
Planet Apocalypse: Revolution

In a world hurtling towards its inevitable demise, where the grip of the apocalypse tightened, mankind teetered on the precipice of extinction. Amidst the chaos and devastation, a select few found themselves touched by inexplicable forces, awakening within them extraordinary abilities that defied the crumbling laws of nature. Our protagonist, however, once devoured by a legion of ravenous zombies and thrust into bewildering oblivion, emerged from the depths of death with an ethereal interface encompassing his being, marking him as the solitary mutation amidst the crumbling remnants of humanity. With newfound visions of the future, he beheld the collective doom that awaited every soul, a glimpse into the terminal fate of our besieged world. And the present apocalypse is just a welcome party.. Everyone is yet to see the main calamities.

Gebe · Urban
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26 Chs

[Micheal Vs The Five Year seniors]

Micheal was caught up in the middle of five girls in total, for once he had picked his book to read in class and the girls all came rushing at him. 'Where is Ronnie when I need him... His bathroom break is taking too long'

"So tell us handsome, how'd you do the Magic with the broomstick?"

Micheal closed his book, smiled at the blonde hair girl, and prepared his reply "Well I guess it was an accident"

At the other end of the class, the rest of the boys were upset, Micheal had literally stolen all the girls in year three, and some year four were still there too, for god's sake they're seniors.

"I hate that guy? His superpower is disgusting"

"I hate him too, what do you think his powers are", asked a male with his eye lens staring at Micheal.

"I dunno, aren't you the one with the eye abilities like Captain Commando?, the eye of truth"

The lens one smirked and tapped the edge of his lens, staring at Micheal to see what sort of wild card Micheal had. "You see that's the problem, I've been unable to see through him for quite a while now.. ability could be a mind blocker, but that doesn't prove how he did magic with his bare hands"

"Oh my god, is that the assignment we were given by the mage professor?", asked a girl with a hint of astonishment and an impressive look...


"So do you have a girlfriend?", asked another. And judging from the expressions of the three female cadets, darn it boy, were they upset she had to take the first step.

However, before Micheal could reply, Cassie and Brian ran into the class and yelled his name. "It's Ronnie he's getting beaten by some year fives", Cassie yelled.


Meanwhile, at the rooftop of the academy, just as Cassie had informed the MC. Ronnie was getting his ass kicked by the seniors, luckily for him, his face was only bruised with no blood.

Five year-five seniors surrounded him, including some unknown cadets cheering to such action.

"Uuurggghhhh...!", a senior nailed his punch against Ronnie's diaphragm.

"Thinking you can play invisible and enter the girls' toilet?"

The senior yelled and knees Ronnie's diaphragm once more then pushed him towards another senior who bashed Ronnie's face.

"So you wanted to see nudes uhh, well you'll see more of them in hell", said Aiden, the academy's supposed to be hotshot, until his rival arrived. Aiden twisted his body and landed a roundhouse kick at Ronnie's face, this course of action made Ronnie cough out a mouth full of blood.

"It wasn't my intention, I heard someone screaming so I decided... Urgh..!"

"Shut the fuck up kid..!.. we saw you sneaking in", said Aiden before bashing Ronnie's face to the ground, where the MC's friend fell with blood oozing out of his lips.

Where Ronnie was lifeless, one of the year five cadet squatted close and was about to punch him, but everyone's attention were altered by Micheal and Cassie who barged in.

"Ah... look at that, his stupid friends have arrived"

With rage, seeing how Ronnie was bleeding and the foolish cadet who was about to punch Ronnie in such a state. "My God, look at his palms, it suddenly has fat veins", whispered a female cadet while referring to Micheal.

Michael sauntered close to the year five cadet, senior year be damned. Micheal reached and raised the cadet by the air.

"Ouch... I'm a fucking senior you idiot"

Aiden was shocked at the terror he saw in Micheal's eyes, but they were only doing the right thing without listening to Ronnie's POV, is that bad?

With a resounding... Boooom', Michael slammed the head of the cadet inside the ground, splattering blood and rocks up, damaging the senior's forehead. Bam... bam.. bam.

The MC did this three consecutive times before the senior finally collapsed. "Oh my God, does he know how many rules he has just broken, fighting a senior", said a random cadet but another female interjected. "That wasn't a fight.. he beat him in seconds"

Furious, Aiden rushed at Micheal and grabbed Micheal by the vest, since he was a bit bigger and taller compared to the MC, Micheal was made to look at Aiden at the top, with both hands tucked in.

"Do you know how many rules you've broken and what the fuck you just did?", Aiden commented."I swear even if the teachers come here, I'll beat you mercilessly until you're dead"

Soon after, Mika ran in from the crowd, likely because she just arrived. "Aiden let him go", said Mika, capturing Micheal's attention on who the fuck is holding him. Aiden, isn't he the guy that Mika's father wants her to marry, damn I thought he was in year four.

With the name, Micheal untucked his hands and turned them into a fist, hard enough to break Aiden's jaws.

"Micheal don't.., just let it go"

While staring at Aiden's eyes filled with rage, Micheal wants to see what this guy has under his sleeves. But time would tell, and he's gotta help Ronnie up.

"Out of my you morons..", said a male muscular teacher with a glowing and furious expression, he held a wood wanting to hit Micheal down for proven stubbornness "So he's the one who has broken four rules", said the teacher while looking at Micheal.

-[My Liege..!]

'Just threaten him Zombiak, save your energy for tonight's battle with the dragons'

As the teacher furiously walked closer, his heart stopped for a minute when he saw Zombiak giving a gesture of "Come on boy', the teacher pee on his pants and walked past Micheal, then turned to face the cadets.

"Every.. every... everyone out, out", said the teacher "Aiden let him go and out", said the teacher, not wanting to make eye contact with Michael. And on top of that, he was sweating profusely. 'Did I just see a monster protecting this kid'

Everyone obeyed without questioning, apart from Mr brad's powers, his physique alone would tell you not to mess with him.

"You and you, take these two to the sick bay, and Mika, don't you have class?"

"No one touches Ronnie and the girl stays", said Michael with a dead voice.

The teacher's eyes flared again and walked past them, heading downstairs while turning to see if Zombiak was really there or if was he just scared for nothing.

"Cassie, can you take Ronnie to the sick bay?"

Cassie gave no response, her action of carrying Ronnie with the help of Brian, was enough to answer Michael. Now Micheal was left alone with Mika, the girl who followed behind Cassie.

-[My Liege... ]

'You can see it too? The dragon, it's yearning for a fight'

-[But my liege, it's not alone, the mages are with it as well]

Michael smirked and looked at a distance of three miles where he could see countless dragons and mages having tattered hooded clothing and winged structures.

'Well then Zombiak, this night's battle, will be one worth fighting for... tonight, it's my Undead Vs the mages and dragons'

Hi guys.. please review if you've read the two volumes.. isn't that enough to gain your review and power stones?

Gebecreators' thoughts