
Pirate: I’ve Loaded the Game Interface

海贼:我加载了游戏面板 ||| 八挂海 Carrying a system interface, descending into the world of One Piece. If it weren’t for the system reminding that the game’s public beta would begin in three years, Adrian would have thought this was just another standalone transmigration story! In the Sea Round calendar year 1498, Pirate King Gol D. Roger bid farewell to this world, ushering in the Great Age of Pirate, along with the legendary Fourth Calamity... Hey, wait a minute, why don’t these players know anything about the plot?

Sigmarc · Anime & Comics
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222 Chs

Chapter 37: Capone Mafia

In this vast sea where the ability to fly is extremely rare, people instinctively overlook actions taking place in the sky.

With the help of the Ghost Fruit, Adrian silently took the two women, Mrs. Penelope and her daughter, from the two-story building hidden in the center of the island. Not a single member of the gang guarding outside the door was alerted during the process.

After settling the two women at a safe point previously discovered by the Mini Ghost, Adrian discreetly arranged Mini Ghosts in the vicinity for reconnaissance and security. Only then did he leave with confidence.

At this moment, a panel message suddenly flashed.

[You have triggered a B-level random mission [Capone Mafia]!]

[Mission Overview: Capone Bell effortlessly controls the underground society of Otefi Island, dominating one-fifth of the West Blue. This Capone Mafia's current head, Capone Bell, likes to wear silk shirts, expensive custom suits, and diamond belt buckles. He also enjoys establishing his terrifying reputation through the use of human blood.

Recently, Capone Bell has set his sights on an unknown warrior who stole his precious Devil Fruit. It's time for you to make your choice!]

[Mission Reminder: If history has taught us anything, if the sea has taught us anything, it is that we can kill anyone.]

[Mission Requirements: Unknown]

[Mission Rewards: Unknown]

Adrian accepted the mission, whispering to himself, "B-level difficulty? Indeed, there's strength in numbers, the gangsters of the West Blue…

"But unknown mission requirements and rewards? That's a first."

"However, the mission prompt is already clear; Capone Mafia has targeted me, little do they know, I happen to be ready to use their reputation as my stepping stone!"

"Always, there are annoying little bugs buzzing in my ears. Even if they don't cause any major trouble, they can really ruin one's mood!"

Entering the ghostly state, Adrian soared into the air, instantly disappearing from view.

About fifteen minutes later.

Otefi Island. South Street, Hard Shell Bar.

This was a rough-looking black-bricked bar. Through the hazy windows, one could vaguely sense the lively atmosphere inside the bar.

Even in the morning, there were still many drinkers inside the Hard Shell Bar, reveling in the moment.

Well, what can you do? This was the headquarters of the "Capone Gang," the true core of Otefi Island.

Adrian appeared indifferent, ignoring the two addicts "smoking" in the corner near the door. He pushed the door open and walked into the bar.

What met his eyes was a very lively scene - smokers, gamblers playing cards, and drinkers blowing bottles...

In the center of the bar, on a suspended platform, there was a huge black sofa. A tall and mighty middle-aged man with a cigar in his mouth, short, stiff black beard on his chin, was smiling as he looked at the environment inside the bar, like a king inspecting his kingdom from on high.

On the sofa next to the middle-aged man in a suit, there sat an unimpressive, chubby man. He wore a similarly tight black pinstripe suit that seemed like it would burst open at any moment.

The two were none other than the current boss of the Capone Gang, Capone Bell, and his son Capone Bege!

Adrian's mouth curled slightly, "It's really effortless. Now, there's no need to spend time searching the entire island for people!"

The bartender behind the counter was a tall, thin, bald man with a gentle smile on his face: "Is this your first time at this bar? Bar rules, any newcomer can get a free glass of rum."

The tall, thin bartender pulled out a bottle of liquor from under the counter and uncorked it.

Glug, glug —

The dim yellow liquid slowly filled the glass, and a faint aroma of alcohol wafted through the air.

Adrian took the glass, held it in his hand, and played with it, looking inexplicably serious. "I heard a saying somewhere that what's free is the most expensive. I wonder what kind of steep price I'll have to pay for this free rum."

The tall, thin bartender's expression changed slightly, and he reluctantly said, "Guest, you're joking. It's just a rule—"

"This is your mafia's rule, not the rule of the sea."

"Guest, you—"

The tall, thin bartender's eyes flickered, but he had somehow drawn a flintlock pistol, grinning as he released the safety, pulled the trigger, and the brass bullet accurately hit Adrian's forehead.

"Go to hell!"

Only after the gunshot did the tall, thin bartender finish his next sentence.

However, in the next moment, the tall, thin bartender's triumphant expression abruptly stopped.

Because he watched, wide-eyed, as the bullet pierced through Adrian's head, yet saw no crimson blood or delicate brain matter. The bullet seemed to have just passed through the air, and nothing happened.

"Father(Godfather)! Devil Fruit user!"

The tall, thin bartender shouted, instantly bending down to hide behind the bar.

Adrian casually took out a handkerchief, as if disgusted, and wiped his left hand that had held the glass just now.

"'Scarface' Capone Bell, 'Evil Bandit' Capone Bege, nice to meet you. I have to say, the impression your Capone Mafia gives people is really quite bad."

Only the wrong name, no mistaken nickname.

"Scarface" Capone Bell, tall and robust, was particularly skilled in close combat, rumored to have earned his nickname due to a facial scar inflicted by an opponent in his youth.

"Evil Bandit" Capone Bege, with an unpredictable personality, displayed a brutal side in both dealings with people and situations. Even loyal subordinates who dared to disobey even a minor order were ruthlessly killed.

Of course, Adrian knew more detailed information about the latter.

Capone "Gang" Bege, over twenty years later, would become one of the "Worst Generation's" eleven Supernovas in that era of complete turmoil, with a bounty exceeding 300 million berries. He was also a Devil Fruit user who had consumed the "Castle-Castle Fruit"!

Adrian's words received no response.

From the elevated central platform, a fierce onslaught of bullets and shells directly enveloped his position, obliterating everything near the bar into fragments.

The tall and thin bartender who had just launched the first attack on Adrian was instantly turned into a blood mist, dying on the spot.

Adrian frowned, "Although he's an enemy, isn't this a bit too ruthless? Ignoring the lives of your own people?"

"Stop pretending, brat!" Looking at Adrian, who showed no sign of injury, Capone Bell took a deep drag from his cigar, his expression cold. "Since you dared to come alone to Otefi Island today, be prepared to face the fate of death! I'll carve your name into your skull and then feed it to the sharks in the back bay!"

"Everyone, open fire!"

Capone Bege's reaction was swift. He spread open his right palm, and in the center of his palm, a miniature gate slowly appeared.

Several shrunken black-clothed strongmen stood at the entrance of the miniature gate, most of them holding cannons on their shoulders.

Upon hearing Bege's command, gang members instantly grimaced and pressed the triggers. A large number of shells were fired in Adrian's direction.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The intense artillery fire covered every inch of the Hard Shell Bar.