
Chapter 1

Im sure you've heard of someone who goes by Caption Jack Sparrow, as amazing as the title sounds don't let that fool you. Well then if you finds this I'm either I died or dying. I'm writing this just in case you find this ship with no people ( which is most likely to happen) and father if you find this you can't punish me, I'll probably be died or missing.

It's been... never mind I lost count and I'm starting to regret my decision, turns out the pirate life is not for everyone especially if you're sea sick like me which don't blame me, I never knew. I can't even remember why I came onto this boat in the first place, I guess I just seeked adventure, and wanted to get out of that godforsaken place.

And I still feel horrible for leaving James alone, my best and only friend and which I still owe him for the sword fighting lessons but if (not will, IF) I get home ill make it up to him. Eventually.