
Current Alias: Mistwonderer2525

User ID (add at the end of webnovel.com/profile/): 4324513902

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Plagiarized Fanfic: "Harry potter : Lightning lord"

Author They Plagiarized From: Vashon Beader

- Can be found on fanfiction . net

Fanfic They Plagiarized From: "Lightning Lord"

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Plagiarized Fanfic: "Naruto : konoha system"

Author They Plagiarized From: BH52

- Can be found on fanfiction . net

Fanfic They Plagiarized From: "Anbu trained Naruto x various"

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Plagiarized Fanfic: "Naruto's path to Mastery"

Author They Plagiarized From: DarkWolfy

- Can be found on fanfiction . net

Fanfic They Plagiarized From: "Legion of Naruto"

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Plagiarized Fanfic: "Naruto :Eyes in the Shadows"

Author They Plagiarized From: Tartahyuga

- Can be found on fanfiction . net

Fanfic They Plagiarized From: "A spy as a teacher"

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Plagiarizer's P@treon: Mistwonderer2525

- Make sure you do not support this account and report it if you can

Shoutout to Dark_Lord_megerton for bringing this to my attention.

_Bruhcreators' thoughts
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