
Chapter 3: First day in school

The liberation union is divided into different cities, with each city named after an Alphabet. The Liberation Union academy was located at City A, the capital of the Liberation union which was located at the center of the country.

The liberation academy one was one of the only five academies, created to train and help nurture the powers of those who are lucky enough to be born with powers. This academy was considered the best, attended by only those with powerful backgrounds not too inferior to Zero and the other members of their small group who owned a company worth billions of Lu.

The news of the arrival of the direct descendants of the four wings of the liberation union took the school by surprise and their achievement shook the hearts of those who strongly doubted their abilities.

Martial art is a part pursued by only those who lack superpowers, those considered normal. There, an average man can be thought ways of utilizing the full potentials of their weak body, making them strong enough to stand toe to toe against super-powered humans as well.

Of course, the super-powered society looks down on anyone without abilities, while the powerless look at the super-powered humans with hints of fear in their eyes. The role of the guardians is to keep the super-powered humans in check, making sure they don't interfere with the lives of the normal or endanger them in any way.


The liberation union academy was reasonably big as it consumed more than quarter of the land size of City A. This academy could easily be considered as one of the most attractive places in the capital, equipped with the latest gadgets and equipment, making it nearly impossible for a student who passes through this academy to be called 'weak' in public.

Zero and the crew arrived a day before the school resumed with the intention of keeping a low profile. They quickly proceeded to the outskirts of the school where their well-furnished rented mansion was located. As the school was not a day school, accommodations were made for students, both male and female dorms were built and even costlier mansions and apartments were also built for the students from very powerful backgrounds. The price for renting these apartments, duplex's and mansions could easily be considered extravagant but in the end, what could they do? The owner of this academy was obviously someone who knew how to maximize profit and this intrigued Zero and the others.

A limo drove through the massive black gates of the mansion and quickly sped to the entrance of the mansion, only coming to a complete halt when they have reached the entrance. Right in front of the entrance were about seven maids, three females and four males, dressed in black and white maids attire. They were obviously hired recently and they were curious to see the descendants of the four wings of the liberation union with their very eyes.


A man with well-combed black hair, in a black tuxedo and black shades, walked out of the driver's seat of the limo and swiftly proceeded to open the passenger's seat. He had a stern look on his face as he gazed upon the maids, obviously warning them to keep a reasonable distance away from the young masters and even though they could not see a gun on him, they were pretty sure he had one hidden somewhere.

The maids were obviously terrified of this man and they instinctively took a step back.

"Alfred, be nice…" Dan laughed when he noticed that Alfred was intimidating these helpless people on purpose.

"You don't have to be afraid… Alfred is a three-star bodyguard of our Oscuro organization… He's also an orange belt martial art master and the chief of our security team here… As long as you don't have any ill intentions towards us, this young man right here will keep you safe…" Kira said with a smile on his face, dressed in his usual all red attire.

Akila and Zero were not really in the mood to talk to these maids so they just jumped down from the car and walked into the mansion directly. They had to check out the place which cost them close to half a million Lu.

To their surprise, the mansion was reasonably big, with a massive training yard, a large swimming pool, and about twelve bedrooms. The compound was filled with numerous sculptures of random animals, eye-catching gardens and lush green leaves everyone. This could be considered high quality and up to standard!

Their security team lead by a three-star bodyguard Alfred, who was stronger than a regular D rated guardian and even comparable to some low-level C rated guardians. The security team was made up of four two-star bodyguards, all yellow belt martial art disciples and over ten one-star bodyguards comparable to white belts. This could be considered as the most powerful defense team set for students in the outer campus.

It was already late, so Zero and the rest quickly had dinner after going through the facilities of their new, temporal home and then went straight to bed.


The next day, all freshers were gathered in an auditorium the size of a stadium. Seated in high places while they stared down at the three staffs at the center of the room with a massive crystal orb gently placed on a metallic platform.

Even though the auditorium was capable of housing over seven hundred people, there were only a hundred and thirty people dressed in the schools all black uniform, scattered all over the auditorium. The most eye-catching group were four youths, seated together. They seemed to be chatting merrily about something, while the red-haired kid seemed to be displeased about the uniform, constantly pulling it, as if he wanted to rip it off his body.

"What are you saying, Kira? These uniforms are splendid, which academy would let you wear black? It's so cool… even the school emblem is not too bad… their symbol is the raging flames… that should cheer you up" Dan laughed at Kira.

"What do you mean? You know I only wear red! And who the hell will use white when representing fire! These people must be retarded" Kira spoke with knitted eyebrows.

"Come on now, don't be like that" Akila tried hard to stop himself from laughing.

Each of them had different personalities. Dan was always mysterious and cruel, it is really difficult to know when he's happy or angry, he always covers up his true emotions with a vicious smile on his face, their parents called him a natural born killer. Kira was always cheerful and carefree about everything, even when faced with troubles, he always wears a charming smile on his face. Then Akila was the hot-headed on in the team, always quick to anger and the first to lash out and then there is Zero who is dispirited at all times. Almost nothing excites him and he looks bored all the time. The only characteristics which these four shares is the pride, arrogance, and ruthlessness which was inherited from their parents. They always knew when its time to be merciful, and when to swallow their sympathy and act ruthlessly.

"Never give an enemy a second chance… you may not be so lucky to survive the next assault" their parents always said to them

"Sssshhheeeeeesssssh! It's about to start!" Zero said with the same indifferent expression on his face.

His indifferent gaze was fixed on the three officials standing down there, beside the massive crystal orb.

"Welcome to the Liberation Union academy, where the strongest guardians in the Liberation union are made! This great institution over the years has produced the highest number of B to A rated guardians. Unfortunately, the only S rated guardians are those who survived the blood war era… the academy is yet to create its very own S rated guardians, but that is all about to end! Today we have the direct descendants of the four wings of the liberation union attending this academy… There is hope!" A woman spoke with so much passion, that even Zero and the others were quite confused.

Zero's eyes furrowed as he gazed at the cameramen coldly. He always hated it whenever he felt like he was being watched by people not present in the room. That's why he always felt annoyed whenever he spots hidden cameras in a room or even cameramen. Since these guys are legit newscasters he could only hold back his anger with clenched fists and wait for this ceremony to come to an end.

"I am sorry if I have neglected the other students present but I have been waiting for this day for a long while…. The world has been waiting for the day where they can witness the birth of a new set of S rated guardians and I'm very proud to be here today… Ehhhmmm… as we all know… The tool beside me is called the power grading crystal… It simply exposes a person's potential… that way we can separate those with higher potential from those with lesser potential… that's the A class and the B class respectively… Normally, these things are done without the presence of the media but they are here to witness the potential level of the descendants of the four wings of the liberation union, by the way, people their age, capable of taking down a yellow belt martial art disciple cannot be simple… Can the four of you come down to the stage?" The lady spoke with glittering eyes. Even her colleges were stunned by the sudden change in attitude. This lady is usually known for her cold and indifferent attitude, no one has ever been worth her attention amongst the student until today.

It was obvious she was excited about the possibility of gaining S rated guardians from the Liberation union. All her hopes were placed on the shoulders of these four kids.

"This is a bit troublesome" Zero said with knitted eyebrows. While he walked down the stairs with the others following tightly behind. He hated the fact that they suddenly became the center of attraction and every pair of eyes in the room was focused on them.

"Yooo! Old hag, can we leave this place as soon as we are done?" Kira said as he climbed up the stage with a frustrated expression on his face. Akila and Dan giggled at his words.

"If you get the expected result why not?" Surprisingly, the lady completely ignored the fact that she was called old and hag, replying with a charming smile.

Soon all four of them were standing on the stage, around the metallic platform with the crystal orb on it.

"The power grading crystal is set at different levels depending on the persons potential. brown means low potential, yellow means normal, green means above average, purple means high potential, red means legendary potential and white means godlike… the only ones known to have ever possessed white potential are the leaders of the god sect from the sovereign federation… the ones who we suspect killed your parents…" The lady took her time to explain.

"Is it possible for one to improve his or her potential as he grows… like a person's potential rising from brown to yellow?" Zero asked after a while.

"Yes… but it's quite rare for that to happen..." The woman said respectfully.

"Alright! Alright! Let's this get this over with!" Kira said impatiently.

He placed his hands and a fiery red aura diffused from his body, making those around feeling insecure. The orb trembled slightly before it let out a red glow.

"Legendary! As expected! If you are nurtured with enough resources, you will definitely make it to the S ratings!" The lady said with a wide smile on her face.

Akila was the second to go and he also achieved the same result. Dan was third and when he placed his hand on the crystal, his eyes let out a silver glow and the orb instantly turned white.


There was silence… total silence. Everyone looked at him as if he was a monster as he returned to Kira and Akila's side with a casual smile on his face as if nothing happened.

Zero was the last and he walked up to the orb casually and place his hand on it. Darkish purple light shone in his eyes and a strange aura diffused from his body. The orb shook violently and it let out a red glow.

"You dare!" Zero roared and the red color turned white!


This time it wasn't silence but an uproar. Did he just forcefully increase his potential with a roar?

Even the Lady was stunned by this! She hastily called for Zero who was walking away with the rest of the gang.

"Wait, Master Zero… Can you take the test again?" She asked with a trembling voice. This has never happened before, someone forcefully increasing his potential with sheer will and force.

You dare? That doesn't even make sense!

"Are you doubting my abilities?" Zero asked with furrowed eyebrows as if he was begging the lady to say yes.

"No… that's not what I meant…" The ladies voice trailed off

"Come on man, just take the test again so that we can leave" Kira begged.

Zero simply let out a sigh and went upstage again, placing his hand on the orb. The crystal orb trembled and shook before letting out a dazzling white glow!

"Satisfied now, or do you want me to take it again" Zero asked with a frown…

"No… not really, you may leave now" the lady stuttered slightly in confusion.

With a sigh, Zero left the auditorium with the rest of the team, leaving behind a room filled with dazed people!

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