1 Prologue

~Accessing Program: Soul Reformation...

Dreamer's Core Located...

Reclaiming Soul Fragments...


Oh, hey there! No, now don't run. I know, I know. This entire thing must be pretty confusing. I mean, it is just you and I in this, well, nothingness. So I bet you are pretty confused, and that's okay. Let's just get started with a simple statement. I am you, and you are me. Okay, got it?

Great, now you are even more lost. The World Soul must have just had scraps to work with. Do you know who you are at least? No? Whew. Okay, get comfortable, we got a lot of work to do then. Then again, given your condition, we have plenty of time. So, let's just start from the beginning.

To answer your question and explain myself a bit, my name is... No, that's not quite right. Our name was John Falken. We used to be your below-average-Joe: fat, lazy as Hell, and just unmotivated to do much of anything about it. Anyone could have easily said we were just your everyday waste of space, and well, they wouldn't have been wrong. We barely believed I was worth the air we breathed.

Anyway, that's enough about us. We can get back to that later. First of all, I need you to understand a few things about our world. It isn't exactly what you would call "normal", well not anymore that is. Sure to the casual observer it looks the same as any other Earth, but on the inside, there is a plague infecting it right down to the very soul of our planet. It all started with a great blinding light that swallowed the Earth twenty-five years ago. That's where the world ends and our story begins.

We hadn't been born yet when the brilliant light washed over the world. Our mother would describe the night the light came when we were little. She would say that it was like the sun ate the moon, but the truth was far more sinister than that. The flash wasn't just some cosmic light show. It had tried to snuff the very soul of humanity. It wasn't until we started seeing the symptoms that the flash got its name. The Plague of Light.

What symptoms you may ask? Well, they weren't very obvious at first, but they were definitely there. First, the sun itself felt like it had grown colder, more distant. The sunlight felt like it would sap the energy right out of you. Then there were the nights. After the Plague of Light, no one went out alone after dark, it always felt like you were being hunted when you were alone, like something was waiting to pounce at you from the shadows. Honestly though? There probably was.

Well, you can't truly believe that is all our Apocalypse was. That all the days and nights had become were just mildly unsettling. We as a species are not that lucky. After all there were the dead. Well, undead to be more precise. People that died after the Plague of Light didn't exactly stay dead. It would always happen like this: Someone would die, then they would rise back up again and attack those nearby. If you even got a scratch from the undead then you would die from a mysterious fever soon after and then rise as a zombie yourself. Die, rise, repeat. Zombies, walkers, undead, biters, whatever you wanted to call them, they would keep on happening all over the world, but they weren't necessarily the worst of our problems.

You might be thinking "How could zombies not be the worst of our problems?"Well, the short answer is that the government got them under control pretty darn fast. As it turns out, the counterbalance to our bad luck is our species' ability to adapt to just about anything. It wasn't like the movies where everything devolved in an instant. The governments of the world jumped in very quickly and squashed the Zombie Apocalypse. They installed a heartbeat sensor in everyone they could get a hold of. When someone died, it would send out a signal and a team would dispose of the undead in the area.

They said it was a choice, but really the options were get locked up in a controlled facility or live freely with the sensor. Easy choice really. I mean sure, many people thought that this was an infringement on human rights, but I would rather be tracked than get my skull ripped open, ya know?

Now the Demons, on the other hand, were the true threat to humanity.

Along with the zombies, the Light brought forth a host of abominations. The Demons. Sometimes when a person would die, they wouldn't rise as a zombie. They would transform into something far worse. Demons just became the most common name for them. Our only saving grace was that they were rare. One in every ten-thousand deaths created a Demon.

As a response to the Demons, each government put together a special division to deal with the spread of the monsters. America's plan was fairly simple. We created the DEF. Demon Eradication Force. It kinda sounds like an anime without the acronym, huh? They would send out special kill squads to deal with the Demons and eventually took over dealing with large-scale zombie outbreaks.

The DEF was made up of just normal humans at first, but over time they incorporated what were known as Impartials. People that kept their humanity after having their transformation interrupted. Anyway, enough of that, we will get to it later.

After all, this story is about how we died. World Soul, take us away.

~Accessing memories..



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