

The pack of monsters kept attacking daily, but Jason was living the dream. Piper was back, apparently with Luke, but Jason knew his time would come. One morning the daily horn sounded. He seriously thought the satyrs should stop blowing the horn, everyone knows that the monsters attacked every morning. Quickly strapping on his battle armor, he grabbed his gladius and raced into the woods. The battle was nearly over with the demigods yawning and jabbing at monsters half-heartedly. Jason quickly finished it off and turned to see Piper and Luke fighting side by side destroying half the monster army. Jason felt a pang of jealousy, but quickly shook it away. He needed to focus on battle, not how beautiful Piper looked; although she looked really nice. A few minutes later Percy stumbled into the woods rubbing his eyes. Ok, maybe we really needed the horn. Annabeth stood at his side slaying monsters every chance she got. Jason jumped up, letting the air whisk him away. Farther down, the giants had stopped coming, so he shouted a word. "Pull back!" The monsters thought he was talking to them, so they laughed and thumped back home.

"Man, why'd you have to do that? I didn't even get to stick Riptide in one monster gut yet!" Percy shouted, fully awake now.

"That's 'cause you were sleepwalking seaweed brain." Annabeth snapped back. Percy grinned like an idiot and pulled her into a kiss. Jason mumbled about leaving and flew off as fast as he could. He found Piper and Luke chatting outside the Chaos cabin. He walked up to them. "Hey."

Piper tensed and Luke protectively put his hands on her shoulders. "What do you want Jason?" she asked, trying not to meet his eyes.

He shoved his hands in his pockets, "I was just wondering if you were free tonight."

Piper's eyes filled with anger, "Jason Grace," she practically shouted, "Do I have to remind you everyday that I refuse for a reason! A FLIPPIN REASON." with that she stomped away, Luke hurrying after her.

Jason understood her anger. Quietly walking over to Percy and Annabeth he asked them what he should do. "She still loves you, but as a friend." Annabeth commented after Jason told his story, her eyes full of sympathy. While they were talking, Percy played around with Riptide nearly impaling a dryad that was close by. "Yeah, you just gotta do something that makes you both leave the friend zone." Jason nodded and walked off into the woods. There he saw a dark hooded figure, it spoke. "Jason Grace, I am Lord Chaos. Would you like to join me for a walk?"

Jason knew he shouldn't, but he did instead. Walking besides Lord Chaos made him feel closer to Piper, and why she was refusing his offers. "I've heard about Piper." Chaos said. Jason could feel his cheeks getting hot, and was thankful for the darkness and gloom of the woods. "She's a tough girl that's been through a lot." Chaos continued. He nodded, not trusting himself to speak. "Luke is also a good man, you should trust him with Piper." Jason sighed, still not saying a word. "Focus on the monsters first, oh, and when you are finished dealing with them I will have my warriors back." "Why?" Jason asked dumbly, but the Lord of Chaos was gone.

On the way back he saw Luke and Piper having a picnic by the lake. Biting down his urge to strangle Luke, he headed back to camp. Nico was introducing Bianca to Will. He kept shoving his hands in his pockets as he spoke. Bianca was a good listener, and played with an skull ring identical to Nico's. Percy and Annabeth were climbing the lava wall, trying to avoid the lava. Just a normal day at camp, thought Jason. Oh boy was he wrong.

Piper's POV

Jason had the nerve to ask her out? Ugh. Though at the back of her mind she wanted to squeal and jump around. He still cared about her! She pushed the thought out of the way, Piper needed to enjoy the picnic Luke had set up. He was a kind boy, didn't have any other love interests. She rolled her eyes as she thought of her mom playing around with everyone's feelings. She snapped out of her thoughts when she noticed Luke leaning closer. She smiled and kissed him, full on the lips. When they broke apart, he was grinning like crazy. Piper's mouth tugged upwards as well.

"Well well well," spoke an unknown voice, "Looks like we'll be killing two lovebirds then." Luke pulled out Backbiter and crept forward. Piper had her dagger out too. Before they could attack, hands wrapped around her head, and Piper fell unconscious.