently pointing at Bullet's enraged countenance.

"Butt head? You dare to name me with such a derogatory term? I will ensure your demise," seethed Bullet, a malevolent fire burning in his eyes.

Swiftly, another rock hurtled towards Ronnie, but this time it was of a different hue - a vivid shade of red. Nelly's eyes widened in apprehension.

Aware of Bullet's capabilities, the knowledge that being struck by the icy rock thrice could incapacitate a person, while the red rock required only two hits to potentially claim a life, sent chills down her spine.

The notorious black rock stood in a league of its own, capable of delivering a fatal blow with a solitary strike, casting one into the realms of either heaven or hell.

In a display of audacity, Ronnie sprinted toward the crimson projectile, nimbly stepping onto its edge and executing a graceful backflip that landed him securely on a nearby tree branch.

"Come down from your perch, you coward" Bullet taunted, his voice dripping with defiance.

"Actually, I'd prefer to remain in this advantageous position and await""

Whoosh... Bam...! Uurgghhhh...!

From the concealed depths of the bushes, a red rock uprooted from the ground and connected with Ronnie's vertebrae, emitting a sickening crack, audible even to Nelly.

Agony consumed Ronnie's being as he coughed up blood, collapsing to the ground and meeting the sinister, wide grin adorning Bullet's face.


Despite his battered state, Ronnie attempted to rise, only to be thwarted by his bloodied countenance. Lying prone upon the ground, he experienced a chilling revelation.

The disparity between the two rocks became apparent: while the impact of the icy projectile felt surmountable, the encounter with the red one made it abundantly clear that one more strike would seal his fate.

"Why did I allow myself to appear so foolish in the presence of the girl I sought to protect?"

Ronnie pondered silently, musing over his misplaced trust. "How did I become so easily ensnared? And yet, this insurmountable desire to keep her safe persists. Is it some sort of enchantment?"

Bullet smirked, relishing the spectacle unfolding before his eyes. Perhaps it was time to divulge everything.

"Have you still not realized the gravity of your predicament? One more blow from me, and you shall meet your demise. Allow me to elucidate," Bullet began, his smirk transforming into a malicious sneer. "My rocks possess a common attribute - they are indestructible. Yet, each possesses its own momentum.

The force behind the ejection of the ice rock can render a person incapable with three strikes, whereas the red rock requires a mere two to terminate existence."

Summoning his resilience, Ronnie managed to rise, now comprehending three crucial truths. Firstly, the girl had been bait to lure him to this menacing encounter, indicating that Bullet would have attacked her as well.

Secondly, this nefarious adversary surpassed a mere level three cadet, attaining the formidable rank of level five. Lastly...

"So, the black rock would seal my demise with a single impact," Ronnie surmised, struggling to maintain his footing amidst the crimson rivulets streaming from his battered visage.

"Precisely," Bullet affirmed with sadistic satisfaction. "I carved my name into the annals of history with these abilities, achieving second place in the academy. And now, you shall find your resting place in hell."

Ronnie smirked defiantly, wiping away the blood staining his lips, now preparing for his retort.

"Firstly, I have been lenient with you thus far. Secondly, one should never reveal their trump card to the enemy. And finally, there is another individual poised to etch an unparalleled, riveting chapter in the annals of the academy..."

With his fists clenched, the veins pulsating within, Ronnie spoke his words of determination before abruptly vanishing from sight.

"His name is Michaelangelo."

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