
4- Sea court

Hassan climbed into his boat by the rope

Upon arrival he looked around, his crew looked at him with looks of respect, each one was young and healthy, all men by Hassan's choice, after all having the physical strength of men is better considering biology.

Elizabeth Swann came close, she watched her captain as Hassan looked at her

Hassan was happy because the system erased the love she felt for Turner, Hassan would feel like shit if he couldn't have this woman for him.

"captain, welcome" Elizabeth

"Thank you Miss Swann" Hassan

Bo'Sun and Marty also came close

Everyone was waiting for the orders

Hassan walked to the top of the ship, puffed out his chest and spoke aloud.

"from today we will be known as sea court pirates, our goal? to be the emperor of all the seas, no wealth will pass through the sea without first recognizing the status of the sea court, let all kingdoms and cities hate us, if you like it, let's grab something with our fists" Hassan

all of the crew listened carefully, none of them were good and upright people, even Elizabeth was a woman capable of betraying her country for her man, her death toll was no less than that of other pirates

"Miss Swann, from now on you are my quartermaster and second in command, in my absence you are the first word in the sea court" Hassan

Elizabeth smiled, she walked over and stood just below Hassan, she was in her prime

"Bo'sun, you are now the war master and second lieutenant, lead and train the battle force" Hassan

Bo'sun wasn't smiling, but his face conveyed the violence necessary for the office.

"Marty, you are the master gunner, responsible for the pearl's 32 guns" Hassan

"As for the rest, do not be sad that you have no other position than sailors, work and by my name I guarantee that everyone who is here in the future will have their own ships and will be part of the supreme fleet of the sea court" Hassan

His crew were young and ambitious by nature, no one wants to be a small seaman all their lives, when they heard Hassan they felt their bodies tremble with anticipation.

Hassan watched and saw that his cheap speech worked, years as heir he knows how to awaken the ambition of employees

"Raise the sails, ready the cannons for tonight we will make Lys tremble" Hassan

Hassan looked back and from afar he saw the glittering nightlife of Lys, its candles illuminating the city of pleasure.

Hassan loves and hates the city of Lys, he has lived in this city for years and he loves the happy city, full of seductive women of little virtue, the wealth, art and music.

However, he hates it because it is a city of nobles, impossible to rise to positions good enough to enjoy everything.

'I want the city of Lys to be mine, but to dominate a city I need an army, for now we will rob these idiots, but in the future... Lys is my private property, I swear' Hassan

Tonight, the sea court will make its name