
pitch maniac (Football)

---MTL alert--- The football player Gaudí transmigrated into the AC Milan player Digan, trained with the top team, participated in the World Cup, accompanied by beautiful women, and watched how he created a new miracle on the stadium! Watch the football player become a master in a second!

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Chapter 106 Comfort

Chapter 106 Comfort

After Degan scored his third goal of the game, raising the total number of goals in the World Cup to 20, the game has completely lost its suspense.

The huge gap in strength made it very difficult for the Koreans to attack halftime. When the game reached the 75th minute, the Korean team only shot twice.

The main striker Park Joo-young, who was highly expected by the head coach of the South Korean team, Heo Jung-moo, completely disappeared in this game. Although Park Ji-sung scored a direct free kick, he was still far from scoring.

The game was meaningless, and Degan was replaced by coach Antiiens after scoring a goal. He needed to save his energy to cope with the final round of the top battle against Argentina.

In the third minute after Degan left the field, Miralas, who came off the bench for him, scored his second goal in the World Cup and locked the score at 6:0.

The Korean fans in the stands were staring blankly at the moment. Digan's girlfriend Park Ji-yeon and her members were already in tears. Digan looked at it and felt that he was too cruel?

Although the Koreans are shameless, some qualities can only be admired, such as their strong mental strength, which is not unique to the North Koreans. Until the last minute of the game, the South Korean team was still on the offensive. They had nothing to do with each other, but when the three final whistles sounded, all the players burst into tears. Eleven players stood on the turf like they were petrified and pressed the pause button.

Because of Belgium's early appearance, all the players rushed into the field, celebrating excitedly, qualifying for the group stage, bringing them one step closer to the championship goal set before the game.

Degan was surrounded by his teammates. With his hat-trick in this game, the number of goals he scored on the World Cup stage has reached 20. Even if Degan does not score goals from now on, his record is probably in For a long time, no one could break.

The team's head coach Antiiennis also walked onto the court, hugging and celebrating with every player.

This is the last international competition that Antiiennis led Belgium to participate in. Before the start of the World Cup, he had decided not to renew his contract with the Belgian Football Association.

However, in the years leading the Belgian national team, the honors he has received are enough to satisfy him. A runner-up in the World Cup, a champion in the European Cup, a champion in the Intercontinental Cup, and very likely a champion in the World Cup. Coach, he has reached the pinnacle of his life and has no regrets.

After Antiiennis leaves the coaching position of the Belgian national team, he will be replaced by the legendary Belgian star Wilmots. At that time, the Belgian national team will continue to move forward under the leadership of a younger head coach.

The excitement of the Belgian players was set off by the great disappointment of the South Korean players. After the game, the goalkeeper of the South Korean team, Zheng Chenglong, sat down in the goal, and his tears flowed down his cheeks with the rain. He tried his best in the game, but the result of the game was a complete disaster for him.

Six goals conceded, although most of them were not his responsibility, but conceding six goals in a game, as the main goalkeeper of the South Korean team, obviously cannot be forgiven.

Zheng Chenglong is tragic enough to say it. He won the main position of South Korea's national team for the first time in this World Cup. Before that, he was Li Yunzai's substitute. For two games, the embarrassing fate of conceding ten goals in a row.

At this time, the old goalkeeper Li Yun came from the bench, he pulled Zheng Chenglong and hugged him tightly, this is probably Li Yun's last World Cup in active service, he has said that in this year After the World Cup, he will no longer participate in the national team's game. He has already taken off his gloves and wiped away the tears on his face for his younger generation. The two walked off the field hugging each other.

Cha Du-ri, who is called a robot, seems to be a ruthless character, but at the moment he cries the loudest and howls the loudest. During the game, the Korean team's first conceded goal was directly related to him. Deegan started from him After the guarding left broke through, he crossed and helped the teenager Lukaku score a goal.

When Deegan was about to leave the field, he suddenly found Park Ji-sung, the captain of the South Korean team, walking towards him, holding the jersey he just took off.

If it was in the past, Degan would definitely ignore it. A loser is not qualified to ask the winner to do anything, and a winner has no need to show mercy to the loser.

But this time, after being stunned for a moment, Digan took off his jersey and completed the exchange with Park Ji-sung. Who made his girlfriend Park Ji-yeon.

After exchanging jerseys, Deegan walked off the court without any communication with Park Ji-sung, and then accepted the reporter's interview shirtless.

"I don't want to make too many comments on the game. The group stage is just the beginning, two consecutive victories, we have already secured the promotion, and then the last game against Argentina. As for the South Korean team, I can see that they played very hard today. But there is no way, sometimes, spirit or something is not the decisive factor on the football field, there is a big gap between them and us, so with today's game, it is as simple as that!"

After Digan finished speaking, he walked off the field and walked towards the locker room.

The soul of Korean football, the captain Park Ji-sung also accepted an interview after the game. At the same time, he also confirmed again that this will be his last World Cup. After the end of this World Cup, he will withdraw from the national team.

Park Ji-sung, who is only 29 years old this year, said when he was interviewed by South Korean reporters in the mixed interview area: "My World Cup is over and we worked hard, but today's result is a pity. There is still one more game, although the group has already appeared. Impossible, but we will still do our best to fight for the dignity of Korean football!"

Regarding the fans' desire for him to play in another World Cup, Park Ji-sung said: "The national team is not an all-star team. The national team is not formed because of the fans' hopes. I represent the national team and can play at the best level." It is important, the national team is the embodiment of strength, I am very glad that the fans have this desire, but I should give more opportunities to young people."

At the press conference after the game, Antiiennis also praised his players: "I am very satisfied with the performance of the players. They did not relax because the opponent's strength is worse than ours. I am very pleased with the strong fighting spirit shown on the field and the desire to score. I would like to congratulate Rod. He has scored 20 goals in the World Cup. I want to say he is great now , no one will object!"

"There is one game left in the group stage. Although we have already qualified ahead of schedule, we will still try our best to win the first place in the group. I think this is what the players desire!"

Everyone knows who the players Antiiennis is talking about are obviously Degan. Degan definitely hopes to compete against Argentina in the final round of the group stage. Of course, it is mainly against Messi in the World Cup There was a fierce collision on this big stage.

For the South Korean team, coach Heo Jung-moo couldn't help crying at the press conference. Before the match, the South Korean national team was hailed as the strongest lineup in history. Although they were in the same group as Argentina, Belgium, and Nigeria, For the emergence of the group, and even reaching the quarter-finals, South Korea generally appears to be full of confidence.

But after two games, two defeats, conceding ten goals in a row, and only scoring one goal, it is obviously far from what people expected before the game.

"The responsibility for the loss lies with me. My players have tried their best. They should not be criticized. Although we have only the last game left in the World Cup, we will still do our best to recover the loss we lost. dignity!"

After the two rounds of Group B, there is no suspense anymore. Belgium and Argentina, who have won two games and two games, are the first to appear. In the final round of competition, they will face-to-face for the top spot in the group. Nigeria and South Korea, which have lost two games in two games, will only to fight for their dignity.

Digan returned to the locker room, and after taking a shower, he was called by Park Ji-yeon, but the girl hung up the phone directly. It could be seen that Park Ji-yeon had a lot of opinions because of the disastrous defeat of the Korean team.

Degan was not angry, and continued to fight unremittingly. In the words of his teammates, Degan called and was rejected, and then called and was rejected again. Repeatedly, the appearance of persistence was extremely cheap.

Finally, under Digan's repeated efforts, Pu Zhiyan's little tsundere was finally disintegrated: "pp!"

Hearing Pu Zhiyan's aggrieved voice, Digan couldn't help laughing: "What? Are you still angry now?"

Pu Zhiyan snorted, watching her country being eliminated by her boyfriend, it is impossible not to be angry.

In fact, Park Ji-yeon also knew that her anger was unreasonable. Deegan was just fulfilling her duties as a member of the national team, so she couldn't really let her anger out just to take care of her emotions!

In that case, is it still Digan?

"PP is too much! Can't you save us a little bit of face?" What really made Park Ji-yeon angry was that Digan's crazy celebration after completing his hat-trick was already so far ahead, and there was still a need to be excited. Is that what it looks like?

"Besides, because of PP, our program may have to stop filming. The opportunity that the president won for us back then was not easy!"

This is what makes Park Ji-yeon the most angry. They can only be regarded as rookies now. What newcomers need is the appearance rate and an opportunity. They finally won a group variety show, but because the Korean team was eliminated in advance, their show Of course it will end.

Digan laughed and said, "If it's because of this, how can I help?",

After hearing this, Pu Zhiyan suddenly had an idea, and said: "pp! Otherwise, I will discuss with pd, can we follow up and shoot Belgium next!?"

Track and shoot! ?

Digan refused without even thinking about it. He knew very well what kind of virtue the Koreans are. When the Beijing Olympics, they sneaked into the rehearsal scene of the opening ceremony and exposed everything in the end.

What secrets can the Belgian team have if they are accompanied by a group of South Korean spies.

"Zhiyan! This is no good, you know, the team's preparations and training are all secrets, if it is leaked, the loss will be great!"

After Pu Zhiyan finished speaking, she knew that she was a little whimsical. Even if she could convince the pd of the show, the Belgian national team would never agree.

Seeing that Pu Zhiyan didn't speak, Digan continued: "Let's do it! As I said before, I will be responsible for all your expenses in South Africa. If you are reluctant to part with your sisters, just let them all stay. Treat it as a tourist break!"

Digan's proposal moved Park Ji-yeon's heart very much. Since their debut, they have an endless schedule every day, and they haven't had a good rest for a long time.

But can the brokerage company agree?

"pp! Wait a minute, I'll call the president of the company and ask!"

I thought the possibility of success was very slim, but after making a phone call, the company president Kim Kwang-soo agreed, which was a joy.

Kim Kwang-soo wished that Park Ji-yeon could hang out with Digan every day. This would increase the popularity of -r immeasurably. What businessmen value, of course, is profit. There is no reason not to agree.

After getting an affirmative reply from Pu Zhiyan, Digan also made an appointment with Pu Zhiyan. After the program group retreated, they were arranged to stay in a new hotel. That hotel was the headquarters of the Belgian wags.

After hanging up the phone, Degan packed up his equipment and prepared to leave. He beat South Korea and let Belgium qualify early. This is the only consolation he can give to Park Ji-yeon.

Park Ji-yeon told her members about Digan's decision, and what she got was cheers, a rest time, and more than ten days of fun in South Africa. The most important thing was that someone paid for it. It's a good thing that the pie fell from the sky. If they don't agree, they will definitely be out of their minds.

"Suyan O'Neil! When we have a chance, let's treat Digan's son-in-law to dinner! We must express our thanks!" Captain Han Enjing suggested.

Other members also responded one after another, but it is obviously unrealistic to treat guests in South Africa. The consumption level of the better restaurants here is not affordable for them. This treat plan can only wait until the end of the World Cup, and Digan will return to Korea with them Implemented later.