
Pirate: I’ve Loaded the Game Interface

海贼:我加载了游戏面板 ||| 八挂海 Carrying a system interface, descending into the world of One Piece. If it weren’t for the system reminding that the game’s public beta would begin in three years, Adrian would have thought this was just another standalone transmigration story! In the Sea Round calendar year 1498, Pirate King Gol D. Roger bid farewell to this world, ushering in the Great Age of Pirate, along with the legendary Fourth Calamity... Hey, wait a minute, why don’t these players know anything about the plot?

Sigmarc · Anime & Comics
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217 Chs

Chapter 24: Arrival at the Kano Country


Since receiving the official announcement of the start of the beta testing from the system panel, Adrian began to consider how to interact with these players.

Fortunately, along with the beta launch, there was also the "Player Forum"!

Unfortunately, after some observation on the game forum, Adrian found that although there were quite a few players arriving in the West Blue, there was not a single soul on Ohara Island. It was indeed a regrettable situation.

He was hoping for some easy targets… hoping for players to come knocking on his door!

With nothing else to do, Adrian continued to browse the forum.

"Hey, everyone, take a look, I found a big treasure by the seaside again!" This was someone who went to collect treasures after entering the game.

"Envious! Am I the only one in the whole world without beta access?" This was an envious bystander.

"People in this world are all so tall, and I, who am only 1.9 meters, feel out of place." This was a person with a complex personality.

"Question: Has anyone encountered pirates?"

The contents on the gaming forum were diverse. Apart from players already in the game's closed beta, there was a large group of idle onlookers posting. Adrian spent quite a bit of effort before finding a somewhat valuable post.

Clicking on the last post.

"Didn't the game company's announcement post a wanted poster for One Piece? How come I've played for a whole day and haven't seen a single pirate? I don't know if others are in the same situation. PS: I'm in the East Blue."

Replies varied:

"Show-off! Go to hell!"

"I haven't seen any pirates either, maybe it's because I've been active on land…"

"Or maybe it's because you haven't entered the game at all (laughs)."

"Thanks for the invite, I'm in the North Blue, just entered the game…"

After flipping through several pages, Adrian finally found a valuable post, with the ID of the original poster being '明明白白' (Plain).

It's well-known that the 'One Piece' game has consistently captured gamers' attention as the world's first Full Drive VR game for an immersive experience.

Unfortunately, leaked game content is scarce, intensifying the itch for more.

From the company's official website, it seems the 'One Piece' world mostly comprises oceans, with islands and a Red Line as primary human activity areas

Currently, we only know a few details (including a small amount of irresponsible personal speculation):

1: The Red-Earth Continent (Red Line) and the Grand Line divide the entire world into seven major region, including the Four Blues in the southeast, northwest, and the front and back halves of the Grand Line.

2: The major forces within the game can roughly be divided into the World Government, the Navy, Independent Kingdoms, and Pirates.

3: Gol D. Roger, the Pirate King, has already reached the pinnacle with a bounty of 5.5 billion Berries. Without any surprises, as the Pirate King, he will declare war against the World Government, representing order and rule. This is likely the main plot of our game.

4: The name of the 1.0 version game is 'The Grand Opening of the Great Voyage Era,' signaling the rise of the Pirate King, attracting a large number of onlookers to the sea, becoming pirates. The game 'opens,' naturally, then there will be 'process' and 'story climax', then finally to 'closing' and 'ending.' I believe this will be a quite lengthy story.

5: Judging solely from the game's name, 'One Piece,' it's clear that the game company supports Gol D. Roger. I bet Roger will defeat the World Government and have the last laugh!"

Seemingly logical and clear, Adrian could only draw one conclusion: This big brother named "Plain" probably hasn't read the manga, let alone watched the anime!

The most questionable points among his summaries are the third and fifth ones.

Don't talk about declaring war on the World Government, after becoming the Pirate King, Roger disbanded the pirate group right on the spot, and then went to the South Blue to play and have a son, okay?

Additionally, Roger, who is terminally ill and not long for this world, will surrender to the Navy next year, undergo execution in Loguetown. How can he still have the last laugh?

Surprisingly, there was no rebuttal, only agreement and worship for the "great god."

"Could it be that players don't know the plot?" Adrian wondered with some confusion. "If that's the case, the maneuvering space is much larger..."

Closing the post, Adrian looked at the chaotic game forum. Using the ID [ChatterboxSea], he posted a new thread for novices but received no replies, sinking like a stone in the ocean.

"Speaking of which, will the forum environment improve when the game enters open beta?" he couldn't help but feel a headache. "The current situation hampers getting useful information."

After browsing the forum, Adrian found another piece of useful information: there are four main gathering points for closed beta players in the West Blue, with the closest being the Kano Country, only a five-day journey from Ohara

If he flew over in ghost form, the speed would be even faster.

The closed beta period would last for 15 days, and it would take five days to sail there, just enough time for those closed beta players to familiarize themselves with the game environment and accumulate more experience.

Five days later, Adrian piloted the homemade speedboat and could already see the massive port of the Kano Country.

"Kano Country, here I come…"

Looking at the vessels shuttling back and forth like a school of fish not far away, Adrian silently prayed in his heart.

For him, the Kano Country was one of the few high-risk islands in the West Blue, because most of the Senior Officers of the Happo Navy in the Kano Country wielded the power of "Haki." The Armament Haki of Chinjao, the 12th leader of the Happo Navy, could even briefly contend with the hero of the Navy, Garp, back in the day.

This was an extremely rare situation within the Four Seas!

Generally speaking, most notorious pirates, who made a name for themselves in the Four Blues would almost without exception head to the Grand Line to vie with strong opponents from around the world.

In other words, almost all the world's top experts gathered within the Grand Line.

And Chinjao was one of the very few "legendary-class pirates" with a bounty exceeding 100 Million Berries in the Four Blues, a staggering bounty of 500 million Berries!

Even in the New World, the latter part of the Grand Line where powerful figures emerged, Chinjao of that time could be considered a first-rate expert!

According to Adrian's knowledge, five years ago, Garp trained specifically to defeat Chinjao, using mountains instead of sandbags, and forcibly flattened eight mountains!

This was the same Garp who teamed up with Roger thirteen years ago to defeat the once unrivaled Rocks Pirates!

Although, Chinjao's skull got flattened by a punch...

But, Garp attaching so much importance to Chinjao's unique "conical head" to a certain extent represented his recognition of Chinjao's proficiency in Armament Haki.

"Armament Haki..."

A trace of longing flashed in Adrian's eyes. The [Ghostly Body] that had reached its maximum level allowed him to ignore the attacks of most people in the world, but Haki was still one of the few forces that could harm him.

"Forget it, this time I'm just here to quietly test the players' situation, not to provoke the Happo Navy." Adrian pressed down his thoughts, "As for Haki and such, let's consider it later."