
Place of Fault

I couldn't really tell you why I did it. Just a young gorgeous woman travelling to another country, going to party,and having a one night stand with one of the most dangerous people I would grow to know. I thought leaving was enough to break ties with this man. Then I began to see them, all the men in suits following me at every corner. My life went on hard difficultly when he brought me into his home. No matter what I do I can't escape.

Aloe_Trancy · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

The day that started it all

My name is Lilitha Ardensen, often called Lil for short or even Miss Ardensen. Ginger curly hair with a gorgeous combination of fox green eyes, a hundred and fifty five pounds of pale skin, long legs that bring me up to five feet and three inches tall. Fortunate B cup titties, muscular thighs, and a firm ass to compliment thanks to my mama.

Twenty four years of age with a few million in my bank to waste, I think my upbringing is what made me how I am. Spoiled I suppose one might say, but haters gonna hate.

I gotta say though, life was always easy for me and I gotta thank my daddy for that. Mr Arnold Ardensen. I never actually cared to learn what he does for a living but let's just say I never have to pay for anything and get alot of things free in life. I could always get out of trouble with just the mention of my last name, and it's because of my wealthy family privilege that I succumb to the dark side of life.

I never regret it, not once did I feel fear or disgust to leave the mansion and dwell with the lowest of society. At least not until him.

September seventeenth I hopped on board a private jet, it was just me and man Leon. The best gay man standing under the rainbow. We met at a nightclub three years back in the downtown areas of Toronto Canada, maybe it was all the lines he did that night that got my attention. I never seen a man dressed in neon blues and greens snort that many lines and walk one foot infront of the other like a model.

It was my sacred pair of red wool legwarmers that gained me a talking opportunity with this man. And ever since then we've been partners in crime.

I watched him across from me sitting in a reclining leather seat. He held an ornate silver mirror close to his face in his left hand. He would've gone cross-eyed with the closeness. With his right hand he carefully applied pigments of neon pink and neon green. I suppose that was his thing, the odd popping colors of neon.

"Shameless." I said with a clicked tongue watching as he wiped the makeup brush on a white silk bathrobe. He didn't say anything in response to me as he simply let out a growl from his throat.

Leon Denier, five foot six with rusty brown skin that never went a day without a skin routine. His eyes were a dark blue with almond shaped eyes, thinly plucked black eyebrows.

His hair pulled into a headband was a silky golden brown.

He was so focused on his task to beautify himself, his long elegant fingers made sure every stroke on his face was even and finely done.

I watched him in silence for a moment and adjusted my posture in the chair I was sitting in. Reclining it back a bit so I can rest much more lazily.

"Ya know. Sometimes I want to carve off your flesh and wear your skin. No man alive should have skin that's better than a woman." she said watching him unblinking.

"Hot? I guess?" he said with a small scoff and a pearly smile. He sat forward a bit and put down the brush and mirror.

"you don't take all that much time with yourself but I must be magnifique. I will not have it any other way. Tonight I will lure in the most elegant of peacocks." he said with a flowy hand gesture, his voice was soft and light, almost boyish for someone who was twenty eight.

" Oh yes, yes. Emphasis on the cock."I said with a small laugh as I caught a playful glare from him.

"Hey don't be mad because my fine ass gets more dick than you."he said teasingly raising his robe and flashing his firm ass at me as he walked to a small mini fridge to retrieve his favourite Citrus and Yuzu Whitelaw can.

I knew exactly what he was getting and hearing the can pop open sent shivers of disgust down my spine. Oh how much I hate citrus things. The occasional lemon garnish was fine but everything else could be gone from the world in my opinion.

"Hey Leon. You never even told me where we're heading this time around."i said as I looked at him and crossed my legs.

"We are heading to Moscow babygirl! We're gonna have a blast I tell you." he said clapping his hands.

"Now in the meantime."he began as he pointed a finger at me.

"You should go shower and get dressed as well. Well be landing in about an hour." he said as he took of his robe and threw it at me.

With a swift hand I managed to grab it and couldn't help but shake my head as I stood up and turned. Seeing in my peripheral vision his penis, happily and freely swaying around.

"You're crazy..." I said as I walked to a section of the jet that hosted a bedroom that we shared. I put the robe down on the corner of the bed and then sat on the opposite side of it.

My eyes stared at the floor, at a large black leather suitcase that I had chosen to bring. We hadn't planned on staying out long just one night. So I decided not to bring very much with me. Less than an hour and we would be there. My eyes drifted over to the circular window showing nothing by darkness and rain. It was so gloomy out at this altitude but the jet was filled with light and a sound of music that got louder and louder.

"Not this song again..."i groaned as I shook my head. Hearing the intro to Donna Summers Hot Stuff. A signiture song of Leon's excitement to get some men tonight, always some as one was never enough.

I bent down and flipped open my suitcase, looking at the mass of various items I had chosen to bring. Now it was my turn to get ready for the long night.