
Pirate Love Festival (Luffy X Hancock FanFic)

The third instalment of the Luffy x Hancock series Trilogy. Set in the Movie Stampede, Hancock is invited to the Pirate Festival along with other famous pirates. She attends for one reason only, to see her beloved. Follow her POV of the events that happened at the Pirate Fes, and see how she and Luffy spent their time together after their confession months before.

KodyakCombs · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs


The battle against a former member of the Pirate King's crew and the man dubbed the Demon's Heir, had come to an end. Monkey D Luffy with the help of his brother Sabo, Vice Admiral Smoker, former and current warlords, Crocodile, Trafalgar Law, Buggy, Boa Hancock, and his crew mate Usopp, took down the powerful Douglas Bullet just in time to prevent a Buster Call. 


"The navy is coming! Let's hurry up and get out of here!" 


A pirate shouted. A battle between pirates and the marines was underway on the shores of the island. Fleets of Navy Warships were quickly approaching the island. On the ships were Navy Admirals Kizaru and Fuijitora along with several Vice Admirals. There was chaos as the pirates tried to break out of the Marines' trap. 


"Don't let them escape! Capture them all!" 


The marines roared as they clashed with pirates with overwhelming ferocity. 


"Move, move, move!" 


Hancock swept through the battlefield with swift kicks creating a path for the battered Luffy who was carrying Usopp. 




Chopper and Robin appeared on the shores pointing towards the sea. 


"Everyone else on the ship! Let's go!" 




Luffy nodded and started to run. He looked to the side and saw Hancock waving at him. She dug into her dress and threw him something. He caught it with a surprised expression. She smiled and ran in the opposite direction. 


"Snake Princess, over here!" 


Elder Nyon called out to Hancock while on the Perfume Yuda. Hancock jumped and leapt across the beach to land on her ship. She looked back to see Luffy successfully boarding his ship. 


"I'm glad." 


She whispered. 


"Sister, we have trouble!" 


Hancock's attention was drawn by Sonia's call. She turned her head to see the navy ships gathering together to set up a formation to engage and trap the ships. 


"Damn it! Girls, get ready to engage the navy!" 




Elder Nyon shouted over Hancock. 


"Listen, Snake Princess! We can't fight the Marines for Luffy, at least not yet! We're not prepared to become an enemy of the World Government!" 


"I don't care about any of that! I just want—" 


"What kind of wife doesn't believe in her husband?!" 


Elder Nyon's shout caused Hancock to flinch. 


"Luffy and his crew are strong!" 


That was all Elder Nyon said. She wore a stern expression as she stared down Hancock. For some reason, Hancock felt like she was seeing Gloriosa's younger self even though she was back to normal. She bit her lips in frustration. 


"Girls, back down and let Luffy and his crew handle it." 


"Yes Ma'am!" 


Hancock watched as the Thousand Sunny approached the marine ships, that were about to finish setting up their entrapment. 




She muttered softly with worry staining her face. 


"Fire Fist!" 


A familiar shout reached her ears. A bright light illuminated the seas. Flames danced through the air blocking the navy ships from completing their entrapment. Hancock looked around and found walls of flames on both sides. She was on a fiery road on the ocean. 


"This is Luffy's brother." 


She turned her head and saw the flag of the Revolutionary Army flying on a ship. She spotted Sabo and the other Revolutionary big shots beyond the flames. He was waving at Luffy's ship with a smile on his face. As if sensing a gaze, he turned his head towards her direction. His smile didn't fade and only grew brighter. He waved at her as well. 


"Huh? Why is he waving at us?" 


"Oh, yeah. We met him earlier. He knows about you and Luffy's relationship." 


"He does?!" 


She lifted Elder Nyon off the ground. 


"What did he say?! Does he approve of our relationship?!" 


Hancock frantically asked. 


(I can understand her desperation. Sabo is a member of the Revolutionary Army, a major enemy of the World Government she works for. There's a huge chance he, and by extension Luffy's father, might object to their relationship.) 


Elder Nyon sighed while dangling in the air. 


(To be honest, even if they disapproved I don't think Luffy would care. However, Hancock being Hancock doesn't want to cause him any trouble. She desperately wants Luffy's loved ones to accept them.) 


Elder Nyon smiled. 


"Don't worry. He accepts your relationship. Not only that, it seems he's actively cheering you on. So you can relax." 


"I see." 


Hancock sighed in relief and put Elder Nyon back down. 


"More importantly, your brother-in-law created a path for everybody to use. Aren't you going to use it?" 


"That's right." 


Hancock pointed in front. 


"Everyone, follow Luffy!" 


"Yes, Snake Princess!" 


The Perfume Yuda sailed down the flaming path Sabo created along with dozens of other pirate crews, with the Strawhat Pirates leading the way. When they reached the end of the path, the pirates scattered to go their separate ways. Sabo laughed as he watched the ships get away. 


"I wonder when the wedding will be?" 


He mumbled as he followed the Kuja ship with his eyes. He turned around and faced his comrades. 


"Alright, guys. Let's get out of here." 




Meanwhile on the Thousand Sunny, the crew was celebrating defeating Douglas Bullet and escaping the navy. 


"It was just me and Bullet, everybody else was on their knees in despair, but not me! I looked that demon in the eye and took him head on!" 


"Really, Usopp?!" 


"Yup. You see, Chopper, a God fears no devil." 


"That's so cool! God Usopp! God Usopp!" 


The crew watched on as Chopper treated Usopp who was giving his own retelling of the battle. 


"Hm? Where's Luffy?" 


Nami asked after noticing the one who also needed treatment was nowhere to be found. 


"I'm up here, Nami!" 


Following Luffy's voice, Nami looked up at the Bird's Nest. There she saw Luffy waving at her. 


"Luffy, why are you up there? Get down and let Chopper treat you!" 


"I'll be fine with some sleep!" 


"Like hell you will! Get down here now!" 


"....I'll be down in a minute!" 






Robin called out to Nami who looked like she was on the verge of exploding. 


"I think it's better to leave him alone for a bit." 




"I don't the reason, but it seems like Luffy wants some privacy but is trying to be sneaky about it. However, Luffy being Luffy is really bad at being covert, so this is the result." 


"He does seem suspicious." 


Nami started to calm down. Robin looked up at the Bird's Nest. 


"Luffy, be sure to have a check up and get treated by Chopper later, Okay?!" 


"I will!" 


Luffy answered with a thumbs up. 


"Fine, let's him leave be." 


Nami and Robin went to do their own thing. Meanwhile, Luffy was sitting in the Bird's Nest holding something in his hands. He remembered when Hancock threw something at him before they parted ways. He was now looking at the Transponder Snail she gave him. 


"Brrr! Brrr!" 


The snail started ringing. Luffy hurriedly answered it. 




"Thank god you picked up." 


Hancock's voice came from the snail. 


"Is your body okay? How are your injuries?" 



The worry was apparent in her voice. 


"Yeah, I'm tough. How about you guys? Did you make it out safe?" 


"We did. Thanks for worrying about us." 


"Of course I would. I care so much about you." 


Meanwhile on Hancock's ship, she was at the rear of her ship by herself leaning against a rail. 


"I'm glad to hear you say that." 


Her lovestruck expression gave her the appearance of a celestial maiden. 


"Luffy....I miss you already. I don't think there will ever be a day when I won't miss you." 


"I miss you too, Hancock." 


Luffy placed his hand over his chest and closed his eyes. 


"My heart is only so calm when I hear your voice." 


He slowly opened them. 


"My crew is fun to be around and they make me happy, but you're different." 


A smile crawled on his face. 


"You are my peace, Hancock. Whenever I think of home, I think of you." 


Hancock's face became hot and red, and her hands trembled as she held the snail. 


"Thank you, Luffy." 


Tears started flowing from her eyes. 


"Thank you for making me feel loved." 


She wiped the tears from her eyes. 


"No matter how long it takes or the hardships we must face, I promise you that I will create a place that you can always come home to." 


Luffy leaned his back on the wood while sitting in the Bird's Nest. 


"I would love that, Hancock. I really would." 


Hancock smiled and looked in the direction the Thousand Sunny sailed in. She could only see the broad open sea, but the face of her beloved was clear. She could tell where he was by following her heart. Their connection was no longer limited to the physical; their hearts were now one, beating together. They were connected through the red strings of fate and nothing could tear them apart. 


"We should be out of range soon....The call is going to cut." 


"...I see." 


Before he knew it, a frown stained Luffy's face. However, that frown left as quickly as it came. 


"This isn't goodbye. We'll meet again." 


Hancock nodded. 


"Take care, Luffy." 


She smiled. 


"I love you." 


Hancock's smiling face flashed in Luffy's mind. 


"Hancock, I also—" 


"Bzz! Bzz!" 


A dial tone came from the snail. The two of them were out of range. Even so, Hancock wore a smile on her face. 


"I know." 


She put away the snail with a huge smile. 


"I know, Luffy." 


She walked away from the rear and headed to the deck. Meanwhile, Luffy looked at the snail with a smile. He put it away and stood up. He looked towards the east. He didn't see which direction she went, and he didn't need to. He faced the east and lifted his hands in the air. 


"I'm Monkey D Luffy and I'm the man who will become King of the Pirates!" 


He shouted to the heavens as if declaring his intentions to the gods. 


"Looks like he's in good spirits." 


Robin chuckled a bit while Nami just shook her head. Luffy burst out laughing as he stared into the horizon. 


"Wait for me, Hancock. Once I've done everything I need to, I will tell you how I really feel." 


Meanwhile, Hancock reached the deck of her ship and instantly drew everyone's attention. 


"Kuja Pirates..." 


Her smile was pure as snow, yet its warmth could melt any cold heart and rid of any darkness. This was the most beautiful woman in the world; but more importantly, this was the future wife of the next King of the Pirates. This was Boa Hancock. 


"Girls, let's go home." 









Thank you for reading. This is the last installment of this series at least for a while. As of now, I will be focused on writing original stories and posting them here. Please support those as well

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