
pitch maniac (Football)

---MTL alert--- The football player Gaudí transmigrated into the AC Milan player Digan, trained with the top team, participated in the World Cup, accompanied by beautiful women, and watched how he created a new miracle on the stadium! Watch the football player become a master in a second!

Alexxz · Celebrities
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792 Chs

Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven

There are only three days before the start of the new season. Degan is very aware of his situation. Even in the youth team, facing a bunch of kids who are two or three years younger than him, most of what he gets is contempt. Looking at it, it is clear that that game has created his legend.

The head of the youth team, Elaño, also seemed to regard him as a transparent person. It was no wonder that he had talented players in the 20s and 30s under his command, so he couldn't care less about him as a piece of trash.

Digan is also quite calm. Every day when people train, he runs laps on the side. In the words of the number one talent in the youth team, Parowski, he is a stupid big man who has lost hope in football and plans to change careers. Going to do a marathon.

Others can say whatever they like. As long as Digan knows what he is doing, he is fine. After these days of training, he feels that he has gradually adapted to this body. It is unlikely, but it is no problem to maintain it at 11 seconds.

During this period, AC Milan is also trying to recommend him to other teams, as if he thinks that he will pollute the air if he stays in Milanello. Degan knows that these are all Kaka's help, and he hopes that his The younger brother's football career can continue.

It's a pity that even the teams in the C-2 league are unwilling to give him a chance to try out. All the replies are: give me money, I don't want that trash.

Degan has already made up his mind, he will not throw his good years in AC Milan's youth team, the five-year contract, when he escapes, he can basically bid farewell to his football career, when he gets What to brag about to your son?

Hey! boy! Dad played football in AC Milan's uniform back then, and he made a big fool of himself.

forget it! If that's the case, Degan would rather die than have his son regard Kaka as an idol in the future, even if Kaka is his elder brother.

Degan has already made up his mind that during the winter break, he will go to teams around the world to find opportunities for trial training. I believe that by that time, it should not be a problem to restore the level of his previous life.

It's not that he didn't think about staying here, staying in Milan, and conquering here through his own efforts, but it was really difficult. During this period of time, the Milan youth team played three games, and he didn't even make the squad. Even in the group confrontation in the team, he has no part. Obviously, everyone has given up any expectations of him.

Of course, except Kaka.

"Rod! I have a chance here. Pegia is willing to give you a trial training opportunity. If you can pass their assessment, you will be theirs in the new season!"

When Kaka said these words to Digan, his face was faintly excited. During this period of time, he begged many people for Digan's matter, and now it finally has the result.

"Pegia!? What team is that!?"

Kaka was stunned for a moment, and then said in a bit of a dilemma: "It's a team from the ~~~~~~~ C-2 League. They were just relegated last season, and this team is still very strong!"

Digan smiled and said, "They seem to have rejected it before, how could they find out this time?"

Of course Kaka couldn't tell Degan that the current owner of that team is Gattuso's father, that would only hurt Degan's self-esteem even more.

Seeing that Kaka didn't speak, Degan also guessed something: "Thank you! Ricardo! I know that you have begged many people because of my affairs during this period, but I still have to refuse. Is that team worthy?" fuck me!"

When Kaka heard this, he got angry without any warning, and frowned, "Rod! You can't be too ambitious, you should be clear about your current situation. Of course, I believe in your strength, but even if you are Pele, yes Zico, it's Socrates, you also need a chance to show yourself, are you going to wait for Milan to give you a chance, Rhodes! Wake up, after so many years, when did Milan's coach look down? , I very much hope that we can fight side by side in the same team, so, go out for a walk, go out and make a bright future, so that AC Milan has to value you!"

Degan didn't argue with Kaka like he did with Bosque last time. He could feel that Kaka really cared about him, but he still shook his head and said, "Ricardo! Listen to me, I said I'm leaving My own path, no matter how difficult this path is, please let me go on by myself!"

Kaka knew that no matter how much he said, it was useless. Digan had changed. He was no longer the younger brother who obeyed him. He regretted it now. If he hadn't made the decision to bring Digan to Italy, perhaps He has already made his mark in Sao Paulo.

Just when everyone thought that Degan was over, he could only hang out in Milanello until his contract expired, or simply wait until Kaka left. He will be like a vampire, taking a million euros a year from AC Milan and doing nothing.

But at this moment, things turned around. Looking at the fax handed over by his assistant, Galliani couldn't believe his eyes.

"Atlanta wants to rent out Degan and Kaka's younger brother!?"

Galliani's eyes were full of doubts, and he believed that his eyes were right when his opponent nodded.

why is that?

Galliani's big bald head is full of question marks.

Is there anything special about that Digan? Although AC Milan has its own pride, there is one thing he has to admire in Atlanta. That is the training camp in Bergamo, where almost the best young people in Italy are concentrated. Talent, Pacini, Montolivo, Lazzari, these names have attracted the attention of countless people.

In contrast, AC Milan's youth training camp has been lackluster in recent years. Since the Five Tigers, they have never added any fresh blood to the first team.

Rubbing the bridge of his nose, Galliani said: "Agree to their loan application, there is no need to bargain with them, Degan's salary will be paid by us, that's right! By the way, go to the youth team and inform Degan that he can go Bergamo reported!"

When he said these words, Galliani felt a burst of relief, and finally got rid of a big trouble. Since Atlanta people like clowns, let them give them to them. Galliani didn't even see the additional priority buyout clause on the loan application, which became a major crime for him to be criticized by AC Milan fans in the future.

The efficiency of the AC Milan staff was very fast. They reached an agreement with Atlanta on the same day, because this deal was strongly demanded by Mandolini. Atlanta refused to give up an inch and refused to ask for a penny of salary. Yani already had an arrangement, and AC Milan did not insist, so they signed a loan contract.

In the new season, Degan will go to Atlanta to play. The loan period is one year. At the same time, Atlanta has the right to buy out first, and the price is 500,000 euros.

In other words, as long as they are willing, after one season, they can get Digan at a price of 500,000 euros at any time, of course, that also requires Digan's consent.

In this way, Degan was dumped by AC Milan to Atlanta. When Degan heard the news, he didn't feel insulted. If possible, he still hoped that such an insult would The more times the better.

His only thought was - damn it! Lucky you!