
Just Plain Jane

Jane turned the key in the lock and pushed open her apartment door. She stepped inside and tossed her keys into the tray and took her shoes off with each step. She bent down to pat the head of her Boston terrier,Zoey, as she came bounding around the corner happy to see her person had come from a long day of work.

Jane sighed and went to the fridge and opened it. It was empty except for a unopened bottle of wine and a cup of yogurt. "Looks like it's time to get some groceries, Zoey" Jane casually said to her dog. The Boston happily looked up at her seeming to listen to Jane.

Giving up on finding food in her bare fridge Jane made her way to the love seat where Zoey was already waiting for her.

Her apartment was small yet the perfect size for her. Just a one bedroom but on the 2nd story and it had a balcony that the living room and bedroom shared. She kept it tidy and neat, but that wasn't exactly hard since she was hardly ever at home.

After an hour or so Jane made her way into the bathroom and started running her bath. She was exhausted from the long day at work. She leaned over the sink and looked up at herself. Her tired green eyes stared back at her and her long brown hair laid in thick waves over her shoulders. Her skin was clear but a small sprinkle of freckles dusted her round face. Forgettable when she wanted to be, memorable when she needed to be. Exactly what the job required She was a curvier girl, athletic build with wide shoulders but wide hips to balance her out making her a nice hourglass figure, of course she never thought of herself that way and hated her thicker frame. She shook her head at herself in the mirror and climbed into the tub and sank into the hot, welcoming water.

She reached beside the tub and opened the file she had laid on the closed toilet lid. "Attn: Cindy Carson" it read on the outside of the file. "Cindy Carson was just one of the many Aliases Jane was used to answering to.

She picked up the picture that was on top of the documents in the file and studied her target. She wasn't surprised to see it was a man in uniform. She had missions like this in the past and had to infiltrate many organizations but what was surprising to her was how attractive he was.

"He's going to hard to have to terminate". She thought regretfully. She flicked the picture aside over the side of the tub, tired of the same old mission.

"Wait! What the heck?!" Jane suddenly sat up in the tub, file in both hands as she sloshed water everywhere. The objective read "In order to secure your cover, your next mission is to integrate further with the Americans. Your single lifestyle is starting to look suspicious. You will need to meet with target, gain his trust, and begin a relationship. Your next objective depends on this timeline. She flipped the page over knowing there would be a code on the back and sure enough It said "0315cafegrey" Jane knew that this meant 0615 (you always add 3 hours), cafe was code for library, and grey was code for her to come as Cindy Carson.

Great...wow.... she was used to terminating her target, not having a relationship. What did her handler mean by "relationship"? Her head was spinning and she let the file fall to the floor as she covered her face with her hands and sunk lower in the water.