
pitch maniac (Football)

---MTL alert--- The football player Gaudí transmigrated into the AC Milan player Digan, trained with the top team, participated in the World Cup, accompanied by beautiful women, and watched how he created a new miracle on the stadium! Watch the football player become a master in a second!

Alexxz · Celebrities
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792 Chs

Chapter 8 One Step Late

Chapter 8 One Step Late

Digan was really surprised that Zahavi came to South Korea, but looking at Zahavi's face, it was obvious that he did not have the joy of reunion with old friends, but rather gloomy.

Open the door and let Zahavi come in: "Why are you here? I said something is waiting for me to go back to Italy!"

Zahavi put down his salute and said angrily, "But it seems that you have already decided!"

Digan was taken aback: "Did Roselle call you?"

Zahavi nodded helplessly: "Of course, I received a call from him while I was still on my way to the hotel, Rhodes! I'm your manager. You should discuss some things with me. Now you They all nodded and agreed, which made me very passive!"

Zahavi did say before that he hoped Degan would go to Spain first, but what he considered was not Barcelona, ​​but Atletico Madrid. Real Madrid and Barcelona, ​​but it is also an old-fashioned strong team, the quasi-rich team with the third most championships in Spanish football.

Moreover, Atletico Madrid is not short of money, which can fully meet Degan's annual salary requirements!

But now Zahavi's embarrassment is obviously not that Digan failed to join Atletico Madrid, but that he doesn't know how to explain to Abramovich at all.

Zahavi came to South Korea this time because he was forced to do nothing by his old friend Abramovich, so he reluctantly came to South Korea to see if he could persuade Digan to join Chelsea.

But unexpectedly, on the way to the hotel, he received a call from Russell, wanting to discuss the contract between Digan and Barcelona with him.

Zahavi was in a daze at the time, what and what is this! ?

Why was there a question about the contract? After asking, I found out that just now, Degan agreed to Russell's invitation and decided to join Barcelona.

Now Zahavi is complaining, not to make Digan give up the decision just now, and then persuade Digan to join Chelsea. He knows that once Digan's decision is made, it will be difficult to change.

Moreover, Zahavi also tested Degan's views on joining Chelsea before, but Degan refused without even thinking about it. It can be seen that Degan has no good impression of Chelsea.

Zahavi also thought about it, probably because Chelsea has risen too fast and feels a bit rich. In this era when everyone is looking forward to making friends with local tyrants, Digan is obviously an outlier.

Degan looked at Hazawi's dissatisfied look and said with a smile: "Elan! This time you are coming to South Korea, you are definitely not here to visit me, are you?"

Zahavi smiled wryly: "I knew I couldn't hide anything from you, Rhodes! I came here this time, but I was actually deceived~~~~~"

Degan asked, "Is it the owner of Chelsea, Roman Abramovich?"

The relationship between Zahavi and Abramovich is good. Degan knew it a long time ago. Even when Grant replaced Mourinho as the head coach of Chelsea, it was through Zahavi's relationship. It can be seen that Zahavi and Abramovich The relationship between Ramovich is very close.

Zahavi came to be a lobbyist for Abramovich, and Digan had already thought of it. Even now, Zahavi did not act, and Digan felt that it was a bit late.

Zahavi nodded: "Yes! Roman very much hopes to let you join Chelsea. You know, for him, it has become a habit to want the best in everything, but I don't want to force you. I came to South Korea only to give him an explanation, who told me to be friends with a Russian oligarch!"

Hearing Zahavi's complaints, Digan couldn't help laughing: "Since this is the case, you can tell Abramovich that I refuse! In addition, I also want to go to Barcelona to challenge, To be teammates with Messi, against the Portuguese and Ricciardo, it must feel very good!"

Zahavi knew that no matter what he said, there was no way to change Degan's decision: "Okay! I will contact Russell as soon as possible, but this time I will never give in on the contract. They want to get this world To get the best players, you must pay the greatest price!"

Of course, Digan will not object to this, since it is related to his interests: "Okay! I will entrust you with full authority on this matter! Another thing is to help me buy a house in Seoul."

Zahavi was stunned: "Rod! What are you thinking about, do you plan to settle in this country after you made a Korean girlfriend?"

Digan laughed and said, "Of course not, it's just a small gift for my girlfriend! I'm not familiar with the place where I was born in Korea, so I can only leave this matter to you to help!"

When Zahavi heard this, he immediately grimaced: "Rod! I'm just your agent, not your housekeeper. You can entrust the real estate broker here to do this kind of thing!"

Seeing that Digan didn't speak, but just looked at him with a smile on his face, Zahavi was helpless, and spread his hands and said: "Okay! I owe you, and I will deal with it as soon as possible!"

Zahavi nodded aggrievedly and agreed, but Digan immediately put forward a new condition: "The day after tomorrow at the latest, I hope to live in, this should be no problem!"

Zahavi hated it so badly that his teeth were itching. Signing a contract with Barcelona was such a big deal. If he didn't discuss it with his agent, it's fine. Now he's still being treated like a follower. This is Digan, and another person , Zahavi didn't even care about it.

"Okay! Okay! I knew you were a jerk, I knew it! Now I'm going to my room, hell! I really shouldn't be here, this is crazy!"

While complaining, Zahavi mentioned his own salute, and ran out without saying "goodbye", leaving Digan stunned.

Zahavi is still very energetic. He seems to have an endless network of contacts all over the world. The next day, he contacted Digan with an apartment, which is in a very famous residential area in Jiangnan District. It is said that there are many celebrities living here, and it is a compound four-bedroom residence. The original owner was anxious to deal with the business in Korea because he was going abroad, and he just agreed with Digan's request.

Digan and Zahavi went to see it together. Unexpectedly, a director of the Korean conglomerate CJ went with him. After chatting for a few words, he found out that the owner behind Park Ji-yeon's current brokerage company was actually It is cj.

However, Digan has no interest in these things. He neither invests nor plans to expand his network in Korea. He even seems a little repulsed by the enthusiasm of the cj director, and puts all his attention on the house. .

Degan was very satisfied with the house, and the decoration style was also very elegant, and the owner had just redecorated it in order to sell it for a good price. In terms of price, Degan didn't hesitate, and paid the full amount directly. Only two million. Although this amount is a quarter of Degan's current annual salary, it is nothing to him whose assets have already exceeded 100 million.

After finishing the house, Zahavi was sent to Spain by Degan to discuss the contract with Barcelona. Zahavi couldn't help complaining again.

Digan already knew about Zahavi's character, and drove him away even with a bang!

As soon as Zahavi left, Digan dialed Park Zhiyan's phone directly. He thought it would be done tomorrow, but he didn't expect it to be a day earlier.

After asking where Pu Zhiyan is now, Digan drove over directly. The car also belonged to the owner of the house, and Digan bought it together.

I rushed to the TV station, waited for a while in the parking lot, and saw Pu Zhiyan hurried over. Digan hadn't told her about buying a house yet.

"Oppa! What's the matter!? You didn't say anything on the phone!" Park Zhiyan got into the car while talking, and only after getting in the car did she realize, "Oppa! Whose car is this!?"

Digan smiled: "Take you somewhere!"

Pu Zhiyan was at a loss, and had no idea what happened.

Digan drove to the destination and went upstairs with Pu Zhiyan. At this time, Pu Zhiyan had realized something and became a little nervous.

Opening the door, Pu Zhiyan was pushed in. Pu Zhiyan was completely dazzled. Although her family conditions are good, she can only be regarded as middle class in Korea. Such a house is simply a dream for her.

"Like it?"

It took Pu Zhiyan a long time to react, and she nodded vigorously: "But~~~~oppa! Why do you want to buy a house?"

Digan laughed and said, "I won't be able to stay in a hotel all the time when I come to South Korea! I just bought the right one, and the dormitory you live in is too poor. I don't feel worried about letting you live there!"

In fact, the agency that Park Ji-yeon belongs to has treated them very well. After all, they are newcomers, so they can't enjoy too much treatment. Digan doesn't know the inside story of the Korean entertainment industry, and some newcomers are still living in the basement.

Of course, Digan wasn't interested in learning about those things either!

Pu Zhiyan looked at it, and had to say that Digan's vision was very good, and the interior decoration of the apartment was very good, even luxurious.

"oppa! If I live alone, isn't it too wasteful!"

Digan laughed and said, "Stupid! Your family! Friends! If you feel lonely, you can ask them to come and accompany you!"

When Pu Zhiyan heard this, she immediately shook her head: "I don't want it! This is the home of me and oppa. No one is allowed to live here except me and oppa!"


Digan, who has been a human being for two lifetimes and has a very indifferent concept of family, couldn't help but feel moved after hearing Park Zhiyan's words.

"Yes! This will be our home in Korea from now on!"

After Park Zhiyan was excited, she suddenly realized a question: "oppa! Are you leaving soon?"

Digan nodded, he should go back to Europe!