
Pirate: I’ve Loaded the Game Interface

海贼:我加载了游戏面板 ||| 八挂海 Carrying a system interface, descending into the world of One Piece. If it weren’t for the system reminding that the game’s public beta would begin in three years, Adrian would have thought this was just another standalone transmigration story! In the Sea Round calendar year 1498, Pirate King Gol D. Roger bid farewell to this world, ushering in the Great Age of Pirate, along with the legendary Fourth Calamity... Hey, wait a minute, why don’t these players know anything about the plot?

Sigmarc · Anime & Comics
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228 Chs

Chapter 206: Return to the West Blue

"The Ohara Archaeological Expedition team was wiped out? All archaeologists on board dead?"

Reading the newspaper headline and examining the accompanying image of a medium-sized three-masted ship engulfed in flames, Adrian couldn't help but frown slightly.

How many archaeologists were there in the Ohara Archaeological Expedition?

Who would actually remember such details?!

However, Adrian was certain of one thing.

If the "butterfly wings" of his existence hadn't flapped or affected the Ohara Expedition...

Then at the very least, 'Nico Olvia' would have survived this disaster.

From a personal perspective, Adrian didn't like 'Nico Olvia'.

To fulfill her late husband's wish and pursue her own archaeological interests, Nico Olvia left her two-year-old daughter Robin in Ohara and set sail with the expedition to find the legendary historical texts.

{Isn't this the story of every pirate parent ever!?}

To be frank, Nico Olvia might be considered a strong-willed woman, but by Adrian's standards, she wasn't a qualified mother.

But regardless of his impression of Nico Olvia, after the archaeological expedition's wipeout, Adrian had to face another problem.

That was the impending Buster Call to destroy Ohara and the Tree of Knowledge!

"Buster Call, one of the most terrifying military attack on this sea..."

"Authorized by the World Government, the Navy Headquarters forms a fleet to carry out indiscriminate and destructive attacks on the signaled area, to completely eradicate any threat to the World Government's rule."

"The minimum deployment includes ten naval warships, five elite Vice Admirals, ten Rear Admirals, and over ten thousand elite naval soldiers."

No matter how rotten the World Government was, or how tyrannical the Celestial Dragons were, at least the World Government played a significant role in maintaining the stability of the sea's order!

Though a large part of the chaos in the sea was due to their very fucking existence…

But as the de facto rulers of the sea, to maintain their control, deploying armed forces to obliterate regions attempting to uncover the forbidden Void Century is justifiable, right?

From the World Government's perspective, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it!

From a governance standpoint, the World Government wasn't wrong in this instance!

If Adrian were a native of the sea and under the World Government's command, he wouldn't find any issue with the Navy Headquarters carrying out the Buster Call!

But as the saying goes, "Where you stand depends on where you sit!"

Given his connection to Ohara and his view of the World Government, Adrian decided he wouldn't miss the chance to get involved in this Ohara Buster Call event!

Moreover, Adrian himself was a notorious pirate with a bounty exceeding 600 million Berries.

His mission panel still had tasks like [The God's Slumber] and [The Throne of the World], which destined him to oppose the World Government!

Therefore, the knowledge and history contained within the Tree of Knowledge were things Adrian could not afford to part.

But how could he ensure Ohara survived this disaster?

While his mind raced with thoughts, Adrian didn't forget to remind, "Rumi, put the Abyss and Love into your castle body."

"Adrian-sama, are you going to fight again?"

"It's not about fighting; we're going back."

Adrian snapped out of his thoughts and patted the little fox's head.

"We need to temporarily leave the Grand Line and return to Ohara in the West Blue."

"Is Ohara Adrian-sama's hometown? Like my Mokomo Dukedom?" Love asked curiously.

"Hometown?" Adrian laughed wryly. "A drifter on the sea is like a bird without feet; they have no hometown..."

Love nodded, still somewhat confused, not quite understanding Adrian's sentiment.

At this moment, Rumi said, "Oh my, but Adrian, I can navigate the Abyss to Ohara!"

"Sorry, Rumi, this matter is too urgent. I need to fly back to the West Blue as quickly as possible."

Adrian explained.

If he remembered correctly, even though Nico Olvia had narrowly survived, by the time she and the Marine Headquarters Giant Vice Admiral 'Jaguar D. Saul' returned to Ohara, the World Government and Navy Headquarters' Buster Call had already commenced.

If Rumi continued to navigate the Abyss to the West Blue, the time consumed during the journey might be the lifeline for Ohara Island.

"Oh, okay."

Rumi responded dejectedly.

Being a ship spirit and disliked for slow sailing speed was just too...

Seeing this, Adrian comforted, "Don't be discouraged, Rumi. Your abilities are not limited to navigating the Abyss at sea!"

He emphasized seriously, "When we return to Ohara, I have several very, very, very important tasks for you!"

"Really?" Rumi's head shot up, excitedly. "Oh my! Can I continue to help you, Adrian?!"

Adrian smiled slightly. "Of course, Rumi. Your role is incredibly important!"

Love raised her arm and shouted crisply, "Adrian-sama! I want to help too!"

"Then, little fox, you can start by preparing lunch for us!"


As dawn broke, the sea shimmered.

In the still dim sky, a nearly imperceptible white figure flashed by quickly.

Utilizing the terrifying abilities of his ghostly form, Adrian flew from the first half of the Grand Line back to Ohara's Tree of Knowledge in the West Blue in just a few days.


Since the execution at Loguetown, over a year had passed.

After more than a year, Adrian finally returned to the familiar land of Ohara.

The lush, towering Tree of Knowledge looked especially familiar at this moment.

Returning to Ohara this time, Adrian didn't disturb anyone.

After landing from the sky, he quickly made his way towards the Tree of Knowledge library, moving so fast he almost seemed like a blur.

A moment later.

In the director's office of the Tree of Knowledge library.

"Adrian? When did you get back?"

Dr. Clover, the director, looked at Adrian in surprise.

"Just today." Adrian took out a newspaper from a few days ago. "Dr. Clover, did you read this news from a few days ago?"

Dr. Clover fell silent, slowly stroking a tuft of his beard. "…Are you talking about Olvia?"

"Yes, but not just that."

Adrian said calmly and seriously.

"From what I know, the World Government and Navy Headquarters have learned about Ohara's research on the [Void Century]."

"The World Government's attitude towards anyone attempting to study the forbidden history is clear."

"Buster Call."