
pitch maniac (Football)

---MTL alert--- The football player Gaudí transmigrated into the AC Milan player Digan, trained with the top team, participated in the World Cup, accompanied by beautiful women, and watched how he created a new miracle on the stadium! Watch the football player become a master in a second!

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792 Chs

Chapter 24

Chapter 24 Rhodes! Come here!

Atlanta was indeed suppressed by the momentum of Juventus after the opening game, but under the leadership of Degan, they gradually began to return to normal, especially Lazari, who was even stronger than Monto in the Atlanta youth training camp. Livo, Paccini is more popular, and has been praised by more people, even being hailed by some as the next Albertini.

But looking at his performance after the opening, apart from giving Nedved a slap in the face at the beginning, for the rest of the time, he was timid, like a little girl who was bullied.

Degan's roar finally brought him back to his soul. This is his first Serie A match. If he messes up, even if he can come out of the shadow of failure in the future, who knows if Mandolini will be able to do so? Will give him another chance.

Opportunities are earned by yourself!

Lazzari is very aware of this, and he is even more familiar with the cruelty of professional football. There is no love for no reason in this world. If you are not suitable, you must be prepared to be eliminated.

Not to mention him, even Degan, his first show is good enough, three goals, one assist, whoever puts it on, can be regarded as the birth of a new star.

But if Degan does not perform well, he will be taken down, just like Portillo who scored the winning goal for Real Madrid in the UEFA Champions League. When he scored that goal, he was the Bernabeu. The new prince, but after a series of off-court lace news, coupled with his poor condition, he was not the same as being driven to Florence now.


Just don't take yourself too seriously!

After he figured it out, Lazzari's performance also changed. He became active, just like what Mandolini said before the start of the game, he followed Nedved every step of the way, and he became a guardian. Wherever Germany goes, he will follow. In short, it just doesn't make the Czechs comfortable.

Nedved became Lazari's personal item. Juventus lost their commander for a while, and there was a short period of chaos. Atalanta fought back twice in a row, but Buffon's condition was so good today that he was about to explode. Hongming, Digan shot a long shot straight to the dead corner, but he threw it all out.

Capello also made timely adjustments at this moment. Juventus has been able to dominate Serie A for many years. Ranesi took over the offensive banner and completely dominated the right side of the field. Although Bellini worked hard, the gap in strength cannot be made up by faith. For a while, Bellini was in a panic, and Zenoni also Can only retreat to help defend.

Although the situation on the court was tense, compared with the previous 30 minutes, the performance of the Atlanta team has indeed improved. If we follow the development trajectory of the script, by this time, the protagonist's aura should show what it should be. The power of the game is gone, and the behavior of the game should also be reversed.

But that is fiction, but this is reality. Juventus's strength will not be wiped out because of a few mad dogs on the field. After Nedved received the ball in his own half, he suddenly rushed forward.

Lazari couldn't react in time, he just wanted to foul and had no chance, so he could only catch up behind. After Nedved rushed forward for a certain distance, he passed the ball to Del Piero, and the two played a beautiful second. After a while, when Nedved received the ball again, he had already entered Atlanta's penalty area. Seeing this, Sarah had no choice but to step forward and knocked Nedved to the ground.

The referee's whistle blew again, a penalty was awarded without a doubt, and by the way, Sala was given another topaz card.

The Atlanta players didn't come forward to argue, and the Juventus players didn't come to make trouble. If Sarah wanted to hurt someone, she could use a flying shovel to turn the Czech iron man into a useless person. It was just a collision, which is already very face-saving. .

Del Piero stood on the penalty spot, he is the number one penalty shooter of Juventus, he ran up, shot, and pushed with one foot. Taibi completely misjudged the direction and could only watch the football go into the net.


Mandolini was also helpless. The team's performance had just improved, and then another goal was scored by the opponent. This goal really hurt morale.

Counting injury time, there are only five minutes left in the first half. If you enter the second half with this score, Atlanta will be really dangerous.

The reason why Juventus is called the old woman is because of their football style, which is steady and scary. As long as they take the lead, they can torture their opponents to death bit by bit like a monkey , Now that Silver Fox Lippi is gone, Fabio Capello, the master tactician, is even more of a pragmatist. His football is not gorgeous, but some are just naked utilitarianism.

We must find a way, but what can Mandolini do now, he can't go into battle in person and act as the twelfth man of the team.

A goal must be scored before the end of the first half, otherwise in the second half, you will be grinded to death by Juventus. Although in Serie A, Juventus often accuses other teams of using iron buckets when they play against them. Passively avoiding the battle, but in fact, Juventus is the one who can play the skill of the iron barrel array most like a fire.

Mandolini wanted to score a goal before the end of the first half to narrow the gap in order to preserve hope for the second half, and Digan also had the same idea.

The state of the Atlanta team has just recovered, and they were scored. There is no doubt that it will have a huge impact on morale. If they don't fight back at this time, after the half-time precipitation, they want to get back , that can be difficult.

"Ricciardo, if there is no better way later, just lob the ball into their penalty area!"

When Degan kicked off, he whispered something to Montolivo, and Montolivo was taken aback, is that really useful? Although he was puzzled, he nodded in agreement.

Degan is the team's only high point in the frontcourt. Although Atlanta has the upper hand in the midfield, facing Juventus' double midfielder tactics, it is not so easy to break the defense.

Since there is no way, then try it!

After the restart, Degan ran towards the Juventus half, Montolivo knocked the ball back to Albertini, and Albertini passed the ball to Zenoni on the left, because Camoranesi was too active, and Zenoni was basically used as a left back before. Although the first half was coming to an end, he hadn't adjusted to his best state.

As soon as Zenoni caught the ball, Zebina rushed over with a fierce look in his eyes. Zenoni didn't dare to be careless, and passed the ball back to Albertini.

Seeing this, Mandolini was even more anxious. His strategy for this game was to defend firmly and wait for an opportunity to counterattack. His main focus was on the two sides, and then he used Digan's high point to carry out high-altitude bombing. But the current situation, It is obvious that the two sidewalks have been blown away by the opponent. Zenoni can still help defend, while Marcolini has completely become a wandering soul. The first half is almost over, and Mandolini didn't notice Marcolini. Ni this person.

"Forward! Forward! Forward!"

Mandolini was so anxious that he almost sang the military song of the People's Liberation Army, and his body language was even more exaggerated. His arms were turning like fans, loudly urging the players to press forward.

Albertini received the order, faced Blasi who was rushing to steal the ball, lightly dunked, and after shaking the gap, he made a long pass.

Digan was running forward, looking back at the path where the ball flew, and Cannavaro also came up to meet him at the same time. He suffered from height, but his jumping ability was very good, but he had to deal with tall and burly people. Deegan, the spring man, is obviously not good enough.

In the process of running, Degan jumped up and turned around, stopped the ball with his chest, leaned against Cannavaro who was attached, rubbed his left foot on the ball, turned around at the same time, put Cannavaro aside with his arm, and accelerated again .

Successfully broke through!

This is Degan's first successful breakthrough in the first half. After passing Cannavaro, Degan continued to accelerate. He has this confidence. As long as his speed improves, the opponent will not foul unless he fouls. make him stop.

Degan's technique is very good. Zebina, who defended against him, was almost knocked down by his feet. Further forward is Juventus' penalty area, and he has already seen Buffon.


Digan only felt a sharp pain in his calf, and his whole body flew sideways and fell heavily to the ground.

This should be a fucking foul now!

The sharp pain on the calf just now was just a flaw, and it took a while to relieve the pain. Digan sat on the ground, looked at the referee who ran over, held the topaz card in his hand, and awarded it to the picture with an innocent and embarrassing face. Ram.

The free kick in front of the penalty area is really a pity. If it can go a little further, it will be a penalty.

Seeing Degan stand up, Mandolini on the sidelines was slightly relieved, but fortunately he was not injured.

Digan was about to walk into the penalty area and was about to grab a point, but he heard Albertini's voice behind him: "Rod! Come here!"