

DaoistCmW6W7 · TV
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3 Chs

Meeting Death

death" Well what is your name child " looking back there was a giant ass skeleton who has giant scythe in his hand .

soul "well my name is not that great it is the most common name you can find . sorry to interrupt but can you tell me if i am dead or not or i am in a limbo my body is in a coma " it would suck if i was in a coma though .

death" why are you not panicking "

soul" well for one i am tired of living , crushed by expectations of people , family ,friends .two i am the laziest of the bunch, three i am too feed up being a disappointment for my family and this fucking world is too much for me i would have probably be dead at the age of 70 and would be disappointed by my life in a bed "

death" so a that is my you saved the girl from the truck ? "

soul " yeah my life is less worth than that girl at least she would get to live better than me "

death" what about your parents they will mourn for you they love you ?"

soul" they are better of without me , that would be heart breaking for them that's my last regret would be to not be a better son " the soul started to loose feel alive again " what is happening "

death" not what i was expecting but you will do for being a world traveler "

soul" what ? why ? there are more souls out there that can more suitable "

death" it is you because i want some one who is a loser , who has given up on life , is not afraid of death , has been in the lowest point in life , is imperfect so that when they face loss they don't crumble i had previous avatars who were prefect heros who slowly morphed themselves into something less than what they originally once were . "

death" Now tell me your wishes "