
Place Of dragons

Contractor Local Hero: The local hero assigns the party a quest related to their adventures. Adventure Steal or Destroy Something: The party must steal or destroy an item, but the owner must have impeccable security. L Local Mansion or Estate: This residence and or was the home of a very wealthy person. Antagonist Wanted Villain: He has a reputation and is here to make sure the party remembers it. Plot Time limit: There is a deadline and the adventure needs to end in a certain time or something happens. Conflicts Economic damage: Because of the players' actions, many people will become poorer. People can lose their kingdom, their land or the very crops that sustain their fragile existence.

PlayerOliver · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


"The girls all smiled at each other-at least, most of them did)and watched as she walked out of the room.She sighed as soon as she got outside, leaning against the wall for support. As she stared down at her feet,she couldn't help but wonder what exactly Ata Raine had done to cause everyone to treat him differently. It couldn't have been simple. She decided then and there that the girl needed to watch out for this guy.,Just for the sake of having someone in her corner.It was hard trying to get a decent amount of sleep at the moment, what with worrying herself silly every time something changed. Every day there was news of another death, another massacre. Some people claimed it was all the Demon King's doing, but she didn't buy it. He wouldn't dare go after every last person in Ambrimgon Grudgebearer just because he couldn't get his hands on some brats,so there had to be another reason.Something told her that it was far worse than just being unable to get ahold of some children.As the hours passed, her worry grew more and more intense until eventually she simply fell asleep on top of the bed.When she woke up the next morning, sunlight was streaming through her window. She rubbed her eyes and yawned, sitting up in bed."It's already late in the morning," She thought aloud as she stretched. "I wonder if anyone's awake right now.""Morning, Ata! Did you sleep well?" She heard a cheerful voice say as soon as she opened the door.She turned around, seeing Aoi standing in front of her with a smile on her face."Good morning, Aoi. I slept quite well." She replied, walking out of her room. "So what's up? Are the girls waking up early today?""Yeah," Aoi said, walking alongside her friend. "Apparently the Demon King has called a big meeting today for everyone, so they're all excited!"Ata smiled warmly at her friend. The Demon King was always making great strides lately, and they all hoped he'd be able to restore everything to the way it once was. Even if he couldn't, it wouldn't matter. All of their lives would still go on, they just had to be brave enough to move on from all the tragedy and grief."I hope everything goes well then. Maybe you'll have a chance at being the head of the village one day," She said as the pair reached the staircase leading to the main courtyard of Ambrimgon Grudgebearer. Aoi looked back at Ata in surprise. "What makes you say that?""Oh, I don't know..." Ata shrugged, giving a small grin as she climbed up the stairs.Aoi stayed silent for awhile, watching her friend walk up the steps with an expression filled with longing and happiness. She wished that things could go back to the way they used to be, to the life of a normal family living together with friends.But even though she loved living with the other girls and the children at the orphanage, nothing could replace her family at home."I hope you're right…" Aoi muttered quietly before continuing up the staircase."Hey, Ata." Aoi turned around to look at the boy who was waving at her. "Are you coming to lunch?"Aoi shook her head."No, sorry. I'm busy today." She smiled before continuing up the staircase.The boy frowned as he watched her disappear behind one of the wooden doors. "She's always so distant whenever you try to talk to her, even when she doesn't seem very happy about it. It worries me.""Who cares?" His partner, Kiyoko said, putting away a few tools that they used to create traps."I care! I care a lot! I know it hurts her to hear those words, she deserves better than that!"He argued back."Then she needs to realize that!"Kiyoko snapped, causing him to stop and blink in surprise."Hurtful words aren't meant to hurt. They're only supposed to make you feel better. So let us fix your feelings."She said before starting to laugh. "Besides, she's probably just upset because she didn't get her favorite food today," He rolled his eyes."Fine, whatever." He gave up on arguing with Kiyoko since no amount of convincing would change her mind."Come on, let's go. We won't want to miss lunchtime!" With a roll of his eyes, he followed Kiyoko downstairs before heading back to the orphanage."At least he'll be quiet for now." She said happily as they headed inside, smiling as she caught sight of Ata sleeping soundly on his bed, clutching the pillow tightly to his chest.She chuckled as she walked closer to him, gently shaking his shoulder."Ata, Ata wake up."She whispered softly, poking his cheek lightly until he opened his eyes slowly."What? What happened? Where am I?" He asked groggily, rubbing his eyes.She giggled again."You're here at the orphanage, dummy. Get ready. We've gotta go to the meeting." She said excitedly.